Equipment Status Change Form Instructions

This form, available on the General Accounting Forms web page, is to be completed and sent to the Controller’s Office at the time of an asset status change. Do not wait to report changes. Attach a copy of your most recent Annual Equipment Inventory Verification and highlight the item that is going to have a change in status. If you do not have a copy of your most recent report, any prior year report that lists the applicable item can be used. If you cannot locate a copy of your report, contact Emily Reidy in the Controller’s Office at extension 3384.

Note: If this is a disposal of equipment please refer to the Recyling website for the appropriate form.


Section by section instructions:

This form can be completed on line and printed, but not saved with your changes. Complete the top portion under the yellow bar every time this form is used. Depending on the type of change complete one of the five color blocks. Only one type of change can be initiated on a form. A new form should be completed for each type of status change. The completed form along with all of the necessary paperwork and signatures should be sent to Emily Reidy in the Controller’s Office, Jones Hall.



Please enter or print the name and e-mail address of the Financial Manager, the Financial Manager’s phone extension and today’s date. The Financial Manager will need to physically sign after printing out the form . This entire top (unboxed) section must be completed regardless of what type of change is occurring.


Location Change Only (Blue):

The highlighted information on the Annual Equipment Inventory Verification report will let us know where the equipment is coming from. Enter the building name and/or the building number along with the room number that the equipment is going to be moved to.

This change indicates a physical location change only. The equipment will still be the responsibility of the same Financial Manager.


Transfer to Another Department (other than Surplus) (Green):

Enter the reason for transferring the equipment. The highlighted information on the Annual Equipment Inventory Verification report will let us know where the equipment is coming from. Complete this section of the form to let us know where it is being transferred to. Enter new department name, building name and/or number, department organization, and room number. Provide the new Financial Manager’s name, phone extension, and e-mail address. The new Financial Manager must physically sign the completed form to indicate acceptance and responsibility for the moved equipment.


Trade-In (Purple):

Enter the reason for the trade-in of the equipment. Provide a description of the new item purchased that the trade-in was used for. Provide the Purchase Order # used to buy the new equipment. Enter the credit amount you received on the new purchase for trading in the old equipment. List the date the new asset was received and put into service.


Cannibalized (Gold):

Enter the reason for cannibalizing the equipment. Indicate which parts were reused & which pieces became scrap. Enter the description of the “new” or modified asset. Explain what improvement this cannibalization made to the modified asset. Enter the modified asset number. The cost of this modified asset may be adjusted by the cost of the cannibalized asset.


Destroyed (Pink):

Explain when and how the equipment was destroyed.
Example: a small fire in the #2 Chemistry Lab on February 22, 2012 destroyed asset #####. No damage to room and no additional equipment destroyed.

GA-Equip StatsChngFrmInst 4.11.16