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Harry Potters World

Harry Potter scholar lectures on campus Sept. 29; exhibit runs through Oct. 9

August 28, 2015

John Granger, who TIME magazine calls the “Dean of Harry Potter Scholars,” presents a free...
Music at Noon

Free Music at Noon concerts continue at Butler

August 28, 2015

Youngstown State University’s Dana School of Music, in collaboration with the Butler Institute of American...
Super Scholar

SuperScholar names YSU's Early Childhood Education a top online master's program

August 28, 2015

Youngstown State University has made’s list of top online master’s programs in Early Childhood...

This Week at YSU, Aug. 31, 2015

August 28, 2015

Tuesday, Sept. 1, 1 to 2 p.m. Welcome Week activities conclude with YSU Day on...
Nancy Wagner

$182,984 grant allows YSU to increase enrollment in online nursing program

August 21, 2015

The Ohio Board of Nursing has awarded $182,984 to Youngstown State University’s Department of Nursing...

Dana Faculty Trio opens Music at Noon season at Butler

August 21, 2015

Alice Wang The Dana Faculty Trio, featuring Dana School of Music faculty members Joseph Kromholz...
