First Name * M.I Last Name * Banner Number * Phone Number * Street Address * City * State * Zip Code * PLA Credit Sought: PLA Credit Sought: * Equivalent course found on the PLA website-Crosswalks Equivalent course for certification found on the PLA website - must attach copy of certification Credit earned from portfolio evaluation ($300 fee paid when enrolled in the portfolio development course, PLA 1500) Credit earned from a department challenge exam ($20 fee paid per semester hour;MUST pay fee prior to taking the exam-MUst attach a copy of the receipt General education course, Social & Personal Awareness (SPA), for YSU sanctioned study abroad or matriculated international student (PLA 3700, 3 s.h.) Note: If you are a veteran or active military or a dependent/spouse, most fees are waived-please inform the PLA Coordinator of status. Date * Student Signature To Be Completed by the Awarding Department/College/Division: Course Description Credit Hours Catalog Number Department Faculty Member's Name/Signature (portfolio/challenge exam) Faculty Member's Name/Signature (portfolio) Department/College/Division Department Chairperson Name/Signature (portfolio/challenge exam) If the student is awarded PLA 2600 or PLA 3700 indicate how the credit hours apply toward the student's degree - None -Substitute for the following courses within the major:General elective hours within the majorGeneral elective hours outside the major Substitute for the following courses within major Signature of PLA Coordinator To be completed by the PLA Coordinator or a Member of the PLA Committee: Approval Status - None -ApprovedNot Approved *PLA Coordinator or designee sends form to the Records Office (copy is maintained in the student's academic file and by the PLA Coordinator) Leave this field blank