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Cynthia E. Anderson



Cynthia Anderson

Cynthia Anderson was raised in Vienna, Ohio. She received her bachelors degree in business education from Youngstown State University in 1973. She earned a masters degree in business education from Ohio State University in 1976 while teaching at Westerville South High School.

David C. Sweet



David Sweet

Leslie H. Cochran



Leslie Cochran

Leslie Cochran was born in 1939  in Indiana. He attended Western Michigan University on a half academic, half athletic (baseball) scholarship and graduated in 1961. He received his masters degree from Western Michigan in 1962. Cochran taught drafting in the Detroit Public Schools while he earned his doctorate in education from Wayne State University.

Neil D. Humphrey



Neil Humphrey

Neil Humphrey was born in 1929 in Idaho. He graduated from Idaho State College in 1950 and received a masters degree from the University of Denver in 1951. Humphrey earned his doctorate of education from Brigham Young University in 1974. Before coming to YSU, he was President of the University of Alaska Fairbanks and Chancellor of the University of Nevada.

John J. Coffelt



John Coffelt

John Coffelt was born in Missouri in 1924 and graduated from the University of Denver in 1948. He worked for the State Teachers College in North Dakota until he earned his masters degree in 1951. While working on his doctorate degree, Coffelt held positions in several Colorado state education offices. He received his doctorate of education from the University of Colorado in 1962.

Albert L. Pugsley



Albert Pugsley

Albert LeRoy Pugsley was born in 1909 in Woodbine, Iowa. He earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in civil engineering in 1930 from South Dakota University, and his Masters of Architecture from Harvard in 1934. A registered engineer and a licensed professional architect, Pugsley held honorary doctoral degrees from South Dakota State University and Kansas Wesleyan University.  

Field Trip

Tuesday, May 3, 2022 - 11:00 to 13:00

Tuba Day

Sunday, March 27, 2022 - 14:00 to 20:00

Spring 2022 EGLSAPS Meeting

Friday, April 1, 2022 - 16:00 to 19:00

Howard W. Jones



Howard Jones

Howard W. Jones was born on September 25, 1895 in Palmyra, Ohio. He graduated from Hiram College in 1920 with a Bachelor of Arts degree and received his Master's degree from Western Reserve University in 1938. In 1943, Jones was granted an honorary doctorate of pedagogy from Westminster College, New Wilmington, Pennsylvania.
