Syllabus: University Policies

Statement of Non-Discrimination from the University

Youngstown State University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and/or expression, disability, age, religion or veteran/military status in its programs or activities. Please visit the Equal Opportunity and Policy Development & Title IX website for contact information for persons designated to handle questions about this policy.

Academic Integrity/Honesty

As outlined in The Student Code of Conduct, all forms of academic dishonesty are prohibited at Youngstown State. This includes plagiarism, the unauthorized use of tools or notes in taking tests or completing assignments, fabrication of data or information used for an assignment, working with others without permission from the instructor, and more. A student who is believed to have violated the academic integrity policy will meet with the instructor to discuss the allegations. The student may accept responsibility for the violation and any sanctions selected by the instructor, or they have the right to ask for a hearing before a hearing panel. The full Academic Integrity Policy can be found in Article III of The Student Code of Conduct, while further information on University procedures for alleged academic integrity violations can be found in Article V.

Student Accessibility

In accordance with University procedures, if you have a documented disability and require accommodations to obtain equal access in this course; please contact me privately to discuss your specific needs. To coordinate reasonable accommodations, you must be registered with Accessibility Services, located in Debartolo Hall, Room 357. You can reach Accessibility Services at 330-941-1372.

Please note that students are not permitted to record classes audio without obtaining permission from the professor. However, a student with an accommodation may be granted the necessary permission to audio record their classes.

Incomplete Grade Policy

An incomplete grade of “I” may be given to a student who has been doing satisfactory work in a course, but, for reasons beyond the control of the student and deemed justifiable by the instructor, has not completed all requirements for a course when grades were submitted. A letter grade MAY NOT be changed to an “I” (Incomplete) after the term has ended and grades have been recorded. For Fall Term courses, the final date to complete an “I” will be March 1 of the following term; for Spring Term courses, September 1; for Summer Term courses, October 1. These dates can only be extended with the approval of the instructor and the Dean of the College where the course is taught. Forms for extension of the deadline may be obtained and after obtaining the proper signatures, this form must be submitted to the University Records office 24 hours before the original deadline (i.e. for Fall Term courses, March 1 of the following term).

Attendance Expectations

Link to the YSU Attendance Policy which addresses excused absences for participation in university-sponsored events, government-related activities, religious observances, death of a family member, and documented personal illness. The YSU Attendance Policy includes the requirements of Ohio House Bill 353, The Testing Your Faith Act. Be sure to make allowances that meet this Bill. Describe your specific course attendance policy for unexcused absences. 

Academic Grievances and Complaints

There are established university policies and procedures for both academic grievances and complaints, but the process is different depending on the type of issue you are having. An academic grievance is related to material deviations in a course. You can see the Brief Guide to Student Academic Grievances for steps you can take to resolve an issue. For other areas of contention, both academic-related and non-academic complaints, students are encouraged to share their concerns directly with faculty/or staff, but you may also use the YSU Student Complaint Form.  For more information and details, you can also visit the Academic Grievance Policy in the YSU Catalog or Complaint Policy Processes on the Dean of Students website.