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Stephanie Baker

Vincent Sacco

Samantha Cucchiara

Spring 2024 Student Leadership Retreat

Text: 27th Annual Student Leadership Retreat Youngstown State University

Visit the Sokolov Honors College


Join us on Friday, October 18 for YSU's Sokolov Honors College Open House. This event is your chance to learn about the honors student experience, tour our residence hall, and interact with current honors students, staff, and faculty. Whether you are just starting to look or already sure you want to apply, everyone can take something away from this day! Register to attend here.

YSU Financial Aid Night January 25, 2024 at 6:30pm Chestnut Room, Kilcawley Center

Posted on
December 8, 2023

Youngstown State University’s Financial Aid Night is a community service event that provides helpful information to the parents of students in grades 11 and 12 planning to attend college. In addition to a full presentation that will detail the basics about applying for financial aid, attendees can also meet our Financial Aid Counselors and receive direct assistance with the completion of the 2024-2025 FAFSA. Registration is strongly encouraged using the link below or by browsing to the event's website.


Student Loan Repayment Strategies PowerPoint Now Available

Posted on
December 7, 2023

The Fall Student Loan Repayment Information Session presented by Citizens Bank was held on Tuesday, December 5. The  PowerPoint below provides information and money saving strategies on student loan repayment with topics including repayment plans, loan forgiveness programs, and borrower rights and responsibilities. Viewing is strongly encouraged for upcoming graduates, but the information is applicable to all student borrowers at any phase of their postsecondary education.

Pujah Crain

Rebecca Greenfeld

Jennifer Tymkew
