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Renowned organist performs July 2 on campus

June 22, 2017

Craig Cramer, professor of Organ at the University of Notre Dame, performs in concert 4...

Bookstore, Edge, Wick projects near completion

June 19, 2017

The summer construction season is in full swing on campus, with more than a half...
Youngstown State University logo

$1M grant to establish training center; BoT authorizes purchase

June 19, 2017

U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown and U.S. Rep Tim Ryan have announced that YSU is receiving...
Pete The Penguin

What's News

June 19, 2017

Pete's Trees For the eighth consecutive year, the Arbor Day Foundation has designated YSU a...

Psychology prof studies myths of teen pregnancy

June 19, 2017

Teen pregnancy, and subsequently teen parenting, is viewed as a societal problem that has far-reaching...

Emeritus faculty and staff

June 19, 2017

The Board of Trustees has approved emeritus status for the following faculty and administrative staff:...

Fabricae Vniuersitatis: Kathy Cody

June 19, 2017

In just a few short years in her position as YSU coordinator of International Admissions...
YSU Seal

YSU Board of Trustees summary, June 7, 8 and 14.

June 15, 2017

Youngstown State University Board of Trustees Thursday and Friday, June 7 and 8, and Wednesday,...
Youngstown State University

YSU tuition remains lowest in Ohio, Western Pennsylvania

June 14, 2017

Students attending Youngstown State University will pay less for tuition than any other public comprehensive...
Sarah Perrine '14

Internship in Uganda inspires YSU alum’s water campaign

June 9, 2017

A graduate school internship in Uganda is giving Youngstown State University alumna Sarah Perrine first-hand...
