NVivo Lending Library

NVivo Lending Library

NVivo is a powerful software tool for use in qualitative data analysis. As a partnership with the Office of Research, a limited number of licenses have been purchased for use as a “lending library” system. The tool is intended for use in qualitative research analysis for both scholarship and continuous improvement. Accounts are lent to YSU departments/programs/offices free of charge. To request an account, e-mail the Institute for Teaching and Learning (ITL) at ysuitl@ysu.edu.

By borrowing an NVivo license, here are the terms you agree to:
  1. Loan term: Loan terms will be 3-6 months, depending on the nature of the project. There is a possibility of renewing the loan for additional periods, depending on demand.
  2. Installation: ITL will submit a work order for installation on a YSU owned computer. One month prior to the end of the loan term, the ITL will send a notice and coordinate removal of the software with the borrower at the end of the loan term.
  3. Training: ITL does not provide formal training on NVivo software, but some guidance can be provided, including free learning resources from the software company.
  4. Sharing: A license can be downloaded to one computer only, limiting the ability to share in teams or offices. Note that for the purposes of research that access may need to be limited per IRB and research ethics guidelines.
  5. Personal Use: Accounts cannot be used for personal reasons by any staff, faculty, or student.
  6. Confidentiality: If you collect sensitive or personal information, take the appropriate steps to protect the data. You are responsible for all collected information.

User Terms and Conditions