Bookstore, Edge, Wick projects near completion

The summer construction season is in full swing on campus, with more than a half dozen projects scheduled for completion before the start of the Fall semester.
“It’s always a busy time for us, but this year is particularly so,” said Rich White, director of Planning and Construction.
Among the projects:
- The Barnes & Noble student bookstore on Fifth and Lincoln avenues, featuring a full-service café serving Starbucks products, is scheduled to open for business on July 17.
- The vacated current bookstore location in Kilcawley Center will be converted to a student lounge area and offices for Student Government. In turn, Disability Services will move into the vacated SG offices on the second floor of Kilcawley.
- Phase II of The Edge student apartments, located along Rayen Avenue and behind the new bookstore, opens for the start of Fall classes.
- Construction that has closed Wick Avenue through campus is also expected to be mostly finished by the start of Fall semester.
- Renovations to Meshel Hall, including relocation of Computer Science classes and labs to the third floor, will be finished for the start of Fall.
- The first phase of improvements to Ward Beecher Hall, including flooring, ceilings, lighting and doors, will be done in time for the start of Fall classes.
- Replacement of the original slate roof on Jones Hall.

- General campus upgrades, including steps at University Courtyard extending from Wick Oval to Walnut Street, concrete repairs at the fountain outside Kilcawley, and landscaping at Veterans Plaza.
- Minor renovations to Bliss Hall lower level for new graduate programs.
In addition, work is expected to start this summer on the construction of The Enclave student apartments and retail space on Wick Avenue, between Lincoln and Rayen avenues. The privately-funded project will include nearly 200 bedrooms and is expected to be open for the start of Fall semester 2018.