
Scholarships for International Students


Youngstown State University

The following scholarships are available for qualified international applicants. For more scholarship options, please browse and search through Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships Website



International Applicants & Scholarships: What we look for and what to expect

Youngstown State University (YSU) seeks to admit a talented and academically prepared international student body. To that end, the International Programs Office makes International Scholarship Awards ranging from $1,000 - $5,000 per year. The scholarships are competitive. Information on YSU scholarships available to international students may be found below.

Post–priority deadline applicant- International Scholarship amounts, for the Fall 2025 semester

For applicants/students who started their application on February 16, 2025 or after, which is after the priority consideration deadline for the Fall 2025 semester, due to the availability of funds, the scholarship amounts have been reduced. Please see the chart below, for the “Post- Priority application deadline, International Scholarship” amounts.

Scholarships are for first year, and first semester students: Reminder, scholarships are only provided for bachelor’s degree level students for whom their first semester with Youngstown State University (YSU), will be their first time attending university, and their first semester in university. Scholarships are per-year awards, that may be requested/renewed for up to a maximum of 4 years.

Post – priority deadline applicant- International Scholarship amounts, for Fall 2025 semester
Scholarship Value High School Gpa (us equivalent)


3.0 - 3.39

$1,000 3.4 - 3.69
$2,500 3.7 or higher

Documented rank of 1st in-class, and a 3.7 GPA or higher

International Scholarship Awards
Scholarship Value High School Gpa (us equivalent)


3.0 - 3.39

$2,500 3.4 - 3.69
$4,000 3.7 or higher

Documented rank of 1st in-class, and a 3.7 GPA or higher

The Fall priority scholarship deadline is February 15. After that date, scholarships are not guaranteed and subject to the availability of funds.

  • Additional Information About International Scholarships
    • Scholarships are per-year awards that may be awarded/renewed for up to a maximum of 4 years**.
    • Regardless of whether a student begins in Spring or Fall, international scholarships will always begin in the fall semester. In other words, students who begin in Spring semester will not receive an international scholarship award until Fall, and therefore must be prepared to pay full tuition for the Spring semester.
    • International Scholarships are for first-time freshman applicants only.
    • Interviews: Interviews are not a requirement for admission or scholarship. YSU’s Overseas Representatives as well as YSU International Programs Office Admissions Staff have designated times to interview applicants.
    • For applicants with a minimum 26 ACT / 1240 SAT score(s), you may be eligible to apply to YSU’s Sokolov Honor’s College. Students who are admitted to the Honor’s College may be eligible for additional scholarships. You can find more information here:

    ** YSU may adjust international scholarship awards based upon the availability of funding sources.



1) For international freshmen only:

Value minimum criteria renewal
  • $1,000 honors tuition renewable up to 4 years 

  • $2,000 honors housing renewable up to 2 years

  • If renewed for full four years, estimated value for tuition is $4,000.
    If renewed for up to two years, estimated value for housing is $4,000

  • 26 ACT or 1240 SAT

  • 3.5 GPA

  • 24 credit hours per academic year

  • Minimum 12 hours per term

  • 3.0 overall GPA

(Please visit the YSU Honors College website for details on how to apply. Eligible students must submit a separate application to the Honors College to be considered for scholarships.)

Please note: You must be admitted by the International Programs Office and have activated your YSU email to be able to apply to the Honors College.

    2) For Current and Transfer Students

            Please visit the YSU Honors College website for details. 


Honors College



Please visit Youngstown State Athletics Staff Directory to contact coaches for scholarship information directly. 

4. Graduate Scholarship 

Please visit Graduate Scholarships for detailed information. 


External Scholarships