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Meet Campus Partners

YSU Police

Youngstown State University places a high priority on the safety of its students and staff. To assure you of the best possible protection, the University employs a highly trained campus police force supported by the latest in crime-prevention education and technology. Whether you are on the YSU campus as a student, a visitor, an employee or faculty member, you can be confident that our police department is working to keep you safe.

Vehicle Accident Report

What to do in case of an accident?


Turn off the ignition


Guard the scene from further damage


Render only what first aid you are qualified to give. Don't move injured unless absolutely necessary. For serious injury, call an ambulance


Notify local police department. In many states it is unlawful to leave the accident without permission. Cooperate with the authorities. If the police do not arrive at the scene proceed to the local police department and file a desk report.

Indicate location of all traffic signals, stop signs, speed limit signs, etc. Indicate location of all vehicles/pedestrians and witnesses.
Location of Accident
Authority Contacted
University Vehicle
Other Vehicle Information

General Insurance Certificates

Third Parties who contract with YSU may access the following Certificates of Insurance listed below. A third party is considered an Additional Insured on the General Liability and Property policies when such an obligation exists in a written contract, per blanket endorsement in our policies.

General Liability/ Auto Liability/ Student Internship & Practicum

Insurance Coverage

The following is a summary of the IUC-IC coverage.  The summary is not intended to provide limits, deductibles to premium information.

Ultra Ambassadors

Faculty who are experienced with teaching in Ultra can apply to become Ultra Ambassadors. Ambassadors will play a crucial and influential role within their departments by communicating information to and assisting their peers.


  • Attend an Ultra Ambassador training program (TBD time, length).

  • Function as peer support for your respective department/college.

  • Serve as an ambassador during your department/college’s training semester and one semester following.

Incident and Injury Reporting Form

Use this form to report workplace incidents & accidents, such as injuries, property damage or near-miss (close calls).

Reporting Individual Information
Personal Information
Employee Information
Incident Information
Specific location or area where the incident occurred, such as building and room number.
For non-employee students, the supervisor may be the Faculty advisor/coordinator, instructor or Department Chair.
Describe what happened, including the activity that was being performed just before the incident occurred.

Claims Reporting

YSU requires timely and proper reporting of incidents and accidents that could become insurance claims so that insurance coverage is not jeopardized in addition to claims being resolved and paid timely (if coverage applies).  All incidents and accidents can be reported to EHS by completing the online form below.  Depending on the situation, additional information may be needed to determine if a claim must be submitted to our brokers.  Questions about this process can be directed to Julie Gentile, Director of EHS. 

Care Team

Tuesday, August 16, 2022 - 13:00 to 15:00

Care Team

Tuesday, August 2, 2022 - 13:00 to 15:00

Care Team

Tuesday, July 26, 2022 - 13:00 to 15:00
