Petition for Academic Reinstatement

Before you complete this form, determine if you are eligible to petition for reinstatement. Students who have been academically suspended from YSU must remain dismissed for at least one semester before being eligible to petition for reinstatement.  If you meet this criteria, submit this form to petition for academic reinstatement.  The Academic Reinstatement Committee will consider your petition.  Submitting a reinstatement form is not a guarantee of reinstatement to Youngstown State University and/or the program you wish to pursue.  Petitioners will be notified of the Committee's decision.  The Committee's decision is final.

7.) For which semester are you seeking reinstatement:
You must submit your petition by the deadline specified below. You may submit your petition as far in advance of the deadline as you wish. Petitions received after the deadline will not be reviewed.
9.) Have you applied for readmission to YSU?
If you have been away from YSU for 3 consecutive semesters, you must apply for readmission before the admission deadline. Check the YSU website at for more details.
13.) In a Word Document, please provide detailed answers and information for the following:
1) Explain the reasons that led to your academic suspension. If your explanation references circumstances beyond your control (i.e. significant personal illness, significant illness of a close family member, death in the family, eviction, financial issues, etc.), you must also provide (upload) official documentation (medical documentation, obituary, eviction notice, etc.) to support the veracity of your statement. 2) Describe the steps you will take if reinstated to ensure your academic success.
Files must be less than 4 MB.
Allowed file types: doc docx.
Files must be less than 5 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png pdf doc docx.
Files must be less than 5 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png pdf doc docx.
15.) Agreement to follow recovery plan
16.) Correct Readmission application
Notice: You Must Apply for Readmission
Since you have not attended another University since YSU, you will need to begin the readmission process. After submitting this form, please go to to begin this process.
Go to Admissions
Since you have attended another University since YSU, you do not need to begin the readmission process. After submitting this form, please go to to begin this your application.