Foreign Language Testing

Students planning to major in the following programs are required complete foreign language coursework as a requirement of the degree program:

  • Africana Studies
  • American Studies
  • Anthropology
  • Applied Music (Instrumental & Voice) (CCAC)
  • Art History (CCAC)
  • Economics
  • English
  • French
  • Geography Gerontology
  • History
  • Italian
  • Journalism
  • Mathematics
  • Music Theory (CCAC)
  • Music History (CCAC)
  • Philosophy
  • Political Science
  • Pre-Law
  • Professional Writing and Editing
  • Psychology
  • Religious Studies
  • Statistics
  • Social Studies
  • Sociology
  • Spanish
  • Communication Studies (CCAC)
  • Telecommunication Studies (CCAC)
  • Theater (CCAC)

BA degrees in the College of STEM, such as:

  • Astronomy
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Physics/Astronomy
  • Geology
  • and some Individualized Curriculum Programs (ICP)

Students planning to major in a program requiring foreign language study (see list above) or those students intending to take a foreign language course may choose to take the Foreign Language Placement Test (FLPT) only if they want to register for an INTERMEDIATE or higher foreign language course. Students who have taken a foreign language in high school may enroll in any elementary language course without taking the FLPT.

The Foreign Language Placement Test is given in the commonly taught languages: French, German, Italian, Latin, and Spanish. Placing at the elementary level in one language automatically qualifies you for the elementary course in any language, not just the language tested.


The CLEP Language exams are designed to measure knowledge and skills typically learned in the first and second year of college study. The exam contains approximately 121 questions to be answered in 90 minutes. The CLEP exams require that students demonstrate their ability to understand spoken and written language.

Students may register here for a CLEP exam. After registering for a CLEP exam, go to the testing center to schedule your CLEP appointment. Unlike the FLPT, taking the CLEP language exams will allow you to earn college credit toward your language requirements.

**Please note there are fees involved when taking the CLEP exam.

If you have any questions regarding the FLPT or CLEP exams, email or call the Comprehensive Testing Center at or (330) 941-1343.

Rev. Oct.2016ajg