Man of the Year Award Application

Fraternity “Man of the Year” Award: recognizes the premiere male leader within the Greek community at Youngstown State University.  Demonstrated academic and peer leadership, within the Greek, campus, and surrounding communities will be considered.  Answer the following questions with the intent that the judges will consider the growth, connection to chapter values, accomplishments, and personal and professional development over the past year.

• Applicant must have been in good standing (academic and conduct) with their chapter and Youngstown State University
• Applicant must be an active member of an Interfraternity Council Chapter
• Applicant must have been enrolled at YSU as a full time student during spring 2022 and fall 2022 semesters

• Has held and active role in their organization and/or Interfraternity Council and/or Order of Omega
• Exhibit participation in both community and University events
• Scholastic Achievement
• Extracurricular Activities
• Reference(s) from a fraternity advisor or other alumni that would could comment on your experience (minimum one, maximum three) - Please email the following Reference Form to your references.