Once accepted to the College Credit Plus program at Youngstown State University, you will receive important information regarding program details and deadlines sent to your YSU email account. Please be sure that you are checking your YSU email account regularly.
New CCP Students
If you have not taken CCP classes with YSU before, then you will attend CCP New Student Orientation to register for courses after you meet with your YSU advisor.
If you want to take classes on campus or online, our office will contact you to schedule an advising appointment. During your appointment, you will schedule a day/time to attend New Student Orientation and Registration Day.
When our office contacts you depends on when you plan to start classes. Appointments are made in
March/April for summer
May/June/July for fall
October/November for spring
New Student Orientations are held in
April for summer
June/July for fall
November for spring
You will register for your classes during orientation for that term.
You only attend orientation once, but you will meet with your advisor for each term you want to take campus or online classes.
If you want to only take classes at your high school, you will meet with your advisor during orientation, held either at your high school or virtually. Our office will register you for any course offered at the high school that you qualify for.
Continuing CCP Students
If you have completed a course with YSU previously, then as a Continuing CCP student, you will meet with YSU staff after you apply to the program to review program updates.
If you want to take an online or campus class, you are required to meet with your YSU academic advisor each term before registering for classes. Your advisor is housed in the CCP office and will reach out to you regarding setting up an appointment.
If you only want to take classes at your high school, our office will register you for those you qualify for.
Questions? Email ccp@ysu.edu.