Office of Community Engagement

Community Engaged Campus - The community engaged campus is driven by the value that arises from mutually beneficial campus community partnerships which incorporate diverse perspectives that strengthen the collective impact on the region. Through the utilization of the GivePulse (YSU PenguinPulse) platform, YSU will collect all community engaged experiential learning occurring both within and outside of the classroom. YSU PenguinPulse serves as the community engagement clearinghouse to enhance communication, collaboration and coordination. The YSU PenguinPulse newsletter showcases community engagement impacts and serves as the source of campus communication for community engagement and partnerships. The Community Partner Advisory Committee provides opportunities for input from community partners and adheres to the value of listening to the needs of the community and addressing needs collaboratively. The Community Engagement Council will lead the development of the YSU application to the Carnegie Foundation Elective Classification for Community Engagement. 

Group of volunteers from YSU

Empowering knowledge to serve the community

The Office of Community Engagement (OCE) is dedicated to the collaboration and creation of community partnerships to positively impact the region. OCE serves as the centralized coordinating structure to enhance communication, connect organizations with the appropriate campus resources to advance collaboration requests, and collect all of the community-based experiences from students, faculty, and staff. Additionally, the OCE works with organizations to secure external funds to support meeting community needs and the people they serve. Led by experienced professionals, the OCE provides support and a variety of services to community organizations and departments across campus.

Assistance to Community Partners

The YSU Office of Community Engagement values its partnerships between community organizations and YSU students, faculty, and staff. Community partners in need of assistance (i.e. volunteers, interns, committee members, etc.) can express their needs here.

To support Youngstown State University’s mission and core values, the goals of the Office of Community Engagement include:

  • Working with community partners to identify needs in the community and strategies for addressing such needs
  • Tracking the community impact of our students, faculty and staff via YSU PenguinPulse, our community engagement platform
  • Incorporating community engagement and experiential learning into the YSU curriculum
  • Communicating the value of community engagement for all participants
  • Pursuing and securing funding in support of university and community priorities
  • Leading the institutional goal to achieve the Carnegie Foundation Elective Classification for Community Engagement
  • Developing the framework to optimize, coordinate, and manage community engagement

YSU Definition of Community Engagement

YSU has adopted the Carnegie Foundation definition for community engagement:

"Community engagement describes collaboration between institutions of higher education and their larger communities (local, regional/state, national, global) for the mutually beneficial exchange of knowledge and resources in a context of partnership and reciprocity. The purpose of community engagement is the partnership of college and university knowledge and resources with those of the public and private sectors to enrich scholarship, research, and creative activity; enhance curriculum, teaching, and learning; prepare educated, engaged citizens; strengthen democratic values and civic responsibility; address critical societal issues; and contribute to the public good."

Further, at YSU, community engagement is the collaboration between YSU and the larger community for the mutually beneficial exchange of knowledge and resources; most often service with a community partner or nonprofit organization.

There are four criteria that serve as standards in which courses submitted for CEL designation are reviewed and evaluated. They include:

  1. Engagement - The engagement component meets a public good through a collaboration between faculty and community partners.  Students’ engagement has community impact.  The course’s intent for the community is clear and valuable.
  2. Reflection - There is a mechanism for students to link their learning to course content.  There is an opportunity to reflect upon the importance of the engagement.
  3. Reciprocity - Reciprocity is evident in the engagement component. All participants are in the role of teacher and learner, allowing mutual benefit for the student, the organization, and the community. Community partners involved in planning, evaluating & assessing.
  4. Public Dissemination - The engagement experience is presented to the partner/public or allows the opportunity for the community to engage in public dialogue.

In contrast, YSU defines community outreach as the effort of extending university resources, services, or expertise to meet the needs of the community that is one-directional in nature. Community outreach is done “for” an organization or the community, while community engagement is done “with” an organization for shared ownership and benefit.

And finally, university service, for students, is defined as unpaid time helping YSU areas/departments execute programs for the benefit of the YSU community and its students.

Service Spotlight

Julie Centofanti, a sophomore in the Sokolov Honors College at Youngstown State University, is among only two students across Ohio to receive the 2022 Charles J. Ping Student Service Legacy Award for outstanding leadership and contributions to community service
A new initiative to bring older and younger adults together to learn with and from each other will be kicked off with an event Monday, April 18, on the campus of Youngstown State University. Attendees must register for the event by April 1 at or...
With projected skilled labor shortages and employers struggling to fill open roles in Northeast Ohio, Youngstown State University’s Division of Workforce Education and Innovation is partnering with national nonprofit Opportunity@Work to help employers source skilled talent in the region. The...
New Year’s Day, MLK Day, Ground Hog Day, Valentine’s Day….Tax Day! It's that time of year again, and YSU’s Lariccia School of Accounting and Finance is ready! The school is again this year offering free income tax preparation services via the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program. VITA is...
Youngstown State University alumni have been chosen to receive the 2022 David and Pat Sweet Grass Roots Award, honoring more than two decades of helping beautify downtown Youngstown as part of Youngstown CityScape’s annual Streetscape Day initiative.

“Community engagement” is a broad term that encompasses all forms of collaboration between the university and the community toward a mutually beneficial outcome.

Students, Faculty and Staff:

Track Your Impact

Community Partners:

Request Assistance

Penguin Pulse CES Logo with tagline.png

YSU PenguinPulse is the university platform for tracking community engagement and connecting individuals with opportunities to serve the community. By joining YSU PenguinPulse, students, faculty, staff, and community partners can:

  • Track and reflect on their impact in the community
  • Organize service projects and events for their course, organization, or area
  • Match with community partners and volunteers that fit an individual’s interests and a partner’s needs

Community partners may request a free account for volunteer management by reaching out to or by using the link below.

Community Partner Assistance Request

How do I log into YSU PenguinPulse?

  1. Go to You can also find the link the Penguin Portal.
  2. In the top right-hand corner, click the user dropdown. Select "Log In."
  3. Click "Login via YSU" and use your YSU username and password (if you are a student / faculty / staff member. Community members will have their own login credentials).

How do I find volunteer opportunities?

  1. From YSU's PenguinPulse page, click on the Events tab.
  2. Click on "Type" and filter for "Volunteer / Service Opportunity."
  3. Scroll the list of opportunities or filter for more specific parameters.

How do I promote a community engagement opportunity on YSU PenguinPulse?

  • Go to, log in, then click on the "Submit Opportunity" button to fill out a form for your event, or
  • Click on the "Subgroups" tab, search for your YSU college/dept./office/center page, and click on it. Find your page's administrator and click "Message" to tell them about your event to get it added to your area's YSU PenguinPulse page.

How do I track my community engagement?

After registering for a community engagement opportunity and volunteering, log your service by:

  1. Selecting the user dropdown in the top right-hand corner.
  2. Clicking "Add Impact."
  3. Following the prompts as necessary to find the organization you served, mark if your services was attached to a course, add your hours or donation, and reflect upon your experience.

Faculty and staff should also be logging their personal impacts; however, full-time faculty who are already using Watermark to track community engagement do not have to double-track in YSU PenguinPulse. Please just ensure you are checking the community engagement box in Watermark when applicable. 

As a faculty member, how do I track impacts from my courses?

If you'd like to add several impacts for multiple users (i.e., for a community-engaged learning experience in your course), you can bulk import the impacts:

  1. Create a spreadsheet that includes columns for student first names, last names, YSU emails, semester, hours completed, organization served, and course.
  2. Save as a .csv file.
  3. Email the .csv file to, along with a description of the community engagement activity and student reflections, and we will upload the impacts into YSU PenguinPulse.

What counts as an "impact" in YSU PenguinPulse?

An impact can be added for any community engagement activity or university service.

YSU has adopted the Carnegie Foundation's definition of community engagement. The full definition can be found here.

Further, at YSU, community engagement is the collaboration between YSU and the larger community for the mutually beneficial exchange of knowledge and resources; most often service with a community partner or nonprofit organization.

e.g., Packaging food for families at United Way's Satur-Day of Caring event, serving on the Guinathon team to benefit Akron Children's Hospital, tutoring local grade school students, etc.

University service, for students, is: Unpaid time helping YSU areas / departments execute programs for the benefit of the YSU community and its students.

e.g., Volunteering for Penguin Preview Day, showing students how to register during orientation, helping out at a YSU sporting event, etc.

What does NOT count as an impact?

Activities that fall under the category of on-campus involvement should not be added as impacts in YSU PenguinPulse.

On-campus involvement is defined as: Student organization or campus event participation/leadership not tied to engagement with or for a community partner.

e.g., Attending student organization meetings, athletic events, theater productions, etc., taking on a leadership position in a student organization, planning an on-campus academic or social event with no service component. Such events may be posted as events in YSU PenguinPulse, but they do not count as community engagement.

Where can I find more help with YSU PenguinPulse?


Community Engagement Council 

The Community Engagement Council will lead the development of the YSU application to the Carnegie Foundation Elective Classification for Community Engagement.

  • Chris Barzak, YSU Poetry Center & Beeghly College of Liberal Arts, Social Science, & Education
  • Heather Belgin, Alumni
  • Jenna Binsley-Smith, Tressel Institute for Leadership and Teamwork
  • Maria Bova, Government Affairs
  • John Bralich, Center for Applied GIS & Beeghly College of Liberal Arts, Social Science, & Education
  • Emilie Brown, College of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
  • Jeff Buchanan, English & World Languages & Beeghly College of Liberal Arts, Social Science, & Education
  • Jonathon Cambouris, Youngstown Historical Center of Labor and Industry
  • Elizabeth Cianciola, Office of Community Engagement
  • Amy Cossentino, Office of Academic Affairs
  • Laura Dewberry, Center for Nonprofit Leadership & Williamson College of Business Administration
  • Jaelyn Farris, Psychological Sciences & Counseling
  • Amy Fluker, Beeghly College of Liberal Arts, Social Science, & Education
  • Tim Francisco, Center for Working Class Studies & Beeghly College of Liberal Arts, Social Science, & Education
  • Adam Fuller, Center for Judaic and Holocaust Studies & Beeghly College of Liberal Arts, Social Sciences, and Education
  • Mollie Hartup, Sokolov Honors College
  • Kristin Italiano, Beeghly College of Liberal Arts, Social Sciences, and Education
  • David Janofa, Center for Workforce Education and Innovation
  • Alison Kaufman, Institute for Teaching and Learning
  • Sarah Keeler, Government Affairs
  • Nancy Landgraff, Graduate Studies in Health & Rehabilitation Sciences
  • Scot Loveland, Ohio APEX Accelerator
  • Katie Merrill, Cliffe College of Creative Arts
  • Tyler Mettille, Athletics
  • Susan Moorer, Office of Belonging, Empowerment, and Engagement
  • Caleb Queen, Student Experience
  • Paul Sracic, Rigelhaupt Pre-Law Center & Beeghly College of Liberal Arts, Social Science, & Education
  • Andrea Tharp, Sokolov Honors College, YSU PenguinPulse
  • Mark Vopat, Dr. James Dale Ethics Center & Beeghly College of Liberal Arts, Social Science, & Education
  • Amy Weaver, Bitonte College of Health and Human Services
  • Jessie Wright, Lariccia School of Accounting and Finance & Williamson College of Business Administration


Community Partner Advisory Committee

The Community Partner Advisory Committee provides opportunities for input from community partners and adheres to the value of listening to the needs of the community and addressing needs collaboratively.

  • Boys & Girls Club of Youngstown
  • Habitat for Humanity of Mahoning Valley
  • Mill Creek Metro Parks
  • OH WOW! The Roger & Gloria Jones Children's Center for Science & Technology
  • American Red Cross
  • Economic Action Group
  • Harmony Hospice
  • MyPath Mahoning Valley
  • Rescue Mission of the Mahoning Valley
  • Rich Center for Autism
  • Second Harvest Food Bank of the Mahoning Valley
  • St. Patrick’s Church
  • United Way of Youngstown and the Mahoning Valley
  • Ursuline Sisters of Youngstown
  • Youngstown Neighborhood Development Corporation
  • Youngstown Playhouse
  • YSU Eastern Ohio Area Health Center
  • YSU Explorer Program

Community Fellows

Community fellows are undergraduate or graduate students who work closely with a community partner to move forward their mission.

  • Avi De
  • Hannah Crites
  • Livia Laudermilt
  • Anna Morgione
  • Erfan Nasirzadeh Orang
  • Prabin Pokharel

Externally funded initiatives include community organizations and school districts. Through these partnerships organizations are provided with resources to better meet the needs of the people they serve.


The Office of Community engagement provides evaluation, grant, programming, and training services to help organizations grow in Northeast Ohio.

Contact Us

(330) 941-3427   ♦

Melissa J. Chizmar
Program Coordinator, YSU Explore

Kali Davies-Anderson, M.S.H.I.
Program Coordinator, Grants and Evaluation

Elizabeth Cianciola, MS.Ed.
Director, OCE

Amy Cossentino, Ph.D.
Associate Provost, Strategy & Engagement & Dean

Levi Smith
Budget Administrator

Andrea Tharp
Assistant Director, Sokolov Honors College
YSU PenguinPulse