Student Organization Advisor Handbook

Student Activities | Youngstown State University



Dear YSU Organizational Advisor:

Greetings and thank you for agreeing to serve as an organizational Advisor! We greatly appreciate your commitment of service to our students and organizations. Your guidance and leadership are critical to the success of these future leaders. It is our hope to provide you with basic information and tools in order to support you with this responsibility. This guide includes resources for you as an advisor and resources for student organization(s) that you should be aware of as well.

Your dedicated service to these organization will reap many benefits for our students:

  • A better chance of staying in school
  • A better chance of finding employment
  • Networking opportunities with students and faculty
  • Opportunities to learn about themselves and others
  • Activities to develop well-rounded individuals
  • Increased opportunities for positive experiences while in college
  • And fun, fun, fun!

Statistics shows that students who get involved in their campus community have a higher rate of success in college and after college.

Therefore, we encourage you to review this information carefully. The enclosed information should be most helpful to you as you gently guide your YSU student organization(s) to a successful completion of their mission for this school year. Through you and your service, our students will come to know what makes the college experience one of the most exciting growth periods in their lives.

Again, thank you in advance for your service as an Advisor to one or more of our student organizations. If we can be of any assistance or provide any support to you, please do not hesitate to contact us in the Office of Student Activities.

Student Activities
Youngstown State University




Role of the Advisor

Each advisor perceives their relation to a student organization differently. Some Advisors play very active roles, attending meetings, working with student officers, and assisting in program planning and development. Others maintain a more distant relationship to the organization. It is hoped that each Advisor will maintain some regular contact with their organization. An
Advisor accepts responsibility for keeping informed about activities of the organization and for advising officers of the organization on the appropriateness and general merits of policies and activities. However, Advisors are not responsible for the actions or policies of student organizations; students are solely responsible. Advisors should be both accessible and interested and should provide whatever counsel a group or its members might seek.

Given the myriad of purposes, activities, and objectives of various student groups, the role of the Advisor will vary in some degree between groups. The purpose of this section is to outline basic roles of an Advisor. As groups vary in their expectations and needs, it is important that you, as an Advisor, develop an understanding with the organization you are to represent as to the nature of your involvement. The Advisor and group should agree on a set of expectations of one another from the onset and should write this list down as a contract between the group and the Advisor.

Following are some of the roles you may assume as an advisor:

Many students will come to see their advisor as a mentor and the success of these relationships can last many years and be rewarding for both the student and the advisor. If the student is seeking an education and a career in your field, you may be asked to assist in their professional development. To be effective in this capacity, you will need a knowledge of their academic program and profession, a genuine interest in the personal and professional development of new professionals, and a willingness to connect students to a network of professionals. You may be approached to review resumes, to connect students with community resources, or to be a sounding board for their ideas of what they want to accomplish in the field.

At times, students will seek out someone to assist with their personal development. In this capacity, a mentor will have a basic understanding of student needs and perspectives, a desire to challenge students intellectually and emotionally while providing support to meet the challenge, and the ability to listen to students’ verbal and nonverbal communication. Students may want to talk to you about family or relationship issues, conflicts they are having with other students, or to have conversations about their ideas and thoughts on different subjects.

Team Builder
When new officers are elected or new members join the organization, you may need to take the initiative in turning the students from individuals with separate goals and expectations into a team. Team building is important because it enhances the relationships of the students between one another and the advisor. Positive relationships help the organization succeed and to work through conflicts and difficult times.

To accomplish the goal of creating an effective team, it is necessary to conduct a workshop (if you and the students have the time, a full-scale retreat encompassing team building, and goal setting could be planned) to engage students in this process. As the advisor, you may consider working with the student officers to develop a plan and to have the students implement it. Training students in effective techniques for team building will keep students invested in the organization and give them the opportunity to learn what it takes to build a team.

Conflict Mediator
Inevitably, students are going to join the organization with different agendas, goals, and ideas about how things should function and the direction they should be taking. When working with students who have come into conflict, it may be necessary to meet with them and have them discuss their issues with each other. In many cases, it may be necessary to remind them that they both want what is in the best interest of the organization. Ask them how they think they can work together, point out the organization’s mission, and ask how their conduct is helping the group achieve its mission.

Sometimes, one student may be causing problems with other students. In many cases this student may not realize that their actions are causing a problem. In this case, speaking with the student individually could be helpful. Chances are that no one has met with the student previously and discussed how their attitudes are impacting other people and how those attitudes or actions can be changed to make everyone feel better. In many cases, the student will appreciate honest feedback.

Reflective Agent
One of the most essential components to learning in “out of classroom” activities is providing time for students to reflect on how and what they are doing. As an advisor, you will want your officers to talk to you about how they think they are performing, their strengths, and their weaknesses. Give them the opportunity to discuss their thoughts on their performance. Then be honest with them. Let them know when you agree with their self-perceptions and in a tactful manner let them know when you disagree.

Remember, any criticism you provide students should be constructive and you will want to provide concrete examples of actions the student took that seem to contradict their self-perceptions. When students discuss their weaknesses, ask them how they can improve those areas and how you can help them. Students usually have the answer to what they need; they just don’t like to ask for help. Remember to have students reflect on their successes and failures.

As an advisor, your role of educator will often come through the role modeling of behavior, guiding the student in reflection of their actions, and being there to answer questions. One of the most difficult actions to take as an advisor is to do nothing, but sometimes this can be the most important action of all. Allow the students to make their decisions even if they do not agree with your ideas. Sometimes, students will succeed; other times, they may fail. The key is to return to the role of the reflective agent and give the students a safe place to reflect on their experiences.

As an advisor, you may have to motivate students to excel and to carry out their plans and achieve their goals. Some students are easily discouraged and at the first sign of difficulty they may want to quit. You will need to be their “cheerleader” to keep them excited about all of the potential successes they will experience. You can motivate students through the recognition of their efforts, appealing to their desire to create change, and to connecting their experiences here at the University to the experiences they will have in the community.

Policy Interpreter
Student organizations operate under policies, procedures, and rules. At times, students may not be aware of these policies and they will do things in an inappropriate manner. The more you know about these policies the better advising you can give to the students on their plans.

As an advisor you will assume numerous roles and all possible roles are not mentioned here. A key idea to remember is that you are an advisor not the leader. You provide guidance, insight, and perspective to students as they work on projects, but you should not be doing the work. Students will learn if they are engaged. Be careful of being challenged into doing the work for a student project. The students make the decisions, and they are accountable for those decisions, and for the successes and failures of their groups.

Source: ACPA Advisors Manual. (2009).

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Advisor Expectations and Responsibilities

Advisor Responsibilities

Each advisor and organization leadership should openly discuss what kind of role the advisor should play with the organization. Some organizations have a pool of advisors to assist them with different aspects of the organization (financial, scholarship, programming, etc.) Some advisors have a high level of involvement with every aspect of the organization, others have a very limited role. It is up to the organization and the advisor to set the parameters of involvement. With those thoughts in mind, the following list is a guideline to the “dos” of student organization advising:

  • Appointed annually by the Associate Vice President of Student Experience, the advisor agrees to maintain contact with the organization and to be familiar with its programs and personnel. Each student organization is required to have a full-time faculty or staff member as an advisor (Limited-service faculty or staff may serve as an advisor upon the approval of the Executive Director of Student Experience & Residence Life).
  • The University expects an advisory as opposed to directive capacity:
    • Provide the officers with the elements of good organization and administrative practice, including records of the past three years of the organization’s minutes and financial accounts.
    • Assist in the development of procedures and plans for action.
    • Keep the group focused on its goal.
    • Foster self-discipline and responsibility in the group.
    • Stimulate programming (e.g., speakers, workshops, etc.).
    • Empower students to take action and to take satisfaction in seeing the student organization succeed.
    • Orient new officers and members to the history and purpose of the group and help them to build upon it. Help members look toward the future by developing long-term goals and communicating those plans to future members.
    • Allow the group to succeed and allow the group to fail. Learn when to speak when not to speak. Remember to let the students make the decisions while you provide guidance and advice.
    • Represent the group and its interests in staff and faculty meetings.
    • Discuss concerns with officers in private and praise them in public.
    • Serve as a resource person. The advisor does not set the policy of the group but should take an active part in its formulation through interaction with the members of the group. Since members and officers in any organization are ordinarily active only as long as they are students, the advisor can serve as a continuity factor for the group.
    • Provide support. Give the group autonomy but offer feedback, even when it is not solicited. Let the group work out its problems but be prepared to step in when called upon to assist.
  • Advisors should be available to the officers and members in order to share ideas about the organization affairs. Meet with the officers as a group monthly to discuss the progress and direction of the group. Attend meetings and functions of the group.
  • Advisors should advise and consult with the organization and its officers in its financial affairs to see that proper budgets are formulated and that proper distribution of and accounting for funds of the organization are maintained. Appropriate forms for all financial institution accounts should be updated whenever a new president/treasurer is elected or appointed. Advisors are prohibited from having signature authority on student organization bank accounts.
  • Advisors should sign or co-sign appropriate University forms such as the student organization registration forms.
  • Advisors should monitor the organization’s activities closely enough to ensure that the organization complies with University and state hazing regulations. Be familiar with University policies as they relate to student activities and serve as a resource and communication link for the group in relation to the University’s regulations.
  • If, for any reason, it is impossible to continue as advisor to the organization, advisors should serve until a successor is appointed.

Student Activities | Advisor Responsibilities webpage

Source: Adapted from the ACPA Advisors Manual. (2009).

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Questions You May Want to Ask the Organization
  • How much involvement is expected or needed?
  • How often does the group meet?
  • How many major activities does the group plan per semester?
  • How experienced are the student leaders?
  • How do your skills match the needs of the organization?
  • What are some of the problem areas that your organization specifically needs advisory assistance in dealing with? Ask for past examples.
  • What are some of the ways the Advisor can be more helpful to the group?
  • Will the Advisor be a silent observer at meetings or an active participant?
  • Should you interrupt during meetings if you think the group is getting off track? How? When?
  • Is the Advisor expected to give feedback? How? When?
  • Are there areas of the organization that are “hands off” to the advisor?

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Responsibilities of the Student Organization to the Advisor

It is important to acknowledge the responsibilities of the student organization to the advisor so that expectations of both parties are identified and clear. The responsibilities of the student organization to the advisor should include the following suggestions, but are not limited to:

  • Establishing and sharing a job description for the advisor that clearly defines their responsibilities and anticipated lines of communication anticipated.
  • Notifying the advisor of all meetings, activities, and programs.
  • Establishing an attendance schedule at organization meetings, which is mutually agreed upon by the advisor and the student organization.
  • Providing copies of meeting minutes in a timely manner.
  • Meeting regularly with your advisor to discuss organization matters.
  • Consulting the advisor prior to making significant changes to the structure of the organization.
  • Consulting the advisor when any significant organization policy changes are made.
  • Allowing the advisor to share their thoughts and ideas.
  • Showing respect and value for the advisor whom the organization chosen to serve as guide and mentor.
  • Considering all advice and guidance provided with an open mind and a sincere interest for improvement of daily operational and special event/activity needs.

Source: ACPA Advisors Manual. (2009).

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Advisor-Student Organization Contract (Fillable PDF)

An advisor contract can help identify the expectations and roles of an advisor so that both, the student group and the advisor, are on the same page when it comes to the Student Organization-Advisor relationship.

Below is a sample advisor contract you may use with your students:

Sample Advisor Contract

The members of ______(organization)____ request ______(name)_______ to serve as Advisor of the organization for a period not to exceed _____(how long)_____ beginning with __(semester)_______.
Duties, responsibilities, and expectations of the position are as follows:
(List responsibilities and expectations of the Advisor and organization)

Duties and responsibilities may be reconsidered at the request of the Advisor, president, or majority vote of the membership in a regular meeting.

Signature: _______________________
Date: ________________

I have met with the president of the above-named organization and discussed the duties and responsibilities of Advisor as listed above. I agree to serve as Advisor and will fulfill these duties and responsibilities to the best of my abilities.

Signature: ______________________
Date: ________________

This contract is effective for ___(period)___ and may be renewed each year thereafter upon the agreement of both parties.

Source: ACPA Advisors Manual. (2009).

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Registering a New Student Organization

It’s very easy to start a new student organization on campus. Students may form a registered student organization for just about any purpose. Once they have officially completed the necessary paperwork with the Student Activities Office, there are many privileges and services available to your registered student organization.


What you’ll students basically need:

  1. Have the officers register the organization through the YSU Portal  
  2. Five students (including their first/last name and Banner ID)
  3. Secure a faculty or staff to serve as an advisor
  4. Copy of the organization’s constitution and by-laws
    1. To learn how to prepare your organization’s constitution and by-laws,  Go to the Student Activities | How to Prepare Your Student Organization's Constitution and By-laws webpage.

For more information on how to register a new student organization, refer to Section B of the YSU Student Organization Policies. Go to the YSU Student Organization Policies webpage

 Additional information on how to navigate Simplicity. Open SMGS Advisor Guide pdf

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Re-Registering a Student Organization

If students are re-registering a Club Sport, they must first check in with the Coordinator of Club Sports Campus, Campus Recreation (330) 941-2239.

All student organizations wishing to remain affiliated with the University for the current academic year will need to re-register during the month of May. Re-registration must be completed on-line through the YSU Portal.

Students can use the following webpage on instructions to re-register an organization. Go to the Student Activities | Re-Registration webpage.

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Advising 101: What All Advisors Need to Know

Update Student Organization Information

If your officers change mid-semester:

Before the change of the guard, make sure the current officers give the new officers “Admin Access” on Simplicity so that the new officers are able to make changes and update organization information on Simplicity.

As the new officer, change the positions to your roster in Symplicity by updating each member’s record.  Once the changes have been made, please contact the Coordinator of Student Involvement,, (330) 941-2329. If you are not an Admin of the group and need your status updated call (330) 941-3575 to request the change.

Other Updates to Track on Simplicity:

  1. Member Roster: It is good practice to update the member roster on a semesterly basis so that all information on Symplicity is current for the organization.
  2. Bylaws and Constitution: Governing documents should be updated with the transition of leadership for the student organization so that all documents on Symplicity reflect the current state and structure of the organization.

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Sample of Constitution and By-Laws

Official Constitution of the Youngstown State University Running Club

  1. Name of the Group- The organization shall be known as the YSU Running Club.
  2. Object of the organization- The focus of the YSU Running Club will be to promote the sport of running to Youngstown State University. The purpose of this club will be to provide camaraderie and support for amateur and experienced runners. In addition, it will provide information about the health and safety of runners in training. The YSU Running Club will aim to enhance physical conditioning of the members in order to compliment their running skills. The club will support all members in training for races of all lengths, and may travel as a group to support each other in races.
  3. Qualification/Criteria for selecting membership- The YSU Running Club will be operated by students at Youngstown State University. Membership is based on an annual due of $6.
  4. Non-Discrimination Clause- The organization agrees to adhere to all policies and procedures of the University and all local, state, and federal laws. Members will become acquainted with policies and procedures in the Official student handbook and other policies and procedures provided by the University. This organization is a viable, functioning organization, composed of at least six full time undergraduate students and we do not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, gender, age, religion, national origin, veteran, handicap status, or sexual orientation.
  5. Duties and privileges of membership-
    Section 1. As a member of the YSU Running Club, one must sign a Liability Waiver to Youngstown State University before participating in any physical activity associated with the Running Club.|
    Section 2. As a member of the YSU Running Club, one agrees to maintain all rules and regulations set forth by the University governing such membership, as well as the common rules of running safety.
    Section 3. Any member of the YSU Running Club may propose participation of club members in or request assistance in training for a race of any distance. The club will facilitate the goals of its members through moral support and financial aid whenever possible.
  6. Voting Policies- All members of the Running Club will be eligible to vote in club issues that require a vote. A vote of one half of the group that chooses to vote will be required to assist in the funding of an individual’s participating in said event.
  7. Membership requirements- The YSU Running Club holds two requirements for continuing membership, which is paying the annual due as well as participating in one event per year. Any member who violates articles IV or V will be dealt with according to the severity of the offense.
  8. Policies and Procedure for Disciplining/Removing members- In event that offense has caused motion for discipline or expulsion of member, the club will first adhere to University Guidelines concerning such matter. If the offense were lesser, the club will deal with individual cases as officers see fit. In no action of discipline said individual will not be made to feel segregated, harassed, or ridiculed. Discipline is either financial remuneration to party concerned for damages, or simple expulsion as disciplinary measure.
  9. Qualifications for Officers- All Officers (or Executive Board Members) must be full time matriculated undergraduate students at the Youngstown State University with a minimum GPA of 2.5. In addition, all officers must be able to complete a full academic year. Second semester senior students and semester abroad students will not be permitted to hold an Executive Board position.
  10. Officers-
    Section 1. President – The President of the YSU Running Club will be enlisted with the duties of calling and running meetings and handling daily affairs. The President will be responsible for registration of the YSU Running Club and be charged with all paperwork concerning the continuation of the organization. The President will promote upcoming races and assist members in registering and gaining support through the YSU Running Club. The President will also be responsible for working together with the Vice President to coordinate club workouts.
    Section 2. Vice President - the Vice President of the YSU Running Club will serve the role of President in any event the President is absent, unable to serve the duties of President, or resigns post as President. The Vice President will help in promoting races and assisting members along with coordinating club workouts.
    Section 3. Treasurer- The Treasurer of the YSU Running Club will be responsible for all group expenditures and revenues. The treasurer will be responsible for collecting and maintaining records of membership dues. The Treasurer shall write all checks for the purpose of the organization. The Treasurer will be responsible for requesting funds from the allocation board and will be assisted when necessary by the President.
    Section 4. Secretary- The Secretary of the YSU Running Club will record the events of formal meetings and maintain an up to date membership list and email database.
  11. Election of Officers- The YSU Running Club will hold elections in a fair and democratic process by a written ballot at meetings or a web-based confidential document stating the vote. Members are eligible to vote after paying the membership fee. To ratify a vote there must be a majority vote, i.e. more than half in favor of a position. Election of officers is done on a yearly basis in the spring semester for the fall semester. A notice will be sent during the spring semester to all members to nominate other members for a position for the following year. Nominations will be taken through email. Nominees who choose to run for a position will be voted on by the members of the Running Club. In the event of a tie, the winner will be chosen based on attendance and participation with the YSU Running Club through previous semesters.
    Section 1. Procedure for Disciplining/Removal of Officers- The procedure for the discipline and removal of officers from the YSU Running Club will in the interests of fairness and democracy include all offenses meriting expulsion of members. All members/officers facing discipline/expulsion will be dealt with by any inquiry from remaining club officers who will vote by written ballot for said action.
    Section 2. Resignations- Any officer of the YSU Running Club who intends to resign will allow two weeks’ notice for the club to find a replacement.
    Section 3. All officers will be voting members.
    Section 4. Officer Transition- Elections must be held at a minimum of 3 weeks before the end of classes during the spring semester to allow time for training of the new officers.
  12. Meetings- There will be at least two general meetings per semester. The meeting will be notified through email to members at least one week ahead of time. The Executive Board members will meet once every month and allow the attendance of all members if desired.
  13. Dues- The YSU Running Club will have an annual due for membership of $6. The dues will be collected in cash to the Treasurer. If a member does not pay his/her membership dues, he/she will not be an active member of the YSU Running Club. Also, he/she will not be able to participate in club events/activities, and will not be eligible to vote.
  14. By-Laws- The YSU Running Club requires a simple majority, i.e. 51% of votes by show of hands at a general meeting to approve by-laws or changes in the existing by-laws.
  15. Procedures for decision-making- All decision-making will be done by popular vote of the Executive Board via a simple majority in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the by-laws or the special rules of order of the YSU Running Club.
  16. Establishment of Committees- Committees will be appointed as need arises and will be governed by amendments provided for with the establishment of the committee.
  17. Selection of an Advisor- The Advisor of the YSU Running Club will have an interest in health and physical activity and have basic knowledge of the sport of running. The Advisor must be a full time professions faculty or staff person at the Youngstown State University. The officers will obtain information concerning available advisors who are interested in the sport and will respectfully approach them to offer the position. The YSU Running Club has the right to change their advisor at any time. The Activities & Programs Office is the principle contact regarding policies and procedures for functioning as a student organization.
  18. Define a quorum- The Quorum (minimum number of members who must be present at a meeting in order for business to be conducted legally) will, in the interests of equity, be set at a number of members greater than 50% of the total number of members in the club, excluding officers. If members are unable to attend a meeting and an issue of great importance is at hand, voting online will be permitted, if submitted prior to the actual meeting. This applies to executive as well as general meetings.
  19. Rules for Ratifying the Constitution- The Constitution of Running Club will be ratified by a 2/3’s majority vote of either the executive board and advance notice to all members of the proposed change.

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Leadership Summit and Retreat

The Leadership Summit is traditionally held at the start of the fall semester, while the Leadership Retreat is the Friday before Spring semester begins. These workshops are centered on educating student organization leaders on leadership skills, important policies, and how to properly reserve and host events on campus; while also affording an opportunity for networking, ultimately preparing for success in the upcoming year.   

All registered student organizations are encouraged to be represented and send at least two officers (more are always welcome) to attend these leadership workshops in accordance with YSU Student Organization Policies (Section B, Number 8) and Student Government Association Financial Path (Title III, Section 301, I).  Though only one per year is required to be eligible for financial appropriations from SGA, different session options are offered at each program to continually educate seasoned officers as well as newly elected officers alike.  In order to stay up to date with policies and activities, organizations should plan to be present at both leadership programs.

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Award Banquet and Recognition Opportunities

Sponsored by the Student Government Association, the Division of Student Experience and the Student Activities Office, the Annual Student Awards Banquet recognizes current students, staff members and groups/organizations for academic excellence and overall achievement during the academic year. Awards are categorized into Individual, Organization, and Advisor Awards.

Individual Awards:

  1. AVI Leadership Scholarship – For Outstanding Undergraduate Campus Leaders
  2. Hirsh-Satrum Leadership Scholarship – For Outstanding Undergraduate Campus Leaders
  3. Sirius Award – For Student Employee of the Year
  4. Multicultural Student Services – Leadership Award
  5. YSU Pin Award – For Outstanding Graduating Student Leaders

Organization Awards:

  1. Constellation Award – Outstanding University-Wide Program
  2. Orion Award – Outstanding YSU Student Organization
  3. Nova Award – Most Promising New Campus Organization

Advisor Awards:

  1. Libra Award – Outstanding Advisor Award
  2. Mentor of the Year – For Faculty/Staff Member Who has Contributed to the Development of a YSU Student

Refer to the Annual Student Awards Banquet for additional information on and how to apply for these awards and other individual awards. Go to the Annual Student Awards Banquet webpage.

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Programming/Event Planning

Program Planning Checklist

Over the course of time, your student organization will most likely plan a program of some kind. Programs can range from social to educational, for a cause or simply for fun. When planning a program, there are many factors to consider:

The who, what, when, where, why, and how factors:

Who is involved with the Program
Who will be involved with planning and implementing the program (hall council members, RAs, students, etc.)? Are committees appropriate and who will be on them? Who needs to approve the program?

What--Description of the Program
What will the program accomplish? Is it necessary? What is your target population (immediate community, local community, city, etc.)? How many people do you estimate attending?

What are the costs involved with the Program
Consider food, supplies, advertising, tickets, prizes, transportation off campus, etc. Should the program be cosponsored with another group – Hall government, RHA, RA staff, other halls, Women’s Center, MSA, Health and Wellness, etc.?

When will the Program happen
Does the date conflict with major exams, holidays, or other important events around campus?

Where will the Program be held
Locations include spaces in and around our building, our quad area and campus, off-campus sites.

How will people know about the Program
What needs to be done to advertise the program—posters, e-mail, personal contact? When does the advertising need to go out? Who will be in charge of coordinating ads?

What is the purpose of our program? What are our goals? Why are we doing this? How does this program support the vision and scope of our group?

Have you considered the following?
Gender bias and gender-neutral language; religious backgrounds, rituals and traditions; diverse racial and/or ethnic populations; needs of students with disabilities; economic limitations faced by some residents; heterosexual bias and diverse sexual orientations.

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Inclusive Programming

When programming, it is important to be mindful of the differences of the people in the community. Individuals striving to create, and maintain, inclusive communities must ask the following question: “Whose perspectives, experiences, viewpoints, and voices are included?” Below, you will find general questions to assist your community building efforts:

Have you considered gender bias and gender-neutral language in your programming?
Did you assume that only men in your community will be interested in participating in intramural football?
Did you assume that only women will be interested in doing a crafts project
Western society assumes that boys are supposed to act one way and girls another. Do not do the same.

Have you considered religious backgrounds, rituals and traditions in your programming?
If you have food at your event, will students of diverse religious traditions be restricted from eating it (some Jewish or Islamic traditions, and non-eating of pork)?
Will you have food at an event when certain students are fasting due to religious commitments and beliefs?
In the month of December, will you have a Christmas party (while not acknowledging the other religious celebrations during the month)?
The U.S., along with its practices and traditions, has been heavily influenced with Christianity. Be aware of how these beliefs have been engrained in your actions and ways of thinking, especially around the beliefs of other people.

Have you considered diverse racial and/or ethnic populations in your programming?
Will your event attract people of different races and/or ethnic groups?
Will your event culturally affirm, or demean, people of diverse racial and/or ethnic groups?
Does your advertisement indicate, whether in pictures or words, that this event will be appreciated by people of different races or ethnic groups?
Do not program as if the people in attendance will be of one particular race or ethnic group.

Have you considered the needs of students with disabilities in your programming?
Is the activity location accessible by wheelchair?
If you are having a speaker, will there be an American Sign Language ‘Interpreter’?
If you are passing out handouts, are fonts large enough for individuals with seeing impairments?
Do not assume that all students are (temporarily) able-bodied.

Have you considered the economic limitations faced by some residents in your programming?
Does it cost money to attend ALL activities planned?
Are scholarships available for students who cannot afford to attend the planned event?
Do not assume that all students can afford to attend your program.

Have you considered the heterosexual bias and diverse sexual orientations of residents in your programming?
Does your advertising and dialogue before and at the program assume that all participants are heterosexual? For example, at a Valentine’s Day Dance, have you said that same sex couples will be welcome?
Do not assume that all students are straight.

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Event Report (Fillable PDF)


Using an event report not only helps to organize the details of events/programs but also serves as a source for future leadership teams to reflect on and use to successfully plan out future events/programs.

Date Time:
Area of Focus:
Attendance (total):
Attendance (Specifically Targeted Students):
Cost (total):
Cost (from Budget):
Cost (to students):
Partners: Faculty ___ Student Gov’t. ___ Student Leadership ___ Housing ___ Other____
Description of Event:

SWOT Analysis: (What are the Strengths and Weaknesses of the event? What are the Opportunities you had and what were the Threats to your success?)





How does this program enhance the academic environment of the College?
(Keep in mind: faculty involvement, intellectual peer dialogues, academic support services, and academic wellness)

How does this program enhance the general social environment of the College?
(Keep in mind: community expectations, community development, peer to peer connections, etc.)

How is this program inclusive of all members of the College?
(Keep in mind: issues related to gender, religion, race/ethnicity, ability, class, and sexuality)

How do you feel this event went? What would you do differently?

How did you utilize Partners in the event process?

Would you recommend this event to next year’s Chair? Why?

Other comments?

Source: ACPA Advisors Manual. (2009).

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Room Reservation and Use of University Facilities

Questions to answer before requesting a space:

  1. Date
  2. Start/end time
  3. Is extra set up and tear down time needed?
  4. Number of Attendees
  5. Type of room set-up?
  6. Equipment needed for event? (Ex. podium, stage, multimedia set up, etc.)
  7. Will your event be open for the general public to attend?
  8. Will you be serving alcohol?
  9. Will you be ordering food service?
  10. Will minors (below 18 years of age) be attending the event?
  11. Will money be collected or exchanged at the event?
  12. Will items be sold at the event?
  13. Will there be entertainment?

There are several ways to reserve a space on campus depending on the location of the space.

  1. Kilcawley Center: (330) 941-3577
  2. Athletic-Related Spaces (including the DeBartolo Stadium Club): (330) 941-3671
  3. Williamson College of Business: (330) 941-3068
  4. Classroom, lobbies, and bake sale space: (330) 941-2962
  5. Other specific university spaces: refer to Room Reservations

To reserve a room for an event, use the following form to submit a request: Event Request Form

Please note that this form is for you to make a request. There is no guarantee that the room you are requesting will be available at the time you have requested it. If you are planning on an event within the next 7 days, please call Christina Texter at the Office of University Events at 330-941-2962 before you submit your request.

For a more comprehensive contact list on Room Reservations, go to the Room Reservations webpage.

Refer to the YSU Student Organization Policies for more information on Use of University Spaces and Kilcawley Center Facilities, Section F, Clause 17–18. Go to the YSU Student Organization Policies webpage.

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Off-Campus Events

To schedule off-campus events, refer to the YSU Student Organization Policies for more information on Use of University Spaces and Kilcawley Center Facilities, Section F, Clause 20. Go to the YSU Student Organization Policies webpage.

Events that are communicated, publicized or advertised as associated with a registered student organization (including descriptions on social media such as Facebook or Twitter) are considered to be sponsored by the organization and are subject to the following requirements. Any registered organization hosting a social event or party must provide the following information to the Office of Student Activities and to the University Police at least two (2) weeks prior to the proposed function.

Fill out the Campus Party Detail Sheet when planning an Off-Campus event. Go to the Off Campus Party Detail Sheet webform.

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Student organizations are viewed as legally distinct from YSU. As such, student organizations and their officers are responsible for organization finances and financial records. It is important for each student organization to establish financial controls to limit the risk of mismanagement of organization funds.  Financial decisions and priorities for expenditures should relate consistently with the organizational mission and goals. The organization constitution and bylaws should communicate clear responsibilities for the Treasurer which outline the duties and expectations of managing organization finances.

To properly manage organization funds, determine a budget for organization operations, track expenses and membership dues, and maintain the financial viability of the organization, registered student organizations maintain bank accounts outside of university financial systems. Organizations must apply for an Employer Identification Number (EIN) to set up a bank account. The EIN is sometimes referred to as a Tax ID Number, or Federal ID Number.

Organizations should not apply for an EIN until the organization has been approved as a Registered Student Organization (RSO) on campus.  A bank account is not required to start an organization.  An account should only be opened once an application has been approved by the Student Activities Office and the organization feels it needs one to operate.


Organization/Officer Financial Responsibility:
Officers shall keep the faculty/staff advisor(s) informed of the organization’s activities, operations, programs, membership, and bank accounts. Advisors are prohibited from having signature authority on student organization bank accounts.

Refer to the YSU Student Organization Policies for more information on banking information, Section F. Go to the YSU Student Organization Policies webpage.

EIN Application Process

New organizations need to apply for an EIN# to set up a Bank Account.

***Please Note - Do not apply for an EIN# until your organization has been approved as a Registered Student Organization (RSO) on campus.  A bank account is not required to start an organization.  It should only be opened once it has been approved by the Student Activities Office.

  1. Go to IRS EIN Individual Application at the IRS website
  2. Read instructions and click on "Apply Online Now"
  3. Read instructions and click on "Begin Application"
  4. Scroll to bottom of list and select on “View Additional Types, Including Tax-Exempt and Governmental Organizations” and click Continue
  5. Choose either "Community or Volunteer Group" or "Social or Savings Club" depending on which best describes your group.
    Click Continue
  6. Read the description to confirm your selection.  Click "Continue."
  7. Fill out the remainder of required information.
  8. For the organization’s address, make sure you use Youngstown State University, Student Activities Office, One University Plaza, Youngstown, OH 44555
  9. Print out and retain a copy of your confirmation.  Your current and future offices will need this document for tax filing purposes.  Once you have received a Federal ID Number, keep a record of it in your organization's permanent folder, and add this information to the EIN field in your organization’s Symplicity page. This EIN should be consistent from year to year; organizations should not apply for a new number annually when officers change.

IRS for a replacement 147C letter – EIN:

Your bank will require the organization to have a copy of the EIN letter has been required to be kept in the file.  If they do not have it, they may ask you to obtain a replacement copy for the account to remain active.  

How can we get a copy of our EIN?
The easiest way to get a copy of an EIN verification letter is to call the IRS. Follow the below process to obtain a tax ID verification letter from the IRS: Call the IRS support at 800-829-4933. Provide the name of your business and other verification details like address and phone number to the support executive.

 Go to the Copy of EIN Letter From IRS: Everything You Need to Know webpage.
Call the IRS And Request A Replacement Confirmation Letter
Getting a replacement confirmation letter for your Tax ID Number is as simple as calling up the IRS. Dial (800) 829-4933 if you're in the U.S. and (267) 941-1099 if you're abroad. Ask the IRS for a replacement 147C letter – that's what the letter is called. If you remember your EIN number, you can have the form faxed directly to you. If you don't remember your number, you'll have to wait for the letter to be sent by mail because the IRS will not give you the number over the phone.

Be Prepared to Answer Questions About Your Business
The IRS can't just give out EIN information to anyone. They can only send a 147C letter to an authorized individual like a corporate officer or partner. In order to confirm that you're authorized to get the form, you're going to need to answer some questions including telling the IRS your title in the business.

Changing the Responsible Party for an EIN
When an EIN is created, a responsible party (an individual who ultimately owns or controls the entity or who exercises ultimate effective control over the entity) must be affiliated with that EIN. This individual should be updated with the IRS as elections and transitions take place. In order to change the responsible party affiliated with an EIN, complete and send in Form 8822-B (Change of Address or Responsible Party).

Tax Status
Though student organizations function as Non-Profit Organizations (NPOs), obtaining an EIN from the IRS does not automatically grant the organization state or federal tax exemptions. There is a separate process to obtain federal recognition that would exempt an organization from federal and state tax, allow a group to make purchases without a sales tax, and make the organization eligible to receive tax deductible contributions. Many organizations do not qualify for this 501(c)(3) status, which also requires a complicated annual filing process with the IRS.

Student Organization Bank Accounts
Registered student organizations are permitted to open a bank account at the institution of their choice. YSU Student Activities has a strong working relationship with PNC Bank which enables our staff to provide additional support to student organizations that choose to hold accounts at PNC.

PNC Bank
100 E. Federal Street
Suite #175
Youngstown, OH 44503
Phone: (330) 742-4426

Signature Authority
Student organizations are required to have two officers hold signature authority on bank accounts; typically, the Treasurer and President. Advisors are not permitted to have signature authority on bank accounts. The Office of Student Activities will provide an updated roster for verification of officer role.
When an officer with signature authority is no longer associated with the student organization, due to graduation or any other reason, organizations must communicate with the bank and have their personal information removed from any accounts, and change online banking passwords. As part of the annual process of organization re-registration, officers should transition bank account access to the newly elected officers within ten days of officer election.

Organization Address
Student Organizations should use the Office of Student Activities address as the permanent address for their organization:

Youngstown State University
Student Activities Office
One University Plaza
Youngstown, OH 44555

Bank Account Management Best Practices
It is advisable that all banking transactions are handled through checks and deposit slips so there is a written record of all transactions so as to minimize any risk of misappropriation or misuse of student organization funds.

Whenever possible, handle payment of expenses directly with a check (or through purchasing and payment procedures of the university for any financial support provided by a departmental sponsor).

In the event that you do need to withdraw cash from your account, fill out a withdrawal ticket for the account, document on your copy of the withdrawal ticket what the cash is to be used for, and attach receipts paid for with cash to clearly show what the cash was used for. The use of an ATM to withdraw cash to purchase supplies should also be discouraged since mis-management of organization funds may occur more easily. Subsequent officers may also find it difficult to understand organization expenses without paid invoices, itemized receipts and other appropriate paperwork.

Set clear internal guidelines for use of an organization debit card. If your organization chooses to get a debit card, do not use it for cash withdrawals. Having the name of the Primary Student Officer/President on the organization’s Debit Card and only allowing one card for your organization allows for better accountability of the expenditure of your organization’s funds. The Financial Officer/Treasurer should not be the primary purchasing officer or have access to an ATM or check card. If so, another person needs to reconcile the bank statements to ensure an appropriate system of checks and balances for financial transactions and reconciliation.

Debit cards can be used for any legitimate organizational purposes including purchasing on-line merchandise or to provide a deposit for a service. It is important for those using the ATM/Debit card to turn in itemized receipts and other appropriate paperwork for proof of items/services purchased.

Develop and communicate a process for member reimbursement. Inform all members in advance that they are expected to provide original receipts when seeking reimbursement.

The Treasurer should complete a monthly reconciliation of the organization bank account, comparing all expenditure and deposit records against the organization bank statement. In some cases, this is an online process with your bank. Document and resolve all differences.

The Financial Officer/Treasurer should make no less than one formal report each semester to the other officers and members of the organization. The report should include a detailed written report of actual expenses and income, substantiated by original receipts. The report should be reviewed and approved by the organization’s members and advisor(s), and accessible to university officials as requested.

Organization Budget Best Practices

  • Mission Oriented – All decisions, financial and otherwise, should align with mission.  
  • Non-profit nature - Student Organization must functions as a non-profit organization (NPO) meaning income and profits must be used for organizational purposes and not for commercial or individual gain (not federal or state tax definition).  
  • Maintain Organization Documentation – charter, financial records, membership rosters, etc.
  • Transparency - Monthly financial information including bank statements (redacted to exclude account numbers) should be made available to officers, members and advisors.
  • Checks and Balances - In order to maintain good financial control, it is necessary for more than one person to hold responsibility for financial transactions.
  • In developing budgets, estimate expenses and income as realistically as possible. Income might include: membership fees, fundraising income, student government funding, etc.  Expenses might include: printing, postage, travel, membership dues, special event expenses, etc. Contact vendors for estimated costs as you develop the budget.
  • Maintain an overall budget for the organization as well as project budgets for organization activities (i.e. conferences, organization sponsored events, etc.)
  • Keep records public to Officers, Members and Advisors. Purposeful mismanagement of funds is difficult to conceal when financial records are made public or readily available to the student organization's officers, members and advisors. Public records allow organization representatives to question all expenses, which helps ensure generally accepted use of the organization's resources and protects against misuse of funds.
  • Define consequences for misuse of funds. It is important to address misuse of funds (i.e. embezzlement) in your organization's Constitution and By-laws. Some items to include: Definitions, Methods for monitoring bank accounts, Consequences for violating policies.  By doing so, the student organization states its intentions to be a good steward of organization funds. This acts as a deterrent and leaves no ambiguity regarding the consequences associated with misuse of funds. The point is to deter the activity and outline a course of action in the rare event misuse of funds occurs.
  • Retain organization financial records for a minimum of four years.

Advisor Responsiblities

  • Be knowledgeable of organization’s finances and financial procedures as well as the University’s policies and procedures.
  • Review monthly banking statements with the Primary Student Officer/President and Financial Officer/Treasurer on a regular basis.
  • Challenge students to make budget and expenditure decisions that best reflect the mission and purpose of their organization.
  • Hold financial officers as well as the membership of the organization accountable for proactive and sound financial management.
  • Serve as liaison in organization applications for funding from academic departments, as applicable.

University Funding Support
Student organizations may be eligible for funding support for events and travel through an affiliated college or academic program or other university department. Student organization advisors should serve as a liaison with the appropriate department chair or dean to determine the process for applying for funding. Organizations are encouraged to plan as far in advance as possible to increase the likelihood of receiving funding support and to allow sufficient time for university fiscal processes.

SGA Financial Appropriations
The Student Government Association manages a financial appropriations process for registered student organizations  which awards funding for organization events and travel. Organizations are required to meet a set of criteria to be eligible for funding, including attendance at the Student Leadership Summit and/or Retreat and the SGA Financial Appropriations session at these events. Student organizations can apply for SGA funding by first reading the Financial Path and following the instructions laid out by the Financial Affairs Committee.

Registered student organizations are entitled to raise funds to support the activities and goals of their organization. Fundraising for an organization on campus may involve scheduling a space/facility, sales of food items, sales of non-food items, sponsoring social events, and raffles.

Bake Sales:

  1. Students must apply for a bake sale permit by completing and submitting an "Approval Form for Bake Sales" to the Office of University Events, located in Tod Hall on the 1st Floor, 330-941-2962.
  2. APPLY FOR A BAKE SALE PERMIT AT LEAST TWO (2) WEEKS IN ADVANCE of the requested bake sale date.  The form should be submitted to the Office of University Events, located in Tod Hall, Suite 120. Bake sales can only be held in the area assigned to your organization by the University Events Office and are held before 5 p.m. on weekdays.  Weekend hours by special permission only.
  3. All bake sales will be subject to inspection by the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety. Sales of commercially prepared food items (e.g., candy bars) are permitted on campus with the exception of Kilcawley Center.


  • A written request for permission to conduct raffles, lotteries or games of chance must be submitted to the Student Activities Office, Kilcawley Center, 330-941-3575, at least two weeks prior to the scheduled event. Requests can be emailed to Erin Driscoll by filling out the form below:
  • The request should include details of the raffle, lottery or game of chance including dates, times, cost of tickets, type of raffle, how the proceeds will be used, the source of the prize being raffled (purchased or donated) and any other relevant information. Organizations must also indicate who will be responsible for handling all money and provide verification that the organization advisor is aware that the raffle is taking place.
  • A written response will be provided to the student organization contact person.
  • Following the raffle, lottery, or game of chance, the sponsoring organization must submit a report to the Office of Student Activities verifying completion of the event, accounting for the money that was raised and detailing how the money will be used. By failing to complete this report an organization will jeopardize its opportunity to conduct any further fund-raising events.

For more information, visit the Fundraising webpage.

Restaurant Fundraisers:
Many local restaurants offer organizations the opportunity to partner on a restaurant takeover, allowing organizations to earn a portion of the total sales during a designated time frame. Some restaurants require the benefiting organization to be officially designated as a 501(c)3. Since most student organizations are not classified in this manner by the IRS, organizations may request to have YSU apply on their behalf for the fundraiser. Checks for these fundraisers are made payable to Youngstown State University; the university then processes a check payable to the student organization for an equivalent amount. Organizations wishing to participate in such a fundraiser should contact the Coordinator for Student Involvement to begin the request process.

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Important Policies

Marketing/Poster Policy

University Logos:

When using University Logos, including Pete the Penguin, make sure to reach out to Athletic Marketing and Promotions (330) 941-7226 to ensure any and all logo use is in regulation with university policy.

Posting Marketing Materials on Campus:

Where to Post
Individuals or groups may post notices, posters, and materials on designated bulletin boards located in Kilcawley Center, Residence and Dining Halls, Courtyard Apartments, and Andrews Student Recreation and Wellness Center identified below:

  1. Community Boards: posting permitted by any individual or group
    1. Across from Penguin Xing (Kilcawley Center)
    2. Portable Community Board in The Cove (Kilcawley Center)
    3. Lobby (Andrews Student Recreation and Wellness Center)
    4. Christman (Dining Hall)
    5. Courtyard Apartment (near Mailboxes)
  2. University Event Boards: for campus department or registered student organization use only
    1. Stairwell outside of Chick-Fil-A (Upstairs and Downstairs, Kilcawley Center)
    2. Vending area closest to Chestnut Room (Kilcawley Center)
    3. Lobby (Andrews Student Recreation and Wellness Center)
    4. Residence Halls (Lyden, Cafaro, Wick, Weller, Kilcawley House)
    5. Court Yard Apartments (Building 1 and 2)


  • All posted materials must comply with YSU board policies, including 3356-4-17 Posting on Campus and 3356-4-21 Campus Free Speech.
  • Each posting must clearly identify the date on which the materials should be removed, no later than 14 days after original posting. Date stamp and labels are available at Penguin Xing on the second floor of Kilcawley Center.
  • All posting on University Event Boards must have the name and contact information of event planners visible.
  • To ensure adequate space for all, posting may not exceed 11”x17” in size.
  • No commercial notices may be posted.
  • Posters promoting establishments that sell alcoholic beverages or relating to alcohol will not be permitted. However, posters promoting alcohol awareness and responsible decision-making will be permitted.

Removal of Materials and No-Post Zones
Postings may be removed after an event has occurred or after 14 days of being posted. If a removal date is not included on the posting, it may be taken down. Events posted on University Event Board are for Campus departments or registered student organizations only. All others will be removed.

Notices may not be posted on trees, walls, windows, doors, partitions, lockers, mailboxes, woodwork, elevators, restrooms, labs or other structural features inside or outside the buildings. Notices posted outside authorized areas will be removed.

Division of Student Affairs staff or designee will monitor and remove expired materials and materials that violate this policy.

Refer to the YSU Student Organization Policies for more information on the Use of the University Name on marketing materials and general Marketing information, and Use of University Spaces and Kilcawley Center Facilities, Section F, Clause 16 and 21–22. Go to the YSU Student Organization Policies webpage.

Painting the Rock:
When painting the rock, it is important to be aware that there are no regulations put in place to prevent other student organizations or groups from painting over your design. Therefore, keep in mind that other student organizations and groups can paint over your design any time after you have completed your design. There have been instances where one student organization’s design was painted over by another in less than hour after it was completed. Also, any inappropriate designs could be subjected to a violation of the code of conduct.

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Student Travel Policy

Additional information on Travel Guidelines and Forms are available on the EOHS Risk Management Programs Page under Travel with Students.
Student organization and non-academic groups are approved by the Associate Vice President for Student Experience (or designee).  A designated trip leader must complete the following forms below and obtain appropriate levels of approval before domestic travel.  International travel requires approval a minimum of thirty (30) days prior to travel.

Forms that will need submitted include:

  1. Student Travel Justfication Form (4 Weeks Prior to Travel)
  2. Student Authorization to Travel Form (2 Weeks Prior to Travel)
    1. Student Travel Assumption of Risk Waiver/Emergency Medical Treatment Form (All students and staff traveling must complete for each travel)
    2. Recognize & Prevent Hazing Module (All students and staff traveling must complete this training once)
  3. Confirmation of Travelers form to be submitted by the Trip Coordinator (5 Days Prior to Travel)
  4. Emergency Packet Pickup (1-2 Days Prior to Travel)
    1. Before departing on the trip, the Trip Coordinator will contact the Designated Trip Leader to coordinate a time to pick up the confidential envelope containing the Emergency Medical Treatment Form(s).
    2. The Packet should be returned to trip coordinator post travel.

The Student Government Association can appropriate funds to registered student organizations for travel. Apply for funding.

For more information on travel guidelines, refer to Travel Services.

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Alcohol Policy

Organizations shall comply with all University regulations as well as state and federal laws. Furthermore, alcohol policies are enforced by the Student Code of Conduct as well as the Student Organization Policies.

In accordance with the Student Code of Conduct:

A student or student group/organization may be charged with violating any student conduct standard.  In cases where a violation is committed by a member of a student group/organization, the entire group/organization may be held responsible in addition to the student when those members of the group/organization not directly involved participate in the activity by encouraging, witnessing, or condoning the act in any manner.  The following behavior is subject to disciplinary action under “The Student Code of Conduct”:


  1. Use or possession of alcoholic beverages, except as permitted by law and university policy.
  2.  Public intoxication.
  3. Manufacturing or distribution of alcoholic beverages to any person under twenty-one years of age except as permitted by law.

For more information on this policy, refer to the Student Code of Conduct, Section D, Article III, Clause 2. Go to the Student Code of Conduct webpage.

The YSU Student Organization Policies outlines the alcohol policy specific to student organizations in Section F, clause 12–14: Go to the YSU Student Organization Policies webpage.

  1. Organizations/groups shall observe the University policies and regulations governing marketing, promotion, and sponsorship related to alcohol.
  2.  Alcoholic beverages are not permitted at any student organization/group program that involves recruiting new members.  No student organization/group, collectively or individually, shall purchase, serve, or sell alcoholic beverages to any minor (i.e., those under legal drinking age).
  3.  The use of alcohol at events sponsored by student organizations/groups is governed by University regulations and federal, state, and local laws which prohibits persons under twenty-one (21) years of age from possessing, ordering, purchasing, buying, sharing the cost of, or consuming alcoholic beverages.

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Hazing Policy

Organizations shall comply with all University regulations as well as state and federal laws. Furthermore, hazing policies are enforced by the Student Code of Conduct.

In accordance with the Student Code of Conduct:


Hazing means doing any act or coercing another, including the victim, to do any act of initiation into any student or other organization or any act to continue or reinstate membership in or affiliation with any student or other organization that causes or creates a substantial risk of causing mental or physical harm to any person, including coercing another to consume alcohol or a drug of abuse, as defined in section 3719.011 of the Revised Code.

For more information on this policy, refer to the Student Code of Conduct, Section D, Article III, Clause 11. Go to the Student Code of Conduct webpage.

Youngstown State University unconditionally opposes any situation created intentionally to produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment or ridicule. Freedom from humiliation and danger of hazing is guaranteed to every student on this campus. Any violation of this guarantee should be reported immediately to the Student Activities Office.

Report a Suspected Incident of Hazing

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Chalking Policy

Outside chalk signs on sidewalks are permitted only in areas accessible to rainfall, thereby eliminating the necessity of university personnel to wash off the writing. Writing on the sides of buildings and references to alcohol or profane or inappropriate postings are not permitted.

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The Federal Copyright Act (Title 17, United States code, Public Law 94-553, 90 Stat. 2541) governs how copyrighted materials, such as movies, may be utilized publicly. Neither the rental nor the purchase or lending of a videocassette or DVD carries with it the right to exhibit such a movie publicly outside the home, unless the site where the video is used is properly licensed for copyright compliant exhibition.

This legal copyright compliance requirement applies to colleges and universities regardless of whether admission is charged, whether the institution is commercial or non-profit or whether a federal, state or local agency is involved. No other group or person has the right to exhibit or license exhibitions of copyrighted movies. Furthermore, copyrighted movies borrowed from other sources such as public libraries, colleges, personal collections, etc. cannot be used legally for showing in colleges or universities or in any other site which is not properly licensed. We must go through a licensed and approved vendor to obtain the rights to show movies. You can work with the Union to determine the best course of action. The cost to obtain the rights to show a new released blockbuster can cost anywhere between $500 to upwards of $1000.

Swank Motion Pictures, Inc. is the company that we contract to purchase the rights from for each movie.  Check out their website for a complete listing of movie titles..

Please contact the Assistant Director of Programming at 330-941-3556 to help you get an estimate and plan accordingly within our University Agreement.

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Officer Transition

One of the most important functions of an advisor is to assist in the transition from one set of organization officers to the next. As the stability of the organization, the advisor has seen changes, knows what works and can help maintain continuity. Investing time in a good officer transition early on will mean less time spent throughout the year nursing new officers through the quarter.

The key to a successful transition is making sure new officers know their jobs BEFORE they take office. Expectations should be clearly defined. There are a number of ways to conduct the officer transition. The following examples demonstrate two commonly used methods.

The Team Effort*
The team effort involves the outgoing-officer board, the advisor, and the incoming officer board. This method involves a retreat or series of meetings where outgoing officers work with incoming officers on:

  1. Past records/notebooks/binder for their office and updating those together
  2. Discussion topics should include:
    1. Completed projects for the past year.
    2. Upcoming/incomplete projects.
    3. Challenges and setbacks.
    4. Anything the new officers need to know to do their job effectively.

The advisor’s role may be to:

  • Facilitate discussion and be a sounding board for ideas.
  • Organize and provide the structure of a retreat.
  • Offer suggestions on various questions.
  • Refrain from telling new officers what they should do.
  • “Fill in the blanks." If an outgoing officer doesn’t know how something was done or doesn’t have records to pass on to the new officer, you can help that officer by providing the information they don’t have.

The structure of a team effort retreat can take many forms. The advisor’s role in this process is to provide historical background when needed, help keep goals specific, attainable and measurable and provide advice on policies and procedures.

*A sample of a retreat schedule for this specific officer transition format can be found under the “Retreat” section

One-on-One Training, Advisor with Officers
While it is ideal to have the outgoing officer team assist in training the incoming officers, often it is left up to the advisor to educate the incoming officers. In that situation, there should be a joint meeting of the new officers, as described in the previous section. After that meeting, the advisor should meet individually with each officer; examine the notebook of
the previous officer (or create a new one).

Things to include in a new notebook:

  1. Any forms the officers may need to use.
  2. Copies of previous meeting agendas.
  3. A copy of the organization’s constitution and bylaws.

Talk about what the officers hope to accomplish in the forthcoming year. Assess the officer’s role in the organization. What are the expectations of each position? What are the student’s expectations of the position and their goals?

Source: ACPA Advisors Manual. (2009).

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Organization Retreat

Organization retreats and workshops enable student organizations to briefly get away from the distractions of school and work and to focus on the needs of the organization and the needs of the individual members of the organization. Planning for the future will enable an organization to operate more efficiently. By setting goals and planning together, members of an organization can operate more effectively as a team.

Team Building, Skills Training, Communications, Goal Setting, Problem Solving, Planning, Learning, Orientation, Socializing, Transition, Revitalization, Conflict Resolution

New Officers, Executive Board, All Organization Members, etc.

On Campus or Off Campus; convenience vs. isolation; Urban or Rural Getaway. When looking for an off-campus retreat location consider nearby summer camps. They often charge cheap rates in the off season. Be sure to check availability, accessibility, and accommodations. Don't forget about costs and contracts.

If your event is off campus, members should be provided with adequate and safe transportation.

Before deciding on a menu consider cost, cooking facilities, preparation and clean up. Try cooking together it makes a great team building activity. On a tight budget? Consider potluck.


  • Workshops presented by an "expert" on topics: advertising, program planning, public speaking, fund-raising, etc.
  • Experiential Exercises: team building, brainstorming, communications skills, ropes course, etc.
  • Recreational Exercises: skiing, hiking, canoeing, biking, etc.

Organization Officers, Organization Members, Faculty Advisor, Other Faculty Members.

Have members sign up to participate on committees. Remember people support what they help to create. Suggested committees: Transportation, Food/Drink, Lodging, Recreation, Programming, Clean-Up.

Structured experiences books, reference books, videotapes; Faculty Advisor; Faculty Members.

Evaluation Forms. Ask members what they thought of the experience. What would they change? What would they keep the same? Ask the presenters what they thought of the experience. What could have made it better?

Sample Retreat Schedule–Team Effort

Icebreakers and team-builders

  1. Officer meetings
    1. New/old officers pair off (president with president, treasurer with treasurer)
    2. Update each section of notebooks or talk about what should go in a new one. If officers do not have a notebook, take the time to create one!
      i. Each pair of officers should discuss the following:
         1. Who did the outgoing officer interact with most in the administration, in the community, and other student organizations?
         2.With the departments/areas listed above, what capacity did the outgoing officer work with them on?
         3.What University paperwork is this position responsible for completing?
         4.What did the outgoing officer have to do with the organization’s funding requests (assuming this question applies to your group)?
         5.What University procedures did the outgoing officer have the most trouble with and how can the incoming officer avoid those troubles?
         6.What were the biggest challenges the outgoing officer faced and how did they overcome them?
         7. What goals did the outgoing officer have, and which were achieved and which were not.
  2. Joint officer meeting
    1. Gather as a group; write everyone’s notes on a board or flip chart. Note similarities.
    2. Generate a discussion on similarities, challenges and how challenges can be overcome.
    3. Review policies.
  3. New officer meeting (This could be a separate meeting, or the next phase of the retreat.)
    1. Goal review. What did the past officers accomplish?
    2. What is left to do from the past goal list? Revise list or eliminate it if the officers choose.
    3. Provide new officers time to list goals for their position on their own.
    4. Reassemble and share updated goals.
    5. Brainstorm new goals for the organization and ideas for programs, fundraisers, and social events.
      i.Make an exhaustive list of everything the group could possibly accomplish.
      ii.Narrow down that list to what they can reasonably accomplish. Assign tasks to specific officers. If no one wants to do it, take it off the goals list.

Source: ACPA Advisors Manual. (2009).

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Important Dates

Leadership Summit: usually held before school starts for the fall semester
Homecoming: October
Leadership Retreat: held during the spring semester
Organizational Fairs: held first Tuesday or Wednesday during the first week of Fall and Spring semester
Awards Banquet: Application due in March

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Crisis Information

YSU Police – (330) 941-3527
Off Campus – 911


Crisis Text Line – Text "Start" to 741741 to get help now
National Suicide Prevention Number – 1-800-273-8255
Help Network of Northeast Ohio – 330-747-2696
Student Counseling After Hours – 330-941-3737
(follow prompts to speak with a professional)

Student Outreach & Support – (330) 941-4721
Student Counseling Services – (330) 941-3737
Disability Services – (330) 941-1372
Title IX – (330) 941-4629
Student Conduct – (330) 941-4704
Student Health Services (Wick Primary Care) – (330) 747-4660
Center for Student Progress – (330) 941-3538
Student Escort Services – (330) 941-1515

Report a Person of Concern to the YSU CARE Team/Office of
Student Outreach & Support | Person of Concern Form

If you believe a student is missing, or needs immediate assistance, please contact YSU Police at (330) 941-3527

Additional information can be found on Important Resources for YSU Faculty and Staff webpage.

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Department Contact Information

Dining Services/Catering:

YSU Catering by Chartwells
(330) 941-1979

To place an order with Chartwells, please follow the video guide located on Chartwells’ website.

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Mail Services:

Delivery Services
Anna Pascarella, Manager Delivery Services
(330) 941-2771

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Printing Requests:

Printing Services at Kilcawley
(330) 941-3111
Printing Services @ Kilcawley Center

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Design/Graphic Services:

Graphic Services
(330) 941-3560
Graphic Services webpage

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Kilcawley Center is one of several university departments within YSU’s Division of Student Experience. In addition to Kilcawley Center, contacts for our sister departments (Housing & Residence Life, Student Activities, Campus Recreation, the Student Health Clinic, Student Conduct, Student Diversity Programs, and Campus Dining Services) are listed, along with auxiliary services and other offices located in our building.

Kilcawley Center Staff Office
(330) 941-3571

Refer to Our Staff for additional contact information of Kilcawley and sister departments. Kilcawley Center | Our Staff webpage.

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Other Important Campus Contacts

Using the YSU and Pete the Penguin Logo:
Athletic Marketing and Promotions
(330) 941-7226

Messages on the Marquees:
Marketing and Communications
(330) 941-3291

Teambuilding Activities and Low ropes Course:
Campus Recreation
(330) 941-1964

Chartwells Dining Services:
Catering Director
(330) 941-1979

Parking Services
(330) 941-3546

Security for Off-Campus Parties:
YSU Police Department
(330) 941-3527

Organization Bank Accounts:
YSU Associated School Employees Credit Union
(330) 941-3204

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Advanced Advising

Advising Styles and Skills

Situational advising allows you to change your advising style to match the development needs of the individual or organization you advise. Your advising style is the way you advise when you work with someone. It is how you conduct yourself, over time, when you are trying to influence the performance of others.

You will need to vary these based on your assessment of the students/groups readiness level. Many times, advisors may struggle with students because they believe that they need a higher level of interaction or direction when the student is actually able to accept more of a delegating style and vice versa.

Directing: The advisor provides specific instructions and closely supervises task accomplishments. Use this style with students/groups that are at a low level of readiness.
Coaching: The advisor continues to direct and closely supervise task accomplishment, but also explains decisions, solicits suggestions, and supports progress. Use this style with groups that have a few leaders that are at a higher readiness level who will need your support with the rest of the group to get things accomplished.
Supporting: The advisor facilitates and supports the efforts toward task accomplishments and shares responsibilities for decision making with the students. Use this style with students/groups that are just starting to understand the concepts that will lead to success – the group is just starting to “get it.”
Delegating: The advisor empowers the students to conduct their own decision making, problem solving, and delegating. Use this style with students/groups that are at a high level of readiness.

Flexibility: You must be able to move from one style to another in order to meet the needs of the different types of students and multiple circumstances
you will encounter.
Diagnosis: You have to learn how to diagnose the needs of the students you advise. Determining what is needed as opposed to what is wanted is sometimes a difficult task. It is also important to note that what is needed is not always the thing that will get the most positive response - it is what will lead the student through a problem, set the standard for the future, or help to teach the student a valuable life lesson.
Contracting: You have to learn how to come to some agreements with students. It can be helpful to work together to reach an agreement as to which advising style they seek from you. This is a valuable lesson for assisting students with understanding the rules of engagement and interaction that will be carried forth as they mature.

Source: ACPA Advisors Manual. (2009).

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Problems that May Arise in the Student Organizations

Inevitably, problems will surface throughout the student organization and as an advisor, you will need to be aware of these problems and how to solve them. The following is a list of common problems that occur in student organizations and suggestions on how to come to a solution. Keep in mind that group dynamics play a major role and that each student organization will operate differently. Ultimately, use the skills you have as an advisor and the knowledge you have from the relationship you have with your student organization to help guide you.

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Leadership Problems
  • The leader does not consult with the organization before making significant decisions.
    • Potential solution: Have a discussion with the leader that helps them understand the importance of communication and how including other members in the decision-making process makes them feel valued and increases their sense of belonging to the organization.
  • The leader appears to lack self-confidence, is non-assertive, and lacks interest in organization.
    • Potential solution: Sometimes it takes additional encouragement and support in a student for them to step into and embrace the leader role. Ask the student how you and the other members can help to support the student as the leader. If the student shows a general lack of interest in the organization, then a different discussion needs to be had. The student may no longer want to be involved in the organization and doesn’t know how to step down, or they could have a lot on their plate at the moment and either needs to take a step back or needs help with carrying out organization responsibilities. Either way, have a discussion with the student to better understand their lack of interest in the organization.
  • A rivalry exists between leaders in the organization.
    • Potential solution: If the rivalry is due to prior personal issues between the leaders, then the leaders will need to discuss how they can separate their personal issues from interfering with their ability to carry out the responsibilities of the organization. However, if the rivalry is tied to organization issues then as the advisor, it is important to have a discussion with both students to understand where each of them are coming from and ensuring that they both feel heard. Approach each student separately first and then have them sit together to discuss the issue together. If an agreement can’t be reached, then propose that each student step down from their leadership role so that their rivalry doesn’t interfere with the success of the organization.
  • The leader has work overload, and too many time-conflicts.
    • Potential solution: For work overload, ask the leader how they can delegate some of the work to other executive members. Student leaders tend to be involved in more than one extracurricular activity, so they develop a busy schedule. When it comes to time conflicts, have a discussion with the leader to see if they may have overcommitted themselves to the organization and ways they can either lighten their workload.

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Membership Problems
  • Low attendance at meetings.
    • Potential solution: Determining a set schedule of days/times to meet as a group before the semester/year begins typically gives students enough notice and allows students to know what to expect. Additionally, it helps to be consistent with the day and time meetings are scheduled which can also be determined by sending a form or survey for members to provide their availability for the semester/year.
  • Members have low satisfaction and morale, are bored, do not communicate well, feel left out or are apathetic.
    • Potential solution: Increase student engagement by involving members throughout different decision-making processes (such as planning events and programming). Asking students for their input for ideas and opinions can make them feel involved and part of something bigger than themself. When it comes to communication, it’s important to note that communication goes both ways, and as leaders of an organization, leaders should ask themselves if they have the right or enough lines of communication open for members to feel like they can reach out to the leadership team. If so, sometimes students lose interest in an organization and don’t know how to step back. Either way, having a conversation with the student can help determine where the issue lies.
  • An individual member's goals differ from those of the organization.
    • Potential solution: Sometimes members will join an organization with expectations that don’t align with the purpose of the organization. It is important that the leaders of the organization clearly lay out the goals of the organization so that members are aware of what the organization wants to achieve. Keep in mind that members should feel free to bring up new ideas or suggestions that can help the organization achieve its’ overall goal.
  • There exists a lack of trust among members.
    • Potential solution: Leadership retreats or workshops can help members get to know when another and develop a sense of trust among each other. Leadership retreats typically occur during the beginning or the middle of the year, whereas workshops can occur multiple times throughout the year. However, structure will differ based on the student organization.
  • Programs fail.
    • Potential solution: It is important to support the students when a program doesn’t go as planned and encourage them to reflect on what went right and what they can improve for the next program/event. As an advisor, you can serve as the historian of the organization which can help when it comes to putting together events and programming. Reflecting on programs and events can help the organization set up a plan for success and develop a repertoire of programs/events that they can use and know will be successful in the future.
  • There is a lack of ideas.
    • Potential solution: Sometimes it is important to allocate set times to meet as a group to discuss ideas. Allowing space for leaders and members to share their thoughts and use each other as sound boards can help inspire ideas that lead to putting on programs/events. Additionally, as an advisor, nudging them towards looking back at what the organization has done in the past can also inspire ideas.

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Organizational Problems
  • Meetings are disorganized.
    • Potential solution: A step in the right direction starts with the leaders creating an agenda for meetings that are distributed to everyone in the organization before the meeting. The agenda should lay out the topics that will be discussed in the meeting. Additionally, leaders can use Robert’s Rules of Order to direct the conversation and make sure people are recognized and given the space to speak.
  • The organization suffers from financial problems.
    • Potential solution: The leaders of the organization should be aware of funding opportunities, which as an advisor, you should familiarize yourself with financial resources student organizations can tap into. Additionally, it may be important to sit down with the treasurer and discuss expenses frequently, as well as encouraging a spending report be put together on a monthly, semesterly, or yearly bases so that there is a clear trail of financial records.  
  • There is no continuity from one year to the next.
    • Potential solution: Leadership transition is important to the success of any student organization and the responsibility falls both on the advisor and the leaders of the organization. A transition meeting should be set in place before the outgoing leadership team leaves, where the incoming leadership team is trained on the responsibilities and expectations of their roles. Additionally, as the advisor, you play the role of the historian and can help the new leadership team towards the beginning while they get used to their roles.
  • The organization has no "plan of action”.
    • Potential solution: Sitting down at the beginning of the year with the leaders of the organization to discuss the goals the students want to accomplish can help the leaders set a plan for the year. Once goals are set, have the leaders discuss how they will accomplish these goals by laying out action steps, due dates, and resources they may need to help them. As an advisor, guiding the leaders to set realistic goals based on past experience can help the leaders set and accomplish their goals. Additionally, revisiting the goals throughout the year can also help keep the organization on track.
  • Disagreement with institutional policies and procedures.
    • Potential solution: Familiarize the organization with university policies every so often (such as at the beginning of each semester) and make sure the leaders of the organization are especially aware of the policies and the consequences since the responsibility can fall on them if an issue were to arise due to a violation of a policy by either a member of the organization or the organization as a whole.

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Advisor Problems
  • Organization members avoid the advisor.
    • Potential solution: If it feels like students are avoiding you, then set up a meeting with them to discuss what may be going on to clear up any miscommunication. Keep in mind that communication is a two-way street and as the advisor it is important to ensure that you reflect on the lines of communication you have open for organization members to communicate with you. Ask yourself: Do I attend meetings where students can ask me questions if need be? Have I given my availability for when members can contact me? Have I discussed with the leaders how often will they need me to be involved? If so, then sometimes it comes down to setting communication expectations you have of the leaders of the organization and clearly identifying how you would like to stay updated.
  • Organization members do not pay attention to advisor's advice.
    • Potential solution: As an advisor, you serve as the historian which means you have experience in what has been successful and ways to approach different problems that have occurred in the past and are now showing up again. Communicating past experiences with the members can show them the experience you have and the knowledge and skills you bring to the table.
  • The advisor is overwhelmed by their responsibility.
    • Potential solution: If being overwhelmed stems from the overall workload you have, then it is important to recognize how much you can have on your plate and whether you can take some work off your plate or, if your other responsibilities are getting in the way of successfully helping the student organization, need to maybe step down from you advisor role. If you are overwhelmed due to student organization responsibilities, then you should have a discussion with the leaders of the organization and communicate how your role as an advisor is to serve the organization to a certain extent because most of the responsibility should fall on the leaders and members of the organization. Additionally, it could be helpful to sign a contract or create a document that records the set of expectations the students have of you and that you have of them so that everyone is clear about their duties.
  • The advisor assumes a leadership function.
    • Potential solution: As advisor, you shouldn’t have a leadership role in the student organization. Your role is to help guide and assist the student organization within the confines of the responsibilities of the advisor. If the members expect you to play a leadership role then it may be important to have a discussion where you lay out your position as an advisor and communicate that you can’t assume a leadership function.

Source: Adapted from the ACPA Advisors Manual. (2009).

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20 Tips for Advisors to Increase Organizational Productivity

  1. Know what the students expect of you as an Advisor.
  2. Let the group and individual members know what you expect of them.
  3. Express a sincere interest in the group and its mission. Stress the importance of each individual’s contribution to the whole.
  4. Assist the group in setting realistic, attainable goals. Ensure beginning success as much as possible but allow the responsibility and implementation of events to lie primarily with the organization.
  5. Have the goals or objectives of the group firmly in mind. Know the purposes of the group and know what things will need to be accomplished to meet the goals.
  6.  Assist the group in achieving its goals. Understand why people become involved. Learn strengths and emphasize them. Help the group learn through involvement by providing opportunities.
  7. Know and understand the students with whom you are working. Different groups require different approaches.
  8. Assist the group in determining the needs of the people the group is serving.
  9. Express a sincere interest in each member. Encourage everyone to be responsible.
  10. Assist the members in understanding the group’s dynamics and human interaction. Recognize that at times the process is more important than the content.
  11. Realize the importance of the peer group and its effect on each member’s participation or lack thereof. Communicate that each individual’s efforts are needed and appreciated.
  12. Assist the group in developing a system by which they can evaluate their progress. Balance task orientation with social needs of members.
  13. Use a reward system and recognition system for work well done.
  14. Develop a style that balances active and passive group membership.
  15. Be aware of the various roles that you will have: clarifier, consultant, counselor, educator, facilitator, friend, information source, mentor, and role model.
  16. Do not allow yourself to be placed in the position of chairperson.
  17. Be aware of institutional power structure—both formal and informal. Discuss institutional developments and policies with members.
  18. Provide continuity for the group from semester to semester (not mandatory but encouraged).
  19. Challenge the group to grow and develop. Encourage independent thinking and decision-making.
  20. Be creative and innovative. Keep a sense of humor!

Source: ACPA Advisors Manual. (2009).

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