YSU Directory of Faculty & Staff
Jenkins, Ms. Kim
Business Operations Specialist 2Peace Officer Training Academy -
Jenkins, Dr. William
Faculty EmeritusHistory -
Jenyk, Ms. Sarah
Senior LecturerEconomics -
Jerome, Mrs. Madison
Deputy Title IX Coordinator and InvestigatorEqual Opportunity and Policy Development -
Jesko, Ms. Carolyn
Assistant Director ProgrammingStudent Activities -
Jiang, Dr. Qi
ProfessorSociology and Anthropology -
Johns, Ms. Dawn
Part-time FacultyNursing -
Johnson, Anthony
Assistant Coach Men's BasketballMen's Basketball -
Johnson, Bill
PresidentOffice of the President -
Johnson, Evan
Assistant CoachBaseball -
Johnson, Mrs. Lisa
Part-time FacultyCommunication -
Johnston, Ashley
Academic Operations Specialist 2Cliffe College of Creative Arts -
Johnston, Dr. Carl
ProfessorBiological Sciences -
Jones, Alyssa
Student WagesCampus Recreation and Wellness -
Jones, Mr. Todd
Lecturer, Composition TeacherComputer Science and Information Systems -
Jones-Canter, Ms. Jessie
CoordinatorMathematics and Statistics -
Joseph, Mr. Bruce
Part-time Faculty- 330-726-6668
- 330-770-6980
Lariccia School of Accounting and Finance -
Joseph, Ms. Jana
Lead Instruction SpecialistThe Rich Center for Autism -
Joy, Mr. Tony
Head CoachMen's Golf -
Joy-Tupaj, Ms. Rachell
Layout Design ArtistMarketing and Communications -
Juergensen, Dr. James
Associate ProfessorPsychological Sciences and Counseling -
Juruaz, Dr. Debbie
ProfessorHealth Professions -
Jusino, Ms. Mari
Business Operations Specialist 2General Counsel
Kale, Mrs. Veronica
CoordinatorHousing and Residence Life -
Kandray, Dr. Diane
ProfessorHealth Professions -
Kane, Caitlin
University Police OfficerYSU Police -
Management and Marketing
Kassis, Mr. Mousa
Network Director SBDC Export AssistanceWilliamson College of Business Administration -
Kassos, Mrs. Pamela
Transition CoachThe Rich Center for Autism -
Katros, Mr. Steve
Academic Operations Specialist 3Bitonte College of Health and Human Services -
Kaufman, Dr. Alison
Assistant DirectorInstitute for Teaching and Learning -
Kearns, Mrs. Angela
LecturerSocial Work -
Keeler, Ms. Sarah
Vice PresidentGovernment Relations -
Keillor, Dr. Bruce
Chair and ProfessorMarketing -
Kellar, Dr. Garrett
Assistant ProfessorKinesiology and Sport Science -
Keller, Dr. Shirley
Faculty EmeritusSocial Work -
Kelly, Mrs. Melissa
Coordinator Business OperationsThe Rich Center for Autism -
Kelty, Mr. Joseph
Groundskeeper 2Grounds -
Kempe, Timothy
Groundskeeper 2Grounds -
Kempers, Mrs. Debra
Deputy Equal Opportunity CoordinatorHuman Resources -
Kendall, Glenn
Police Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy -
Kengor, Mrs. Brett
Senior Academic Advisor 1College of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics -
Kennedy, Mr. Michael
Boiler TechnicianFacilities Office -
Kent, Mrs. Rosemary
Administrator EmeritusFinancial Aid and Scholarships -
Kent-Strollo, Dr. Nicole
Dean Students and OmbudspersonDean of Students -
Keown, Dr. Daniel
Associate ProfessorDana School of Music -
Kephart, Ms. Penny
Police Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy -
Kerns, Dr. G. Jay
ProfessorMathematics and Statistics -
Kerns, Dr. Lucy
Associate ProfessorMathematics and Statistics -
Kerr, Mr. Michael
Part-time FacultyHealth Professions