For Outstanding Undergraduate Campus Leaders Application
This Application requires one to three references. Please email the link for your references. Reference Form
Purpose: The AVI Leadership Scholarship, established in 2013, recognizes outstanding students for their contribution to and leadership in campus activities. Students are awarded $600.00 for Fall tuition and fees.
- Candidates must have demonstrated leadership, character and integrity in their participation in YSU campus life.
- Candidates must be planning to attend YSU for the upcoming year.
- Nominated students must be current, full-time undergraduate students in good standing.
- Reference(s) from faculty/staff advisor (minimum one, maximum three.) Select different references that can highlight several areas of your college involvement and show you have a well-rounded experience.
Selection: Up to three students will be selected for the AVI’s Leadership Scholarship by the Student Awards Committee and a representative of AVI’s. The selection is based on the completed attached application including input from faculty/staff advisors listed as references.
Application Questions:
Please include a BULLETED LIST of your organizations, campus involvement, and community service. Be sure to include all information about your YSU experience this far.
(Examples include: Officer Positions, Campus Employment, Campus Committee, SGA, Community Service – Experience/Role (Position, Semester Year – Semester Year) - Describe how the student leadership experiences above have enhanced your personal growth and enriched your overall college experience. Limit of 300 words.
Year | Winner |
2024 | Batool Alkarain Jenna Billet Manav Ashish Desai Janelle Pezzuti |
2023 | Julie Centofanti Korey Kihm Adeline Whaley |
2022 | Maguire Franko Annabelle Himes Anna Primavera Stella Nguyen |
2021 |
2020 | Eva DeRuyter David Gessler My Le Prinshep Yadav |
2019 | Sarah Dubos Brooke Schaefers Luis Vindel |
2018 |
Jacquelyn Chapman Krista Clay Isabel Stoeber Whitney Winch |
2017 |
Montana Gessler |
2016 | Ernest Barkett Nicholas Chretien Gabriella Gessler Chynna Thompson |
2015 | Sam Anderson Joe Duncko James MacGregor |
2014 |
Leo Daprile |
2013 |
Keely Black |
Year | Winner |
2012 |
Danielle DeChellis |
2011 |
Cassie Garland |
2010 |
Mandy Alcorn |
2009 |
Sarah Brothers Thomas J. Cotterman Shanna Kelly Natalie Ann Kiriazis Carrington Moore Mason Shattuck Lora I. Werkmeister |
2008 |
Amanda Barbone Daniel DeMaiolo Derek DeMaiolo Amanda Foster Lindsey Golubic Wilson Okello Tiffany Walsh |
2007 |
John Brkic Jared Tyler Mercer Erianne R. Raib Ashley Ruozzo Dalene Scott Jason Shadle Lamar Sykes |
2006 |
Ashley Basile Michael Dinh Bob McGovern Justin Mercer Jessica C. Speece Lauren Susany Johnise Wilkins |
2005 |
Todd Diehl Erica Kachmar Julie Macomber Charity Pappas Adam Schnug Angela Speece |
2004 |
Janel Fitch Estrella Flores Charity Pappas Jaymin Patel William Tate Eboni Williams Johnise Wilkins |
2003 |
Carolyn Anderson Kelly Eddy Daniel Procopio Amanda M. Shina-Cutright Carmella M. Williams |
2002 |
Nicholas Angelis Anthony Candel Melissa Johnson Anthony Meek Jeffery Parks Angel Rivera Tony Spano |
2001 |
Sarah Cunningham Tysa Marie Egleton Alyssa Ann Finamore Heidi Beth Hallas Rajah James Michelle R. Morley Kristen Serroka |
2000 |
Darren Carducci Michelle Hettinga John Leseganich Jr. Charity Lynch Mollie McGovern Christine Novicky Carrie Lynn Roscoe |
1999 |
Joshua “Kipp” Boone Stacie Harris Lori Kolenich Amanda Parrock Joelle Sahyoun John Slanina Carrie Wilson |
1998 |
Tiffany Folmar Tamica D. Green Angela Hassay Melissa Mastell David N. Myhal Tera D. Sirbu |
1997 |
Crystal M. Hawthorne Hana Kilibarda Jeffery A. Kubala Casey V. Lambert Michael R. Metcalf Daniel C. Moss Jr. |
1996 |
Jenny Bishop Kristen DiPasqua Stuart Howard Michele Johnson Traci Morse Jill Schulick Annemarie McCollum |
1995 |
Jada Mikina Brady Scott E. Clark Janet Lynn Gbur Mark W. McDonough Michael Alan Mokros R. Joseph Multari, III Charlotte Williams |
1994 |
Crystal L. Davis Lisa L. Donnan Renee D. George Lori L. Hamrock Christopher Heasley Sherry L. Merritt Leslie A. Sell |
1993 |
Jennifer L. Breckner Leon C. Howard Sara J. Ranallo Robert L. Ruhlman, Jr. Jeffrey J. Vanik Leona M. Spay Bardley A. Shellito |
1992 |
Elizabeth A. Rector Sharyn A. Campbell Jennifer A. Smith Timothy Hollis Nicole M. Kent Michelle L. Shearer Michelle A. Donley |
1991 |
Alan Drennen Brian Fry Desiree Lyonette Jonathan Bryan Denise Barrick William McKee Angela Mico |
1990 |
Drew Banks Eric Stephens Rebecca Tally Pat Billet Gretchen Bruce Linda Paskey Kenneth Witherow |
1989 |
Teresa L. Emmerling Steve Demonkos Theresa A.J. Leslie Amy McFarland Carrie Schwarten Nathan Vasey Jeffery M. Wolfson |
1988 |
Christine L. Babos Joan E. Firestine John M. Hazy Kenneth J. Kuczma Anne McBriarty Erica L. Shonn Gail Sickafuse |
1987 |
Philip S. Commins Gloria M. Duricy Amy L. Otley Marvin R. Robinson Carol J. Sorenson Vicki Spiritos Patricia D. Thompson |
1986 |
Christine A. Alexander Donald R. Bryant Annette M. Castor Victoria Figueroa David A. Nuss Karen L. Stewart Tina M. Wincik |