All job postings for Faculty, Part-time Faculty, and Professional Administrative positions must be posted for a minimum of thirty (30) days before a final offer of employment may be made. This change is being made to comply with federal immigration law requirements. Search Committee members may review candidate application materials, interview and make a recommendation for hire during the 30 day posting minimum but a final offer of employment will not be extended until the 30 day posting minimum has past. If the candidate recommended for hire requires immigration sponsorship, the search committee must review all candidates who have submitted application materials with the first 30 days of posting to ensure there is not an equally or better qualified candidate in the applicant pool.
1. Search Committee Training in Blackboard has been completed by all Search Committee members.
2. Search Committee Training Certificates collected from each committee member (valid for 1 year) and placed in Search File.
3. Job posting, qualifications and number of preferred applicants (typically 2-3, could vary depending on language in the bargaining unit agreement) reviewed with the Hiring Manager.
4. Metrics for evaluating applicants established by Search Committee (sample templates are available on the Equal Opportunity and Policy Development website and in Blackboard and are the preferred documents for evaluating applicants).
5. Review and rating of applicants.
6. Selection of applicants for interview.
7. Request for interviews submitted using the People Admin on-line system (see instructions, “Moving Applicants from Under Review by Dept. /Committee” under Hiring Procedures on the HR website).
8. E-mail notification of EEO approval of “Interview Request[s]” received (Interviews can only be scheduled and conducted AFTER EEO APPROVAL).
In-person interviews are preferred. Interviews should be as consistent as possible. Telephone interviews should be conducted when there is a large applicant pool in order to narrow down applicants in order that the Search Committee can conduct in-person interviews. Skype interviews are acceptable if an in-person interview is not possible.
9. Preferred applicants selected and forwarded to the Hiring Manager. The PeopleAdmin system is set up for a 2 step interview process, Step 1 is the Search Committee interview[s] and Step 2 is the Hiring Manager interview[s]. It is acceptable to conduct interviews with both the Search Committee and Hiring Manager in the same day, however, the “Additional Interview Request[s]” must be submitted to and approved by EEO using the People Admin on-line system (See instructions, “Moving Applicants from Interview” under Hiring Procedures on the HR website).
10. Documents used to evaluate applicants must be submitted to HR. The preferred document would be an Excel spreadsheet with all of the applicants listed and their evaluation scores (sample templates are available on the Equal Opportunity and Policy Development website and in Blackboard).
The Search Chair responsibilities are completed, however the Hiring Manager may ask for additional assistance from the Search Committee Chair for scheduling interviews, reference checks, etc.
11. Hiring Manager Conducts in-person interviews (Skype interviews are acceptable if an in person interview is not possible).
12. Hiring Manager recommends an applicant for Hire in People Admin. (See instructions, “Moving applicants from Hiring Manager Review” under Hiring Procedures on the HR website).
13. Hiring Manager creates a Hiring Proposal in People Admin on-line system for approval (See instructions, “Create a Hiring Proposal” under Hiring Procedures on the HR website).
If the Hiring Manager is not satisfied with the final applicants, they may request additional applicants from the Search Committee Chair. Search Committee would repeat Steps 4 through 8.
NOTE: Search Committee members are not authorized to communicate to an applicant their employment status (recommended/not recommended for hire). All information regarding an applicant’s recommendation or non-recommendation for a position originates from Human Resources. The Hiring Manager and/or Search Committee Chair may let an applicant know that all formal offers of employment come from Human Resources. Only an HR Representative should discuss salary, benefits, and other offer details with an applicant