YSU is committed to the highest standards of ethics, integrity, and fiscal responsibility.
If an employee becomes aware of conduct that is not consistent with these standards, he or she is encouraged to communicate the concern. When employees communicate concerns, it enables the University to take actions to stay true to its commitment.
Employees should first discuss concerns with their supervisors or the appropriate University official if possible. If this is not a viable option or an employee believes his or her concerns have not been addressed after they were discussed, a report may be made to Internal Audit.
Reports may be made to Internal Audit concerning fraud, fiscal abuse, or persistent and/or pervasive noncompliance with University policies and procedures.*
Internal Audit will make inquiries and gather evidence necessary to validate the concern and to determine the nature of the issue. Ultimately, Internal Audit will recommend measures to improve the situation and prevent it from recurring.
- Contact Internal Audit:
Concerns may be reported directly to the Office of Internal Audit:
Phone: (330) 941-1425
Email: mmdilullo@ysu.edu
- YSU’s Anonymous Ethics Reporting Hotline:
Concerns may also be made anonymously through the University’s reporting hotline.
The hotline is operated by an independent company. It provides a formal mechanism to communicate concerns 24/7 with the option to remain anonymous.
Please visit the hotline website for more information.
Please note that the above reporting methods are in addition to and do not replace other available reporting methods, such as the Ohio Auditor of State fraud hotline.
University policy prohibits Retaliation against someone for reporting a concern or participating in an inquiry. No person shall be penalized for good faith reporting of concerns.
* The following should not be reported to Internal Audit:
- Employee complaints or grievances
- Student behavior or conduct issues
- Title IX complaints
- Emergencies