The Importance of Placement Tests

The Importance of Placement Tests at YSU

Congratulations! You’re about to step into the world of college. As you may know, one of the first steps is to take YSU’s Composition Placement Test, the ALEKS placement test in Math, and the Accuplacer Reading Test. These tests determine your placement in certain classes.

Most YSU students are required to take at least two writing courses, and many will be required to take at least one math course. All students, of course, must read textbooks, as well as study classroom materials and class notes. Therefore, to be sure that they are prepared to meet the rigors of college-level reading, writing, and mathematics courses, all entering students are required to take these three tests in order to determine appropriate placement into these courses.

*Please go to the testing center to schedule an appointment.


Most students are required to complete two-first year writing courses: Writing 1 (ENGL 1550) and Writing II (ENGL 1551). Many students may also be required to take an additional writing course to prepare for Writing I. Students placed in the additional course will thus be required to take three semesters of writing classes.

  • Placement into the additional course is determined by the ACT English or SAT Writing test scores and/or the Composition Placement Test (CPT). Students who have been placed into the additional English course via the ACT or SAT tests should opt to take the CPT to try to improve their English course placement.


Approximately one-third of the freshman class is found to be reading and comprehending college-level material with some difficulty. Therefore, based upon the results of the ACT Reading or SAT Reading tests or the ACCUPLACER Reading test, some students will be required to take either Basic College Success Skills (RSS 1510B) or Advanced College Success Skills (RSS 1510A) coursework.

  • Students who have been placed into a RSS course via the ACT Reading or SAT Reading tests should opt to take the ACCUPLACER Reading test to try to improve their Reading placement.


The ACT Math test, the SAT Math test or the ALEKS PPL assessment are used to determine accurate placement into the math course sequence required by a student’s major.

  • Students who have been placed into a math 1505 and 1510C course via the ACT Math or SAT Math tests should opt to take the ALEKS PPL assessment.


Majors in the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences and selected majors in the College of Creative Arts and Communication and the College of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics have a foreign language course requirement. Students with majors requiring foreign language may choose to take the Foreign Language Placement Test (FLPT).

Placement tests are intended to place you into the college courses that will help you succeed in your college career. Those who need special assistance should and can receive help by contacting the various YSU assistance centers. Please take these important examinations seriously.

Rev. Oct.2016ajg