Ultra Ambassadors

Faculty who are experienced with teaching in Ultra can apply to become Ultra Ambassadors. Ambassadors will play a crucial and influential role within their departments by communicating information to and assisting their peers.


  • Attend an Ultra Ambassador training program (TBD time, length).

  • Function as peer support for your respective department/college.

  • Serve as an ambassador during your department/college’s training semester and one semester following.

  • Provide a written testimonial on your positive experience teaching in Ultra.

  • Record a course tour of an Ultra course highlighting course design.

  • Attend a monthly meeting with the Department of Cyberlearning to stay informed of product releases and to share faculty feedback.

  • Participate in Microsoft Teams chat with instructional designers and other ambassadors. 


  • Must have at least 1 semester in the Ultra Course View.
  • Must have extensive knowledge of Ultra to help make informed design and development decisions. 
  • Open to faculty teaching full-time or part-time, or staff members teaching part-time.


  • Stipend.

  • Highlighted on the Cyberlearning website as an Ultra Ambassador.

  • Given an Ultra Ambassador badge to be displayed in their course. 


If you are interested in applying to become an Ultra Ambassador, please fill out an application. We will be accepting applications until this date.