What is Academic Advising and what can an advisor help you do? 

Academic advising is a collaborative relationship between a professional advisor and a student. An academic advisor can help students understand major requirements, general education requirements, help with course planning, assistance in selecting a major based on career aspirations, understanding University policy and procedure, graduation evaluation and  act as a resource for a variety of other general questions and concerns as well as a place for referrals to appropriate campus resources. 


Who needs to meet with an academic advisor? 

All students are welcome to utilize academic advising as a campus resource. Students under 60 credit hours, student athletes, veterans are mandated to meet with an academic advisor. 


What can I do to prepare for my advising appointment? 

Take time to look at your curriculum sheet for your major and begin a list of courses you are interested in taking the following semester, compile a list of questions for your meeting, bring a pencil and paper to write down information given to you during an advising appointment.  


Tips to prep for an appointment with your advisor:

1. Make a list of questions to review before you meet with your advisor. Be proactive and prepared. 

2. Do you know what classes you'll need to take for the upcoming semester? Ask for a curriculum sheet and fill out what you have completed. (PenguinPASS is a great tool to track your degree completion in live time.

3. TBA


How can I make an advising appointment? 

Insert Handshake instructions. If you are not able to utilize handshake, please reach out to your advisor via email. 


What is ALEKS and why is it important? 

ALEKS is the math placement testing program used by Youngstown State University to gauge a student’s math competency. All students are required to take placement testing if they do not submit viable ACT/SAT scores.  Math courses are the bedrock of all majors in the College of STEM, students begin a stronger foundation in their majors if they review work in ALEKS and are placed in an appropriate math level in their first semester. Students who delay beginning their math coursework will often be delayed in beginning their major coursework and this can sometimes lead to an extended graduation timeline. 

Link to ALEKS/testing/MAC 



Graduation Evaluation

All students who complete 80 hours will automatically be sent an e-mail saying to request their graduation evaluation. For our STEM students, we like these to be submitted the year prior to the desired graduation date. This is done throuhg your Penguin Portal. Once the request is in, our team will be notified and the paperwork will be started. The student will then be notified via email to set an appointment up with a member of their academic department to finalize the evaluation. If you have questions, please reach out to your advisor. 


All undergraduate students must be approved for graduation through a senior evaluation prior to applying for graduation by the Advising Office. Once approved for graduation, students can apply via the PenguinPortal. Students who have not completed a senior evaluation and attempt to apply for graduation will receive a message stating "Your academic advisor has not cleared you for graduation."

Senior Evaluation Process

Students near the completion of their degree must file a Graduation Evaluation Request located in the PenguinPortal under the "Access My Student Information" tab. This will initiate a graduation evaluation of your transcript to determine your remaining degree requirements and is required before you can apply to graduate. Students should complete a senior evaluation of your transcript to determine your remaining degree requirements and is required and before you can apply to graduate. Students should complete a senior evaluation upon completion of 80 semester hours before their senior year. 

To complete a Graduation Evaluation Request, follow these steps:

  1. Go to PenguinPortal
  2. Select "Access My Student Information" under e-Services for Students
  3. Select "Graduation Evaluation Request" at the bottom of the page. 
  4. Select "STEM" from the drop-down menu
  5. Follow the prompts to complete the form

Once and evaluation has been completed and approved by the department chairperson, students will receive email confirmation and be instructed to make a "Sr. Evaluation" appointment in Handshake with their . This process takes at least 5 to 7 business days. At this time the chair of the department  and student will review the evaluation and remaining degree requirements required for graduation. A Graduation Evaluation Request is not the same as applying for graduation.

Apply for Graduation

After a senior evaluation, students will be eligible to apply for graduation. To graduate, all students earning a degree must apply for graduation via the online Graduation Application located in the PenguinPortal by the deadlines listed and complete all academic requirements for the degree. 


Calculating GPA link 



How do I find contact information? 

 Directory for email/phone number for faculty/staff