The tools you need to succeed!
Student resources to help with the everyday stresses of life.
Lessons in a Bag
- Anxiety*
- Anxiety 2*
- Bouncing Back from Struggles*
- FYSS Bouncing Back from Struggles*
- Coping with Anxiety*
- Coping with COVID*
- Creativity for Everyone*
- Friendships, and Dating, and Roommates, Oh My!*
- Holistic Wellness*
- FYSS Holistic Wellness*
- Intuitive Eating Eating Resources*
- Making the Most of Your Advisement Appointments*
- Optimizing Your Environment for Wellness*
- Relaxation Strategies*
- Relaxation Techniques*
- Wellness Day Mindfulness Journaling Prompts*
- What Is Spirituality Anyway?*
- Y Wellness Online Safety and Wellness*
- Online Safety and Wellness*