Dr. Byung-Wook Park

Assistant Professor
Dr. Byung-Wook Park - profile photo

Dr. Byung-Wook Park

Assistant Professor

Rayen School of Engineering

Moser Hall 2070

phone: (330) 941-3088




Byung-Wook Park, PhD is an Assistant Professor in Chemical Engineering in the Rayen School of Engineering. He is also a graduate faculty member in the Materials Science and Engineering at Youngstown State University. He earned his PhD in Chemical Engineering from the University of Toledo in 2012. He then completed his postdoctoral fellow in the Bioengineering Institute at Worcester Polytechnic Institute and subsequently in the Physical Intelligence Department at Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Stuttgart, Germany. Dr. Park joined Youngstown State University as an Assistant Professor in 2018. His research currently focuses on developing engineered living materials multifunctional hydrogels, and wearable bioelectronic platforms for treating diseases for biomedical applications including bacterial infections and chronic wounds.

Research Interests

Engineered biohybrid materials
Multifunctional hydrogels

Teaching Interests

Chemical Engineering Principles, CHEN 2683
Computer Methods in Chemical Engineering, CHEN 2650
Measurements and Instrumentation, CHEN 3700
Unit Operation Laboratory, CHEN 4801
Principles of Biomedical Engineering, CHEN 5805

  • Education
    • 2012

      Ph D, Chemical Engineering

      The University of Toledo

    • 2005

      MS, Chemical Engineering

      Kwangwoon University

    • 2003

      BS, Chemical Engineering, (Double major in Electronic Materials Engineering)

      Kwangwoon University

  • Awards and Honors
    • 2019

      UT-WSU Graduate Research Symposium

      Keynote Speaker Award

    • 2011

      AIChE Annual Meeting

      Doh Wonsuk Memorial Award

    • 2011

      US-Korea Joint Symposium of Nanotechnology

      Best Presentation Award

    • 2004

      National Instruments

      Outstanding Intern Award

  • Professional Positions
    • 2018 -

      Youngstown State University

      Assistant Professor

    • 2014 - 2017

      Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems

      Postdoctoral Fellow

  • Intellectual Contributions
    • 2023

      "Impedance Measurements Using a High Precision, Low Power Analog Front End"

      B. Kuzior, V. Borra, F. Li, B. Park, P. Cortes

    • 2021

      "Advances in Smoking Related In Vitro Inhalation Toxicology: A Perspective Case of Challenges and Opportunities from Progresses in Lung-on-Chip Technologies."

      A. Singh, R. Maharjan, C. Kromer, P. Laux, A. Luch, T. Vats, V. Chandrasekar, S. Dakua, B. Park

      Chemical research in toxicology, volume 34, issue 9, p. 1984-2002

    • 2021

      "Emerging Technologies for In Vitro Inhalation Toxicology."

      A. Singh, A. Romeo, K. Scott, S. Wagener, L. Leibrock, P. Laux, A. Luch, P. Kerkar, S. Balakrishnan, S. Dakua, B. Park

      Advanced healthcare materials, volume 10, issue 18, p. e2100633

    • 2020

      "Carbon nitride-based light-driven microswimmers with intrinsic photocharging ability."

      V. Sridhar, F. Podjaski, J. Kröger, A. Jiménez-Solano, B. Park, B. Lotsch, M. Sitti

      Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, volume 117, issue 40, p. 24748-24756

    • 2020

      "Multiwavelength-Steerable Visible-Light-Driven Magnetic CoO-TiO(2) Microswimmers."

      V. Sridhar, B. Park, S. Guo, P. van Aken, M. Sitti

      ACS applied materials & interfaces, volume 12, issue 21, p. 24149-24155

    • 2020

      "Multi-wavelength steerable visible light-driven magnetic CoO-TiO2 microswimmers"

      B. Park

      ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces

    • 2018

      "3D skeletal muscle fascicle engineering is improved with TGF-β1 treatment of myogenic cells and their co-culture with myofibroblasts."

      J. Krieger, B. Park, C. Lambert, C. Malcuit

      PeerJ, volume 6, p. e4939

    • 2018

      "Cancer cells biomineralize ionic gold into nanoparticles-microplates via secreting defense proteins with specific gold-binding peptides."

      A. Singh, T. Jahnke, V. Kishore, B. Park, M. Batuwangala, J. Bill, M. Sitti

      Acta biomaterialia, volume 71, p. 61-71

    • 2018

      "Three-dimensional patterning in biomedicine: Importance and applications in neuropharmacology."

      A. Vikram Singh, T. Gharat, M. Batuwangala, B. Park, T. Endlein, M. Sitti

      Journal of biomedical materials research. Part B, Applied biomaterials, volume 106, issue 3, p. 1369-1382

    • 2018

      "Light-driven Janus hollow mesoporous TiO2-Au microswimmers"

      B. Park

      Adv. Funct. Mater

    • 2018

      "Incorporation of terbium into a microalga leads to magnetotactic swimmers"

      B. Park

      Adv. Biosys

    • 2017

      "Microemulsion-Based Soft Bacteria-Driven Microswimmers for Active Cargo Delivery."

      A. Singh, Z. Hosseinidoust, B. Park, O. Yasa, M. Sitti

      ACS nano, volume 11, issue 10, p. 9759-9769

    • 2017

      "Multifunctional Bacteria-Driven Microswimmers for Targeted Active Drug Delivery."

      B. Park, J. Zhuang, O. Yasa, M. Sitti

      ACS nano, volume 11, issue 9, p. 8910-8923

    • 2017

      "Propulsion and Chemotaxis in Bacteria-Driven Microswimmers."

      J. Zhuang, B. Park, M. Sitti

      Advanced science (Weinheim, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany), volume 4, issue 9, p. 1700109

    • 2017

      "Biohybrid Microtube Swimmers Driven by Single Captured Bacteria."

      M. Stanton, B. Park, A. Miguel-López, X. Ma, M. Sitti, S. Sánchez

      Small (Weinheim an der Bergstrasse, Germany), volume 13, issue 19

    • 2017

      "Hydrophobic pinning with copper nanowhiskers leads to bactericidal properties."

      A. Singh, S. Baylan, B. Park, G. Richter, M. Sitti

      PloS one, volume 12, issue 4, p. e0175428

    • 2017

      "Microemulsion-based soft biohybrid microswimmers for targeted cargo delivery"

      B. Park

      ACS Nano

    • 2017

      "Magnetotactic Bacteria Powered Biohybrids Target E. coli Biofilms"

      B. Park

      ACS Nano

    • 2017

      "Hydrophobic pinning with copper nanowhiskers leads to bactericidal properties"

      B. Park

      PLOS ONE

    • 2016

      "Bioengineered and biohybrid bacteria-based systems for drug delivery."

      Z. Hosseinidoust, B. Mostaghaci, O. Yasa, B. Park, A. Singh, M. Sitti

      Advanced drug delivery reviews, volume 106, issue Pt A, p. 27-44

    • 2016

      "Use of atomic force microscopy in the forensic application of chronological order of toners and stamping inks in questioned documents."

      T. Kang, J. Lee, B. Park

      Forensic science international, volume 261, p. 26-32

    • 2016

      "A Novel Hybrid‐Structured Titanium Surface Promotes Adhesion of Human Dermal Fibroblasts and Osteogenesis of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells while Reducing S. epidermidis Biofilm Accumulation"

      B. Park, J. Krieger, G. Sondag, F. Moussa, J. Rankenberg, F. Safadi, N. Gatsonis, W. McGimpsey, C. Lambert, C. Malcuit

      Advanced Engineering Materials, Wiley, volume 18, issue 4, p. 518-531

    • 2016

      "Amperometric mediatorless hydrogen peroxide sensor with horseradish peroxidase encapsulated in peptide nanotubes"

      B. Park

      Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research

    • 2016

      "A Novel Hybrid-Structured Titanium Surface Promotes Adhesion of Human Dermal Fibroblasts and Osteogenesis of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells while Reducing S epidermidis Biofilm Accumulation"

      B. Park, J. Krieger, G. Sondag, F. Moussa, J. Rankenberg, F. Safadi, N. Gatsonis, W. McGimpsey, C. Lambert, C. Malcuit

      ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS, volume 18, issue 4, p. 14

    • 2015

      "Biocompatible, biodegradable and porous liquid crystal elastomer scaffolds for spatial cell cultures."

      A. Sharma, A. Neshat, C. Mahnen, A. Nielsen, J. Snyder, T. Stankovich, B. Daum, E. LaSpina, G. Beltrano, Y. Gao, S. Li , B. Park, R. Clements, E. Freeman, C. Malcuit, J. McDonough, L. Korley, T. Hegmann, E. Hegmann

      Macromolecular bioscience, volume 15, issue 2, p. 200-14

    • 2014

      "Cell behavior on surface modified polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS)."

      M. Stanton, J. Rankenberg, B. Park, W. McGimpsey, C. Malcuit, C. Lambert

      Macromolecular bioscience, volume 14, issue 7, p. 953-64

    • 2013

      "Graphitic mesoporous carbons with embedded Prussian Blue-derived iron oxide nanoparticles synthesized by soft templating and low-temperature graphitization"

      B. Park

      Chem. Mater

    • 2012

      "A novel glucose biosensor using bi-enzyme incorporated with peptide nanotubes."

      B. Park, R. Zheng, K. Ko, B. Cameron, D. Yoon, D. Kim

      Biosensors & bioelectronics, volume 38, issue 1, p. 295-301

    • 2012

      "Enzyme activity assay for horseradish peroxidase encapsulated in peptide nanotubes."

      B. Park, K. Ko, D. Yoon, D. Kim

      Enzyme and microbial technology, volume 51, issue 2, p. 81-5

    • 2012

      "Enzyme activity assay for horseradish peroxidase encapsulated in peptide nanotubes"

      B. Park

      Enzyme Microb. Technol

    • 2011

      "Development of a highly specific amine-terminated aptamer functionalized surface plasmon resonance biosensor for blood protein detection."

      R. Zheng, B. Park, D. Kim, B. Cameron

      Biomedical optics express, volume 2, issue 9, p. 2731-40

    • 2011

      "Surface modification of gold electrode with gold nanoparticles and mixed SAMs for enzyme biosensors"

      B. Park

      Korean J. Chem. Eng

    • 2011

      "Peptide nanotubes in biomedical and environmental applications in Nanoscale Multifunctional Materials: Science & Applications"

      B. Park

      John Wiley and Sons

    • 2011

      "Formation and modification of a binary self-assembled monolayer on a nanostructured gold electrode via selective desorption and its structural characterization by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy"

      B. Park

      J. Electroanal. Chem

    • 2011

      "Development of pupil measuring system using infrared"

      B. Park

      Korean J. Forensic Sci

    • 2010

      "Recent progress in bio-sensing techniques with encapsulated enzymes."

      B. Park, D. Yoon, D. Kim

      Biosensors & bioelectronics, volume 26, issue 1, p. 1-10

    • 2010

      "Encapsulation of enzymes inside peptide nanotube for hydrogen peroxide detection"

      B. Park

      ECS Transactions

    • 2009

      "Optical communication and sensing modules for plastic optical fibers"

      B. Park

      Korean Chem. Eng. Res

    • 2008

      "Influence of processing temperature on the image transfer characteristics of an image guide made of polymer optical fibers"

      B. Park

      Korean J. Chem. Eng

  • Professional Service
    • 2022 - present

      Editorial Review Board Member
      Biomaterials and Bio-Inspired Materials, Frontier in Materials

    • 2021 - present

      Editorial Review Board Member
      Topical Advisory Panel Member in Nanomaterials

    • 2021 - present

      Committee Member
      Ohio Space Grant Consortium

    • 2020 - present

      Editorial Review Board Member
      Discover Applied Sciences, Springer Nature

  • Public Service
    • 2024 - 2024

      Mahoning Valley MATHCOUNTS


  • Materials Science
  • Biomaterials
  • Electrochemistry
  • Bioengineering
  • Bio-nanotechnology
  • Service to the Institution
    • Campus Representative of Ohio Space Grant Consortium (OSGC) and NASA
    • Graduate Admission Committees in Materials Science and Engineering
    • Academic Senate Chemical
    • Hygiene Committee