IT Training Services is committed to providing consultation services and training for Youngstown State University employees and students. Our goal is to ensure that University constituents are provided with skills and resources for success!
We provide technology training opportunities year-round. Programs are available through e-learning, webinars and classroom settings. Please see the "Current Schedule" links to the right for available topics and to register. Select the Category at the top of the page to narrow your search.
Registration for all workshops is on a first-come, first-served basis. Please register early to secure your spot. The deadline to register for any program is one day prior to the date of class.
We continue to expand our options for technology training so visit this site often. Explore our self-help instruction guides and videos linked below.
Register for a Workshop
Visit our Course Calendar or Course Listing to register for a workshop. If you select the Course Listing option, use the Category filter at the top of the page to identify your specific interests.
Request a Consultation
Visit our Bookings Calendar to schedule an appointment with IT Training Services.
- Select a service type.
- Select a staff member.
- Select a date/time for your appointment.
- Complete the form then click Book to reserve your appointment.
Explore Our Resources