YSU Directory of Faculty & Staff
Mohler, Mr. Daniel
Maintenance Repair Worker 2Facilities Office -
Moldovan, Dr. Stefan
Assistant ProfessorMechanical, Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering -
Monroe, Mrs. Anne
Business Operations Specialist 2Undergraduate Admissions -
Monroe, Ms. Samantha
Police Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy -
Monseau, Dr. Virginia
Faculty EmeritusEnglish -
Montaldo, Ms. Paulina
Part-time FacultyForeign Languages and Literature -
Montgomery, Hunter
Information Security Technician 2IT Security Services -
Moody, Ms. Kristy
Part-time Faculty -
Mook, Dr. Donald
Part-time FacultyTeacher Education -
Mook, Mrs. Heather
Part-time Faculty- Cushwa Hall 1074
Health Professions -
Moore, Ms. Becky
Manager Information LiteracyMaag Library -
Moore, Ms. Linda
Human Resources GeneralistHuman Resources -
Moore, Ms. Michelle
Part-time Faculty- 440-749-0631
Social Work -
Moore, Ms. Theresa
Part-time FacultyMathematics and Statistics -
Moore, Mrs. Tiffany L.
Academic Operations Specialist 3Williamson College of Business Administration -
Moorer, Ms. Susan
Associate Director, Part-time FacultyBelonging, Empowerment, and Engagement -
Morales, Mr. Arnaldo
Assistant CoachCross Country, Track & Field -
Moransky-Miller, Dr. Marlo
Part-time FacultyTeacher Education -
Morella, Mr. Thomas
Associate Athletic Director DevelopmentAthletic Ticket Office -
Social Work
Morgan, Dr. Dave
ProfessorDana School of Music -
Morgan, Mrs. Renee
Part-time FacultySocial Work -
Morgione, Atty. Greg
Associate General Counsel and LiaisonGeneral Counsel -
Morrison, Dr. James
Faculty EmeritusPsychological Sciences and Counseling -
Morrone, Mr. Ross
Academic Marketing and Enrollment Strategy OfficerAcademic Affairs -
Morrow, Mr. Rick
Part-time FacultyNursing -
Morrow, Mr. Seth
Software Integration Analyst 2IT Application Services -
Morton, Dr. Bonique
Part-time FacultyHealth Professions -
Morton, Dr. Joshua
Part-time Faculty, PTF HHSHealth Professions -
Mosca, Dr. Joseph
Intermittent Recruitment and Retention AdvisorBitonte College of Health and Human Services -
Mosca, Dr. Nancy
Part-time FacultyNursing -
Moser, Dylan
Assistant CoachBaseball -
Moser-Flatley, Ms. CJ
Academic Operations Specialist 2, Part-time FacultyKinesiology and Sport Science -
Mosher, Mrs. Jennifer
Part-time FacultyDana School of Music -
Mostella, Mr. Malik
Police Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy -
Motter, Mrs. Misty
Part-time Faculty, PTF Master Athletic TrainingKinesiology and Sport Science -
Mouse, Mr. David
Software Integration EngineerIT Application Services -
Moy, Mr. Kin P.
Faculty EmeritusEngineering Technology -
Mucci, Ms. Rose
Senior LecturerNursing -
Mudryk, Mrs. Lisa
Business Operations Specialist 3WYSU FM 88.5 -
Mueez, Dr. Farhana
LecturerHealth Professions -
Mumaw, Ms. Kathleen
Faculty EmeritusLariccia School of Accounting and Finance -
Munger, Mary
Part-time FacultyTeacher Education -
Myers, Ms. Jennifer
Senior Academic Advisor 1Bitonte College of Health and Human Services -
Myers, Dr. Nathan
Associate ProfessorTeacher Education
Nachim, Mr. Paul
LecturerMathematics and Statistics -
Nadler, Dr. Sheffali
Part-time FacultyHealth Professions -
Naghibi Saleh, Gelareh
Part-time FacultyComputer Science and Information Systems -
Nalepa, Mr. Russ
Part-time FacultyMathematics and Statistics -
Nan-Callahan, Samantha
Program Coordinator Strategic CommunicationsCliffe College of Creative Arts