Basic Tax Information

Tax filing in the United States is complicated. Taxes in the U.S. are reconciled every April with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for the previous tax year. The filing deadline for the 2023 calendar year is April 15, 2024.

YSU is currently using Sprintax Calculus, a nonresident alien software, to document compliance with the tax withholding and reporting rules. Many of you who received scholarshops for housing during the calendar year 2023 have been set up with a user account in Sprintax Calculus. Emails have been sent from Sprintax Calculus to activate your account. Sprintax Calculus will ask for information on Residency, Personal data, contact information, payments and will provide a residency summary (Nonresident Alien or Resident Alien) and then will let you know if tax treaties are available.  

Once you have received your email from Sprintax Calculus, it is important that you complete your account set up to ensure that payments are properly calculated. The software includes several help menus as well as offering live chat assistance if needed. If you have any additional problems, please email the YSU Controllers Office at

International students who are nonresidents for tax purposes should NOT use TurboTax and should NOT take their taxes to an off campus tax preparation agency – there is a high probability that those agencies do not have expertise in nonresident taxes and will likely prepare the wrong forms. Non-residents for tax purposes CANNOT claim the American Opportunity Tax credit (1098-T). Filing for that credit constitutes knowingly filing a false tax return, and carries severe penalties. If you are a non-resident for tax purposes and received the 1098-T from YSU in the mail/email, you should disregard this form.

Tips for a Successful Tax Season:

1. Be Informed (Filing the Form 8843)
In general, for federal tax filing, F-1 students are non-residents for tax purposes for the first 5 tax years in the U.S. Therefore, if you have been in the U.S. for 5 or less tax years, you are likely a non-resident for tax purposes.

All F-1/J-1 students and their F-2/J-2 dependents who are nonresidents for tax purposes must file at least the Form 8843This form is required for F-1/J-1 students and their F-2/J-2 dependents non-residents for tax purposes who were physically present in the U.S. in 2023, regardless of whether you had income in the U.S. in 2023. Non-residents for tax purposes are exempy from the FICA taxes. To determine tax residency, it is best to refer to the Internal Revenue Service ( General information on non-resident taxes can be found on the IRS website and in the IRS Publication 519 (U.S. Tax Guide for Aliens).

Please see the additional resources below with instructions for filing the Form 8843:

  • Follow this link a video with instructions for filing the Form 8843
  • The IPO will also be offering information sessions with instructions for filing the Form 8843 on the days and times listed below:
    • Wednesday, March 27 from 12:00 - 12:45pm 
      • Location: In-person: Lariccia Room, Jones Hall
    • Thursday, April 4 from 12:00 - 12:45pm

2. Stay organized! Gather all forms that are required to file your tax return.
In January/February 2024, employers and financial institutions sent important tax forms in the mail. Keep all these forms! You will need to prepare your tax return(s).

  • If you worked on campus as a YSU student employee, an electronic copy of your W-2 is now available in your Penguin Portal (look for "Taxes" in the section where you enter your hours). Contact Payroll with questions: 330-941-1470,
  • If you received a scholarship for housing during calendar year 2023, you will receive a tax form 1042-S sometime before March 15, 2024. This form will be made available through Sprintax, for those who do not setup a Sprintax account (see Sprintax Calculus reference above). For those who do not setup a Sprintax account, the forms will be distributed through mail. If you have already had a tax return prepared by VITA, you will need to bring VITA your 1042-S to finish your return. If you have VITA appointment coming up, please bring your 1042-S form along with your other documents.

3. Tax Preparation Software
If you do not use VITA for tax preparation assistance, the Sprintax presentation software is your best option to ensure you are completing the appropriate tax forms as a non-resident for tax purposes. The Sprintax software has the capability of helping to prepare federal AND state taxes. NOTE: There is cost associated with this software. Should you choose to use Sprintax software, you will be responsible for paying the fee. DO NOT USE TURBOTAX.

Please follow the links below and see the attached resources for additional information about filing the Sprintax: 

  • Sprintax:
  • You may also find it helpful to review Sprintax's blog on nonresident tax filing. In addition, Sprintax will hold FREE webinars to help you prepare for tax filing. Visit HERE to register for an upcoming webinar.

4. Be mindful of the tax filing deadline!

The filing deadline for 2023 taxes is April 15, 2024.