Emeritus faculty and staff

The Board of Trustees has approved emeritus status for the following faculty and administrative staff:
James Andrews, Physics and Astronomy.
Annette Burden, Mathematics and Statistics.
C. Susan deBlois, Educational Foundations, Research, Technology and Leadership (posthumously).
Renee Eggers, Educational Foundations, Research, Technology and Leadership.
Jacek Fabrykowski, Mathematics and Statistics.
George McCloud, Communication.
Philip Munro, Electrical and Computer Engineering.
David Porter, Politics and International Relations.
Sueann Rendano, Nursing.
David Stout, Accounting and Finance.
Bonnie Thompson, Nursing.
Ronald Chordas, associate provost for University Outreach and executive director of PSI Center for Urban and Regional Studies.
John Doneyko, head athletic trainer, Athletics.
Eva Gucwa, coordinator, Bookstore.
Lynn Haug, retail operations manager, Kilcawley Center.
Jerry Slocum, head men’s basketball coach.
Jacqueline Taylor, research economist, Center for Urban and Regional Studies.