YSU Directory of Faculty & Staff
Vinkler, Ms. Susan
Clinical Coordinator Graduate Nursing ProgramNursing -
Vitullo, Brooke
CoordinatorUndergraduate Admissions -
Vitullo, Ms. Jina
Coordinator ELIEnglish -
Vitullo, Ms. Sherry
Academic Operations Specialist 2College of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics -
Viviano, Mr. Anthony
Senior LecturerMechanical, Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering -
Vogel, Mr. John
Assistant Director for Athletic CommunicationsSports Information -
Volpini-Hann, Ms. Stephanie
Part-time FacultyPsychological Sciences and Counseling -
Vopat, Dr. Mark
ProfessorPhilosophy and Religious Studies -
Voss, Trent
Assistant Coach FootballFootball -
Vrancich, Ms. Lindsay
Part-time FacultyHealth Professions -
Vuksanovich, Mr. Brian
ProfessorEngineering Technology
Wade, Mr. Keith
Part-time FacultyLariccia School of Accounting and Finance -
Wadley, Christopher
Police Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy -
Wadsworth, Ms. Veronica
InstructorAcademic Achievers -
Wagner, Ms. Patricia
Associate ProfessorCriminal Justice and Consumer Sciences -
Wagner, Dr. Timothy
Chair and ProfessorChemistry -
Wagnon, Mr. Wendell
LocksmithFacilities Office -
Wakefield, Mr. Dan
Lecturer- 330-770-3061
Teacher Education -
Wakefield, Dr. Thomas
Chair and ProfessorMathematics and Statistics -
Walker, Dr. Gary R.
Faculty EmeritusBiological Sciences -
Walker, Mrs. Jennifer
LecturerNursing -
Wallace, Ms. Debra
Assistant ProfessorNursing -
Wallace, Mr. Jesse
WOC Power Plant Energy Management SupervisorFacilities Office -
Wallace, Dr. Mandy
Assistant Professor and Literacy CoordinatorTeacher Education -
Wallace II, John
Part-time FacultyKinesiology and Sport Science -
Walsh, Ms. Donna
Senior LecturerMarketing -
Wang, Dr. Alice
ProfessorDana School of Music -
Wang, Dr. Yaqin
ProfessorEconomics -
Wang, Dr. Ying
ProfessorMarketing -
Wardle, Mr. Robert
Associate ProfessorChemical and Biological Sciences -
Wargacki, Mr. Jay
Operations Manager ETCExcellence Training Center -
Warren, Ms. Colleen
Counselor Penguin Service CenterRegistrar's Office -
Warrick, Mr. Crawford
PTF Comm TheaterCommunication -
Watkins, Ms. Taliah
Lead Instruction SpecialistThe Rich Center for Autism -
Weaver, Dr. Amy
ProfessorNursing -
Wecht, Dr. Cary
Professor & Director of Faculty Professional DevelopmentCommunication -
Weeks, Ms. Kara
Part-time FacultyEngineering Technology -
Weingart, Mrs. Mary
Administrator EmeritusCliffe College of Creative Arts -
Weintz, Ms. Tina
Administrator EmeritusCollege of Graduate Studies -
Wells, Mrs. Nicole
Coordinator Teacher LicensureBeeghly College of Liberal Arts, Social Sciences & Education -
Welsh, Dr. Thomas
Part-time FacultyCommunication -
Wentz, Ms. Kaari
Office Administrator Workforce Training ETCExcellence Training Center -
Westbrook, Thomas
Part-time FacultyEngineering Technology -
Wheeler, Ms. Jessica
Part-time FacultyEnglish -
Wheeler, Kimberlee
Part-time FacultyNursing -
White, Mr. Rich
Director Planning and ConstructionFacilities Office -
Whitfield, Mr. Kevin
Catalog LibrarianMaag Library -
Williamson College of Business Administration
Wilkinson, Dr. Richard
Part-time FacultyStudent Success -
Williams, Ms. Cindy
Human Resources GeneralistHuman Resources