All meal plans include three components- meal swipes, Flex Dollars, and Pete’s Points.
A meal swipe is used any time you go to eat at Christman Dining Common. You swipe when you enter, and then can eat as much as you want during that meal period. Christman offers a wide range of options, including many “build your own” options, as well as the capacity to cook meals to order for those with special dietary needs. Your swipe count resets each Monday morning, and meal swipes do not roll over from one week to the next.
Flex Dollars have a dollar-for-dollar value and can be used at many on-campus locations, including Christman Dining Commons, many grab-and-go locations in academic buildings, and many locations in Kilcawley Center. Please see our campus dining map for details. Flex Dollars roll over from fall to spring semester, as long as you continue to live on-campus. Flex Dollars expire at the end of the academic year (in May) and should be used before the end of finals week.
Pete's Points have a dollar-for-dollar value and can be used at all on-campus locations, including all locations where Flex Dollars are accepted, as well as many off-campus partner locations near campus. Please see our campus dining map for details. Pete’s Points roll over from fall to spring semester, as long as you continue to live on-campus. Pete’s Points expire at the end of the academic year (in May) and should be used before the end of finals week.
Name | Number of Meal Swipes | Amount of Flex Dollars | Amount of Pete's Points | Upcharge Fee | Restrictions |
12 Bronze | 12 per week | $350 | $150 | Included in Room and Board | None |
12 Silver | 12 per week | $450 | $150 | $90 | None |
12 Gold | 12 per week | $550 | $150 | $180 | None |
8 Bronze | 8 per week | $400 | $300 | Included in Room and Board | First-year students* in Cafaro and Lyden are not eligible |
8 Silver | 8 per week | $500 | $300 | $90 | First-year students* in Cafaro and Lyden are not eligible |
8 Gold | 8 per week | $600 | $300 | $180 | First-year students* in Cafaro and Lyden are not eligible |
5 Bronze | 5 per week | $500 | $450 | Included in Room and Board | First-year students* in all buildings are not eligible |
5 Silver | 5 per week | $600 | $450 | $90 | First-year students* in all buildings are not eligible |
5 Gold | 5 per week | $700 | $450 | $180 | First-year students* in all buildings are not eligible |
*First year students are defined as students who have not yet lived on campus for two full semesters, not including summer terms.
Meal Plan Change Period
You may choose to change your meal plan once per semester, and only within the first two calendar weeks of the semester. To request a meal plan change, please visit the Y Card site:
If you select to upgrade your meal (from bronze to silver or gold, or from silver to gold) you will be charged the upcharge fee, as noted above. If you are simply changing from one bronze plan to another bronze plan there will be no additional fee.
Please note the restrictions on selection of meal plans for first-year students, as well as first-year students in specific buildings.