Take Pete Along

Take Pete Along

Pete the Penguin has been a busy world traveler…

Lisa Farrall, 1976, took Pete to explore Dingle Bay in Ireland, before returning home to Melbourne Beach, Fla.
The alumni trio of Dan Fusselman, 1987, Sue Fusselman, 1978, and Matt Leson, 1983, took Pete on a Mediterranean cruise, which included a visit to the Acropolis in Athens, Greece.
Susan, 1975, and Anthony DeNoi, 1974, of North Canton, took Pete south to visit some penguin relatives in the Galapagos Islands, off the coast of Ecuador.
Pete’s trip around the globe went through Egypt and Israel with Gary Reel, 1969 and 1973, and his wife, Sandie. The Reels gave Pete a view of the Giza pyramids (and plenty of water!).

Email “Take Pete” photos with your name, city of residence, graduation year and trip details to universitymagazine@ysu.edu.