One-Time Payment to an Individual
Forms to Complete
- SICA Packet
- OPERS Acknowledgement form
Who signs
- Contractor signs SICA and OPERS forms
- Signature authority for the University (based on amount) signs SICA and returns to originating department
Next Step
- Logon to eCUBE
- Click on "Independent Contractor -- one-time payment" form
- Enter information
- Attach SICA Packet and OPERS Acknowledgement
Electronic approvals
- The Financial Manager will approve the form/requisition in eCUBE
- The form will route to Human Resources for approval
- The form will route to the Controller's office if a grant is being charged or the Independent Contractor is a non-US citizen.
- The Financial Manager will approved, it will flip to an invoice and wait in the Financial Manager's invoice approval queue in eCUBE
- AFTER THE EVENT, the financial manager will approve the invoice
- Accounts Payable will review and approve the invoice for payment
- Once the check is created in Banner, the check number will populate in eCUBE in the Payment Information block of the electronic invoice.
Several Payments to an Individual
Forms to Complete
- SICA Packet
- OPERS Acknowledgement form
Who signs
- Contractor signs SICA and OPERS forms
- Signature authority for the University (based on amount) signs SICA and returns to originating department
Next Step
- Logon to eCUBE
- Click on "Standing Order for Independent Contractor" form
- Enter information
- Attach SICA Packet and OPERS Acknowledgement
Electronic approvals
- The Financial Manager will approve the form/requisition in eCUBE
- The form will route to Human Resources for approval
- The form will route to the Controller's office if a grant is being charged or the Independent Contractor is a non-US citizen.
- Accounts Payable must receive each invoice and Accounts Payable will enter it in eCUBE
- The paper invoice will be attached to the electronic invoice and viewable in eCUBE
- The invoice will route to the Financial Manager for approval
- Once the check is created in Banner, the check number will populate in eCUBE in the Payment Information block of the electronic invoice.
One-Time Payment to Several Individuals
Forms to Complete
- PAF for MPL (Payment Authorization form for Multiple Payee List)
- A single EVC checklist
- OPERS Acknowledgement for each person
- (Contract document -- keep in department)
Who signs
- Contractor signs (contract document) and OPERS form
- Financial Manager approves and signs PAF and EVC checklist
Next Step
- Send complete package to Human Resources
- Accounts Payable will process directly in Banner the payment for the participants on the MPL within 30 days of the completion date of services unless instructed otherwise by the Financial Manager