YSU Directory of Faculty & Staff
Das, Dr. Ajay
Part-time FacultyTeacher Education -
Daum, Sarah
Assistant Director Athletics Sales and DevelopmentAthletics -
Davidson, Ms. Courtney
Assistant CoachWomen's Basketball -
Davies-Anderson, Kali
Program Coordinator Grants and Evaluation, Part-time Faculty -
Davis, Dr. Dana
Chair and Associate ProfessorSocial Work -
Davis, Ms. Kelli
Part-time FacultyNursing -
Davis, Mr. Kevin
Video Production Specialist, PTF Comm TheaterAthletics -
Davis, Kyle
Instruction Specialist- 330-941-1927
The Rich Center for Autism -
Davis, Mrs. Mary Ann
Part-time FacultyTeacher Education -
Davis, Dr. Ron
Assistant ProfessorSocial Work -
Davis-Dieringer, Stephanie
Part-time FacultyKinesiology and Sport Science -
Dawson, Ms. Ashlee
Part-time FacultyMathematics and Statistics -
De Genova, Mr. Thomas
Part-time FacultyGraduate Studies in Health and Rehabilitation Sciences -
De'Armond Szucs, Laura
Associate Director International AdmissionsInternational Programs Office -
Dean, Miss Taylor
Academic Advisor 1, Part-time FacultyCollege of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics -
DeBernardo, Ms. Erin
Layout Design SupervisorMarketing and Communications -
DeBlasio, Dr. Donna
Part-time FacultyHistory -
DeCarlo, Carl
LecturerChemistry -
Decker, Dr. Jennifer
Lecturer and Research ScientistExcellence Training Center -
DeFelice, Mr. Anthony
Part-time FacultyTeacher Education -
Defiore-Golden, Mrs. Phyllis Jean
Part-time FacultyNursing -
DeFonde, Ms. Jaci
Layout Design ArtistMarketing and Communications -
DeFrances, Mr. Robert
Manager Customer Service and OperationsUniversity Bursar -
DeGregorio, Ms. Debra
Part-time FacultyArt -
Delbene, Dr. Janet
Faculty Emeritus -
Dell'Arco, Ms. Celeste
Part-time FacultyNursing -
Delost, Dr. Maria
Part-time FacultyHealth Professions -
DeLucia, Ms. Angela
Assistant to DirectorMcDonough Museum of Art -
DeLucia, Mr. Nicholas
Software Integration Analyst 1IT Application Services -
Delvaux, Mr. Thomas
Part-time FacultySokolov Honors College -
DeMann, Dr. John
Part-time Faculty- 724-759-4029
Dempsey, Mr. Michael
Part-time FacultyDana School of Music & University Theatre -
DeNiro, Mrs. Lori
Part-time Faculty- 330-727-7684
Nursing -
Dennis, Stephanie
Part-time FacultyDana School of Music -
DePinto, Mr. Anthony
Part-time FacultyComputer Science and Information Systems -
DeSantis, Dr. John
Assistant ProfessorCivil, Environmental, and Chemical Engineering -
DeSantis, Mrs. Lauren
Part-time FacultyHealth Professions -
Deschenes, Dr. Rick
Associate ProfessorCivil, Environmental, and Chemical Engineering -
DeVaul, Thomas
Police Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy -
Devore, Ms. Lisa
Academic Operations Specialist 2Chemical and Biological Sciences -
Dewberry, Ms. Laura
Senior LecturerMarketing -
Diamond, Dr. Suzanne
ProfessorEnglish -
DiCarlo, Melanie
LecturerComputer Science and Information Systems -
Dick, Dr. Jeffrey
Part-time FacultyGeology and Environmental Science -
Dicken, Mr. Todd
Senior Lecturer -
Diefenderfer, Morgan
Library AssistantMaag Library -
Diggins, Dr. Thomas
ProfessorBiological Sciences -
DiLiello, Mr. Salvatore
Part-time FacultyKinesiology and Sport Science -
Dillon, Mr. Frank
Police Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy -
DiLullo, Ms. Michelle
Staff AuditorInternal Audit