Speedway donates to Williamson's Career Management Center

Speedway LLC donated $1,500 to the Center for Career Management in the Williamson College of Business Administration at Youngstown State University to support professional development programming for business students.
The Center for Career Management is the single point of contact between business students and employers seeking undergraduate and graduate business students for internships and full-time professional positions. The center also provides a wide range of professional development programs to support students’ career success.
“Speedway is proud to support the Center for Career Management, which will provide the opportunity for students to connect with potential employers,” Speedway Region Manager Dustin Lance said. “Connections like this are important as students begin their careers and to employers like Speedway that want to attract top talent to its organization.”
In addition to supporting college and career readiness skills for students in pursuit of a post-secondary education, Speedway also participates in the semi-annual WCBA Employer Day, helping business students expand their professional networks.