The Board of Trustees of Youngstown State University has pledged to make every effort to keep the required fees as low as is consistent with providing quality education. It is intended that fees not be adjusted more often than annually and that fee changes be announced in the spring or early summer. The Board of Trustees does, however, reserve the right to change any fee, charge, or fine without notice if conditions warrant.
The YSU Penguin Tuition Promise is a cohort-based, level-rate tuition, room and board and fee guarantee model that assures a student and his/her family a set of fixed rates for the pursuit of an undergraduate degree at Youngstown State University. The Penguin Tuition Promise is designed to make the cost of college predictable and affordable, and encourages students to complete degree programs within four consecutive academic years. Beginning with the 2018-2019 academic year, every new first-year, transfer or re-admitted degree-seeking undergraduate student will be part of the Penguin Tuition Promise. For additional information visit the YSU Penguin Tuition Promise page.
Students who are not first-year, transfer or re-admitted degree-seeking undergraduates are considered Non-Tuition Promise undergraduate students and should use the appropriate rate schedules for tuition charges and fees.
This fee is assessed to all non-tuition promise students each term. The rate is per academic semester hour of credit for one to 12 credits or for more than 18 credits; it is a flat rate for students registering for 12 to 18 credits during one term. Students registering for 18 or more credits pay the flat rate plus the percredit rate for each credit over 18. This fee supplements the state subsidy and is a source of revenue for the University's educational and general fund.
This fee is also assessed to all non-tuition promise students each term; the rate depends upon the number of credits registered for. This fee is for noninstructional services such as Kilcawley Center, intercollegiate athletics, intramural sports, performing artists and lecture programs, and student government.
This fee is charged to all non-tuition promise students each term. It is applied on a per-credit basis to provide information technology infrastructure and services across campus, including the new Student Information Systems, wireless connectivity, classroom technology, and a continuous strengthening and securing of the computing and networking environment. It provides support for technology enhancements and initiatives contained within the IT Master Plan, supporting the vision to keep pace with an evolving, interactive, student-centered and collaborative electronic learning environment.
All non-tuition promise students pay the instructional fee, the general fee, and the information services fee. Those students who are not legal residents of Ohio must pay a surcharge in addition. Students who are residents of the Affordable Tuition Advantage area pay a lesser surcharge than do students who are legal residents of other states and/or areas. The Affordable Tuition Advantage area includes the counties of:
Counties in Pennsylvania:
- Allegheny
- Armstrong
- Beaver
- Butler
- Clarion
- Crawford
- Erie
- Fayette
- Forest
- Greene
- Indiana
- Jefferson
- Lawrence
- Mercer
- Venango
- Warren
- Washington
- Westmoreland
Counties in New York
- Chautauqua
Counties in West Virginia
- Brooke
- Hancock
- Marshall
- Ohio
Students may audit courses (i.e., register to take a course without receiving credit). The fee for auditing a course is the same as if the course were taken for credit.
This fee is designed to recognize the differential cost of instruction among colleges. Examples of use include research instrumentation, enhanced teaching equipment, specialized software, specialized information resources (databases), maintenance and repair of capital equipment, technical and laboratory personnel support, and lab and instructional space upgrades.
This fee represents the cost for electronic materials such as eBooks that are used in designated course(s). This fee is non-refundable after the 100% tuition refund period and cannot be appealed.
A fee is charged for each course for an individual examination provided by an academic department to determine whether a student can be given academic credit for his or her knowledge of the course material. The fee must be paid before the test can be taken. This fee is charged on a per-credit basis.
This fee is to offset the cost of technology and support needed to support fully online programs.
This nonrefundable fee is assessed when students apply to graduate to cover costs associated with graduation. If a student defers graduation and has paid the fee, the payment remains valid for the two academic terms following the term of application. Should a student graduate with more than one degree at a time, the fee will only be charged once.
Late adds will be granted on an exceptional basis only and there will be a late add fee assessed for each course added after the add deadline. This fee is nonrefundable and cannot be appealed.
Application for Graduation must be submitted within the first three weeks of the term. Applications submitted after this date will be assessed a non-refundable late fee.
Payment of a bill received after the due date results in assessment of a late payment fee. All fees and charges billed must be paid in full. Partial payments will result in assessment of a late fee. Payment plan participants who do not pay their scheduled payment amount by the due date are also subject to assessment of a late payment fee.
A fee is charged a currently enrolled student who fails to register for the next term at the assigned time and later registers at the time assigned new or returning students.
This fee is optional each term for non-tuition promise students registered for less than six credit hours in courses designated as on-campus. This fee is charged, upon request of the parking permit via MyYSU portal – and will appear on students' accounts as a "parking fee." The "optional" fee and parking permit will also allow the student to have unlimited access to shuttle service. Students requesting the parking permit after the 14th day of the term will not have the permit issued or shuttle services made available until payment of the fee. The fee supports the operating and maintenance costs of campus parking facilities, roadways and sidewalks, as well as student shuttle service. The fee does not guarantee an available space in any particular lot. Some facilities are restricted (e.g. for students only, for faculty and staff only, or resident hall residents only). The current Driving and Parking Regulations pamphlet and parking lot map should be consulted. The fee is refundable only if the student returns the permit access card, validation sticker, and has less than six credit hours in courses designated as on-campus within five days of either the withdrawal date or the last date of the 100% tuition refund period, whichever is earlier. This fee is nonrefundable after the 100% tuition refund period and cannot be appealed.
A daily fee is charged anyone without a permit who wishes to park in facilities designated for cash business.
This fee offsets the cost of maintaining the programs and facilities of the Dana School of Music including the purchase and repair of equipment, rental of performance venues, recording and archiving of Dana events, and other expenses. The performance fee helps us provide the best possible experience for our students and follow standards set by the National Association of Schools of Music. This program fee is charged in addition to regular tuition. It is assessed students taking music lessons and is applied on a per-credit basis.
A fee is charged for an examination provided by an academic department to determine a student's proficiency for some reason other than assignment of academic credit. If academic credit is to be awarded, the credit by examination fee applies and not this fee.
This fee enables the Department of Art to strategically plan for essential equipment upgrades and investment in new technologies that drive development and implementation of innovative curriculum including the purpose of large and costly equipment and digital technologies. As new processes and directions emerge in contemporary art, the Department of Art must introduce new and innovative instructional art making options into the curriculum to remain enrollment competitive with regional and national peer institutions.
This fee is designed to partially offset expenses associated with courses that make use of supplies, equipment or personnel support beyond that associated with typical lecture courses. Examples include chemical supplies, engineering equipment, computers, software, and lab monitors. In addition, the First Year Materials Fee is designed to partially offset expenses associated with Campus Sexual Violence Elimination (SaVe) Act training, Financial Aid materials and training sessions with Financial Aid, Content and programming for a common intellectual experience including speakers and campus-wide events, Other materials, handouts, and software related to common elements of first year experience courses.
The University Office of Testing supervises a variety of special tests used for admission to college, graduate, or professional schools. The fees are established by the agencies responsible for the tests. Students are advised to contact the Testing Office for information and to make reservations.
This fee is charged to all non-tuition promise students each term registered for six or more credit hours in courses designated as on-campus. This fee will allow students to receive a parking permit (at no additional charge). Students must request the permit via MyYSU portal; the permit will give them unlimited access to shuttle service and admission into designated parking areas. The transportation fee supports the operating and maintenance costs of campus parking facilities, roadways and sidewalks, as well as student shuttle service. The fee does not guarantee an available space in any particular lot. Some facilities are restricted (e.g. for students only, for faculty and staff only, or resident hall residents only). The current Driving and Parking Regulations pamphlet and parking lot map should be consulted. The transportation fee is refundable only if the student has less than six credit hours (in courses designated as on-campus courses) by the last day of the 100% tuition refund period AND they return the permit access card and validation sticker within five days of either the withdrawal date or the last date of the 100% tuition refund period-whichever is earlier. The transportation fee is non-refundable after the 100% tuition refund period and cannot be appealed.
Service Charges
A nonrefundable fee is charged each time a computer-based placement test is retaken.
Fee assessed to recover data and/or transfer data that was successfully recovered onto a media device provided by the students (i.e. flash drive, hard drive, or DVD). No fee assessed unless some or all of the data is recovered. Note: If it is necessary to remove the hard drive from the PC in order to recover data, the Tech Desk will NOT be able to perform the service, and no fee will be charged to the student.
The Mercy Health Student Health Center is located on the corner of Wick and Lincoln Avenue. The Center provides health care to all currently enrolled YSU students – both resident and commuter students. These services are provided because of the Health Center Fee that is paid by all students each semester. The mandatory fee provides revenue to Mercy Health System to give student access to their Primary Care Facility. The center will be staffed by a full-time primary care physician and advanced practice provider. It will also provide the following services below:
Full service primary care practice
- Establish and develop continuity of care
- Address acute issues
- Walk-In Care location for non-scheduled visits
- Preventative care
- Extended hours
- Lab draw site
Mental health services
- Mental health, behavioral health and addiction issues addressed
- Two half-days per week
- Psychiatrist and psychiatric advanced practice provider
Health care is available for illness, injury, first aid, and routine health checks. Health screening tests, physical exams for sports and academic programs, gynecological exams, as well as consultations and referrals, are provided. Flu and other immunizations are also given; however, there are charges for these injections.
Office visits are free. Students do not need to have health insurance to use the Center's services. Blood tests, x-rays, lab tests, etc., ordered by a physician are done off campus at the student's choice of provider and at the student's expense.
Student records are kept strictly confidential. Information cannot be released to anyone without the written consent of the student. Certain public health diseases, however, must be reported to the Department of Health as required by law.
For more information, visit Student Health Clinic.
University housing is available for the academic year and summer terms. The academic year contract includes fall and spring terms. Charges are billed each semester. The housing contract includes room and meal plan. Payment and refunds are as scheduled in the housing contract. Meal plans are also available for students who are not residents in University Housing.
A nonrefundable charge is made for replacement of an ID card.
A nonrefundable fee is charged for enrollment in the payment plan. All tuition and fees are due in full by the payment due date unless the student enrolls in the payment plan.
Fee assessed for removal of all spyware and viruses from the PC and for installing the most current updates to applications and the operating system to help reduce the risk of future attacks. The first two PC remediation services are provided free of charge to current YSU students; the fee only applies to remediation performed beyond the first two free services.
Certain activity courses (e.g. bowling, skiing, ice skating, scuba diving) are available only upon the payment of a charge sufficient to cover the cost of the facility or transportation. These charges are set by the operator of the facility, are paid by the student to that operator (not to the University), and are in addition to any other applicable fee.
A charge is levied on anyone whose check, ACH, or charge is returned unpaid by the bank. If any late payment results therefrom, the applicable fee is also assessed. Failure to pay billing of return check, ACH, and/or charge within six days; and/or a second check, ACH, or charge return will result in the University not accepting this type of payment at any of its collection points and may subject the student to financial suspension for the term.
A limited number of lockers are available in various buildings for the convenience of commuting students. Locker payments and assignments are made in Kilcawley Center at the Penguin Xing.
There is a charge for normal transcript processing requests as well as rush or overnight express requests issued by the Office of Records. Transcripts will not be issued for anyone with outstanding debts owed to the University.
Fines are assessed for failure to return books on time as stipulated or for the unauthorized removal of a reserved book. Willful damage or defacement of library materials or other property is a violation of state law and is punished as such.
Parking without a permit, parking in unauthorized areas and other offenses as identified in the Parking Regulations brochure will result in the issuance of a citation against the vehicle and its owner, or against the student responsible for the vehicle (e.g., a student driving a parent's car). Payment of a fine removes the citation. In certain cases, vehicles may be towed. See the regulations for detailed information.
Fines may be assessed to students who have violated the Student Code of Conduct. These fines can be assessed by the Student Conduct Administrator or the Student Conduct Board after a disciplinary hearing. For a complete list of the possible fines that could be assessed to a student who is found responsible, please visit the Student Conduct Office website. YSU and Proud