Withdrawal Process

To withdraw from a single course, or from all courses (complete withdrawal), it is necessary to access the registration functions online via the Penguin Portal. It is the student's responsibility to confirm that the withdrawal was correctly processed, and the course(s) is (are) deleted. Nonattendance of class or notification to the instructor or department does not constitute official withdrawal. For information about reduction or refund of fees and charges, please contact the Penguin Service Center at 330-941-6000.

Withdrawal from a Course Instructions: 

Click here to find screenshot instructions on how to withdraw from a course in Penguin Portal. 


Withdrawal from All Courses Instructions:

A complete withdrawal may be executed before classes begin or after the term starts through the last day to withdraw with a grade of "W" of the appropriate part of term. Please consult the academic calendar or the Penguin Portal for deadlines.

Click here to find screenshot instructions on how to withdraw from all courses in the Penguin Portal.

Eligibility for Future Registration After Complete Withdrawal:

  1. A new undergraduate applicant who withdraws from all courses prior to the first day of the term must contact the Office of Admissions (enroll@ysu.edu) to defer their application to a future term, and will not receive notice from the Office of the Registrar of future registrations until deferment is complete. 
    2.    A former (readmitted) YSU undergraduate student who withdraws from all courses prior to the first day of the term must contact the Records Office (records@ysu.edu) to defer their application to a future term, and will not receive notice from the Office of the Registrar of future registrations until deferment is complete.
    3.    A new or former graduate student who withdraws from all courses prior to the first day of the term must contact the College of Graduate Studies (gradcollege@ysu.edu) to defer their application to a future term, and will not receive notice from the Office of the Registrar of future registrations until deferment is complete. 
    4.    A current student completely withdrawing on or after the first day of the term will receive notice of future registrations from the Office of the Registrar for one academic year.

Please note: All registration notifications are delivered to the student’s YSU email address.

Honorable Withdrawal

On occasion, a student voluntarily withdrawing from the university may need a letter stating the conditions of their withdrawal.  If a statement of honorable withdrawal is needed, the dean of the appropriate college or other appropriate offices (i.e., University Discipline Officer) will furnish one, provided the student is of good character, has a satisfactory record of conduct, has no financial obligations to the university, and is withdrawing voluntarily for acceptable reasons; and provided that the student, if withdrawing during a term, follows the official procedure for a change of registration.