Below is a list of proposals submitted to the YSU Budget Advisory Council for the allocation of up to $1 million in
strategic investment funds for Fiscal Year 2018. Funding recommendations will be forwarded to President Tressel for final consideration.
- Academic Achievers Housing Proposal*
- Admissions Sweeney Hall Proposal*
- Aeroponic Food Farm*
- CCAC Proposal - Immersive Visualization and Collaborative Digital Work*
- CCAC Reorganization - Renovation of Dean's Office*
- CLASS Proposal - Digital Humanities Center*
- CSIS Proposal - Cognitive Computing and Emerging Analytics*
- Facilities Signage Proposal*
- Faculty Activity Reporting Digital Measures*
- Fok Hall Maintenance Proposal*
- HR Proposal - Compensation Analysis*
- Human Ecology Food Labs - a la mode*
- International Campus Life Team*
- IT Cache Server Proposal*
- IT MMCR Proposal*
- IT Proposal - CCTV*
- IT Proposal - Print Management*
- IT Proposal - Williamson Network Refresh*
- M&C Proposal - AT&T Tower Signage*
- M&C Proposal - Marquee Upgrade*
- M&C Proposal - Royall Pilot*
- Media Upgrades to the Lincoln Building*
- Police Radio System Proposal*
- Research Incentive Funds - Hripko*
- SimJunior Simulator Manikin for Nursing Simulation Lab*
- Student Affairs Pete's Treats Proposal*
- Student Affairs Rec Center Proposal*
- Student Affairs SGA Water Fountain Proposal*
- Student Study Areas Furniture - Maag Library*
- The RespiSim Education Package - PRO*
- Transfer Equate Data Entry*