YSU Directory of Faculty & Staff
Billock, Mr. Michael
International Student and Scholar Advisor, Part-time FacultyEnglish -
Binning, Dr. William
Part-time Faculty (Faculty Emeritus)Politics, International Relations, and Rigelhaupt Pre-Law Center -
Binsley, Ms. Jenna
Program Administrator, Part-time FacultyCenter for Workforce Education and Innovation -
Bishop, Mrs. Gretchen
Part-time FacultySocial Work -
Black, Mr. Brian
Groundskeeper 2- Salata Complex
Grounds -
Black, Summer
Part-time FacultyNursing -
Bland, Travis
Part-time FacultyNursing -
Blandine, Ms. Taylor
Senior Athletic Academic Coordinator, Part-time FacultyAthletic Academic Counseling -
Blank, Megan
Technology Support Technician 2IT Customer Services -
Blank, Dr. Sheila
Director and Associate ProfessorNursing -
Blasco, Mr. Frank
Part-time FacultyMathematics and Statistics -
Blaze, Billy
Coordinator Membership and MarketingCampus Recreation and Wellness -
Blazek, Mr. Mark
Groundskeeper SupervisorGrounds -
Boardman, Mr. Kenneth
Groundskeeper 3Grounds -
Bodnovich, Mr. Thomas
Faculty EmeritusComputer Science and Information Systems -
Boerio, Dr. Gregory
Part-time FacultyPsychological Sciences and Counseling -
Boggs, Donna
Human Resources GeneralistHuman Resources -
Boggs, Mr. John
Police Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy -
Bolling, Mr. Edward
Part-time FacultyLariccia School of Accounting and Finance -
Bondi, Mr. Daniel
Lead Instruction SpecialistThe Rich Center for Autism -
Bonhomme, Dr. Brian
ProfessorHistory -
Booth, Peyton
Assistant CoachWomen's Basketball -
Border, Mr. William
Program CoordinatorAcademic Achievers -
Bordonaro, Mr. Christopher
Police Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy -
Borovitcky, Ms. Cheryl
Part-time FacultyTeacher Education -
Borowicz, Mr. Kenneth
Layout Design ArtistKilcawley Center -
Borra, Dr. Vamsi
Assistant ProfessorElectrical and Computer Engineering -
Bosela, Dr. Theodore
Part-time Faculty- Moser Hall
Engineering Technology -
Boso, Mr. Drew
Part-time FacultyMathematics and Statistics -
Boulos, Mrs. Maria
Part-time FacultyHealth Professions -
Bova, Miss Maria
Associate Director for Government AffairsGovernment Relations -
Bova, Ms. Michele
Administrative Specialist 2- Beeghly Hall
Teacher Education -
Bowles, Dana
Human Resources GeneralistHuman Resources -
Bowlin, Dr. David
Part-time FacultyTeacher Education -
Bowser, Mrs. Joyce
Part-time FacultyEnglish -
Bowser, Miss Presley
Associate Director, Part-time FacultySokolov Honors College -
Bowyer, Mrs. Brittany
Executive AssistantFinance and Business Operations -
Boyd, Joseph
Part-time FacultyPhilosophy and Religious Studies -
Bradford, Ms. Monique
Coordinator MBA ProgramWilliamson College of Business Administration -
Bralich, Mr. John
Director Center for Applied Geographic Information Systems, Part-time FacultyGeography and Urban-Regional Studies -
Brandenstein, Mr. Jake
Associate DirectorWYSU FM 88.5 -
Bresko, Mr. David
Composition Placement Test Reader, ELI InstructorEnglish -
Brettrager, Henry
Police Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy -
Brickey, Dr. Russell
Part-time FacultyEnglish -
Bridge, Mr. Tom
Network ArchitectIT Infrastructure Services -
Brimus, Mrs. Bailey
Part-time FacultySocial Work -
Britt, Ms. Marylynn
Accountant Examiner 3University Bursar -
Brkic, Mr. John
Part-time FacultyStudent Success -
Broll, Vincent
Groundskeeper 2Grounds -
Brown, Ms. Emilie
Coordinator STEM Outreach, Part-time FacultyCollege of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics