YSU Directory of Faculty & Staff
Campbell, Dr. Matthew
Assistant Professor and Program DirectorGraduate Studies in Health and Rehabilitation Sciences -
Campbell, Mr. Patrick
Police Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy -
Campolito, Ms. Erika
Classroom SupervisorThe Rich Center for Autism -
Candel, Mr. Anthony
Lead Instruction SpecialistThe Rich Center for Autism -
Cannon, Ms. Renee
Senior Layout Design ArtistMarketing and Communications -
Capezzuto, Paul
Part-time FacultyPhilosophy and Religious Studies -
Cappabianca, Mr. William
Police Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy -
Caraballo, Ms. Ariana
Part-time FacultyHealth Professions -
Caraballo, Kate
Part-time Faculty- DeBartolo Hall
English -
Carballo, Mr. John
Hybrid Machine Operator, Part-time FacultyExcellence Training Center -
Carcelli, Ms. Carly
Part-time FacultyEnglish -
Carchedi, Ms. Jean
Part-time FacultyComputer Science and Information Systems -
Carfolo, Ms. Susan
Senior Academic Advisor 2, Part-time FacultyWilliamson College of Business Administration -
Carlini, Ms. Jayne
Executive AssistantGeneral Counsel -
Carlisle, Randy
Maintenance Repair Worker 2Facilities Office -
Carlson, Mrs. Lori
Senior LecturerMathematics and Statistics -
Carnahan, Ms. Emily
Academic Advisor 1, Part-time FacultyCollege of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics -
Carrera, Mrs. Lavern
Part-time FacultyHealth Professions -
Carsone, Mr. Louis
Police Academy InstructorPeace Officer Training Academy -
Carucci, Christine
Part-time FacultyDana School of Music -
Carucci, Dr. Joseph
Director and ProfessorDana School of Music -
Cascarelli, Ms. Linda
Administrative Specialist 1Williamson College of Business Administration -
Cascarelli, Dr. Nicholas
Part-time FacultyHealth Professions -
Casciano, Ms. Dina
Manager General AccountingController's Office -
Cashbaugh, Mr. Sonny
Instruction SpecialistThe Rich Center for Autism -
Cashbaugh, Steve
Groundskeeper 2Grounds -
Castronovo, Dr. Frank
Faculty Emeritus -
Catalano, Mr. Anthony
Senior Counselor Financial AidFinancial Aid and Scholarships -
Caumo, Steven
Part-time FacultyEnglish -
Cavalier, Ms. Suzanne
Part-time FacultyNursing -
Caven, Mr. Robert
LecturerElectrical and Computer Engineering -
Cayson, Mrs. Trina
Part-time FacultyHealth Professions -
Centofanti, Ms. Allison
Associate Director Communications, Part-time FacultyMarketing and Communications -
Cerimele, Carmel
Coordinator Housing and Residence LifeHousing and Residence Life -
Cerney, Dr. Dawna
ProfessorGeography and Urban-Regional Studies -
Cesene, Dr. Daniel F.
Distance Education 2024-25:268, Part-time FacultyGraduate Studies in Health and Rehabilitation Sciences -
Cetor, Mr. Paul
Building Maintenance Supervisor- 330-720-4773
Facilities Office -
Chamakura, Thanuj Reddy
Part-time FacultyComputer Science and Information Systems -
Chammas, Mr. George
PTF School of TechnologyCivil, Environmental, and Chemical Engineering -
Chance, Mr. Robert
Air Quality TechnicianFacilities Office -
Chang, Dr. Andy
Part-time FacultyNursing -
Channing, Michelle
Coordinator STEM K-12 Access and OutreachCenter for Workforce Education and Innovation -
Chapel, Mr. Kevin
University Police SergeantYSU Police -
Chaplin, Mr. John
Part-time FacultyPhilosophy and Religious Studies -
Chapman, Miss Madison
Coordinator Social Media Creative ContentMarketing and Communications -
Charpie, Trevor
Head CoachBaseball -
Chaves, Mr. Ian
Part-time FacultyCriminal Justice and Consumer Sciences -
Cheff, Michelle
Coordinator Nursing Clinical ExperiencesNursing -
Chen, Ms. Fengting
Assistant CoachSwimming & Diving -
Chen, Dr. Huaiyu Peter
Associate ProfessorLariccia School of Accounting and Finance