YSU Directory of Faculty & Staff
Rojas, Mr. Rolando
ManagerUndergraduate Admissions -
Romeo, Mr. Matt
Groundskeeper 2Grounds -
Roof, Mr. Jarrod
Police Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy -
Rose, Ms. Becky
Director Marketing and CommunicationsMarketing and Communications -
Ross, Dr. Omar
Assistant ProfessorGraduate Studies in Health and Rehabilitation Sciences -
Rossi, Mr. John
Senior LecturerMarketing -
Rothenbuhler, Mr. Troy
Assistant CoachFootball -
Round, Mr. Terry
University Police OfficerYSU Police -
Rovnak, Ms. Angela
Associate DirectorIT Application Services -
Rowlands, Dr. Zara
ProfessorHealth Professions -
Rubinic, Stacy
Coordinator Graphic ServicesKilcawley Center -
Ruehle, Ms. Andrea
Accountant Examiner 3University Bursar -
Ruiz, Mr. Cristobal
Police Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy -
Ruller, Jackie
DirectorExcellence Training Center -
Rupe, Mr. Eric
Assistant CoachCross Country, Track & Field -
Ruscitti, Ms. Anna
Business Operations Specialist 2Career Exploration & Development -
Ryu, Dr. Jae Joong
Associate ProfessorMechanical, Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering
Sabol, Michael
Police Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy -
Sacco, Mr. Vincent
DirectorFacilities Office -
Saenger, Dr. Christina
Associate DeanWilliamson College of Business Administration -
Sah, Mr. Garrett
Coordinator Social Media and CommunicationsMarketing and Communications -
Sahli, Ms. Sue
ManagerFinancial Aid and Scholarships -
Sak, Ms. Domonique
Coordinator Comp Sports CampsCampus Recreation and Wellness -
Salim, Mr. Ghassan
LecturerElectrical and Computer Engineering -
Sambroak, Ms. Meghan
Part-time FacultyNursing -
Sanders, Dr. Sal
Dean and Assistant ProvostCollege of Graduate Studies -
Sanders, Theresa
ELI InstructorEnglish Language Institute -
Sanson, Mr. Joe
Associate ProfessorEngineering Technology -
Santana, Ms. Maria
Part-time FacultyCommunication -
Santangelo, Mr. Chris
Coordinator Career Exploration & DevelopmentCareer Exploration & Development -
Sarkissian, Dr. John
Part-time FacultyForeign Languages and Literature -
Sarro, Dr. Patricia
Faculty EmeritusArt -
Satre, Dr. Lowell
Faculty EmeritusHistory -
Satterthwaite, Mr. Travis
University Police OfficerYSU Police -
Sauerwein, Mr. Mitchell
Police Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy -
Saxton, Ms. Delaney
Police Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy -
Scarisbrick-Hauser, Ms. AnneMarie
Part-time Faculty -
Schaade, Ms. Jill
PTF ManagementManagement and Marketing -
Schaft, Dr. Glenn
ProfessorDana School of Music -
Schaper, Mrs. Michele
Assistant Director, Degree Audit and CurriculumRegistrar's Office -
Schiedel, Mr. Matthew
Part-time FacultyEngineering Technology -
Schildcrout, Dr. Steven
Faculty EmeritusChemistry -
Schmidt, Mr. Robb
Associate Athletic Director Corporate Sponsorships and Athletic MarketingAthletic Ticket Office -
Schneider, Ms. Jennifer
Co-Head CoachCheerleaders -
Schneider, Mr. Jeremy
Technology Support EngineerIT Customer Services -
Schoenfeld, Ms. Melissa
Business Manager Facilities and Print OperationsFacilities Office -
Schofield, Mr. Robert
Maintenance Repair Worker 2Facilities Office -
Schroeder, Ms. Sharon
DirectorCollege Access and Transition -
Schuff, Ms. Sheryl
Manager of Athletic Ticket OperationsAthletic Ticket Office -
Schwartz, Dr. Jeremy
Director and Associate ProfessorLariccia School of Accounting and Finance