YSU Directory of Faculty & Staff
Kralj, Mr. Kevin
Director Labor and Employee RelationsHuman Resources -
Kramer, Charles
Maintenance Repair Worker 2Facilities Office -
Kramer, Dr. Robert
Associate ProfessorComputer Science and Information Systems -
Kraner, Ms. Jody
Associate DirectorUndergraduate Admissions -
Krasinski, Mr. Steve
Systems EngineerIT Infrastructure Services -
Krasinski, Vince
Technology Support Technician 1IT Customer Services -
Krauss, Mr. Ronald
Intermittent Broadcast EngineerWYSU FM 88.5 -
Kresic, Mr. Matt
Part-time Faculty- 330-219-6028
Social Work -
Kress, Dr. Victoria
ProfessorPsychological Sciences and Counseling -
Krieder, Allison
Museum SpecialistClarence Smith Mineral Museum -
Krispinsky, Mr. Chad
Part-time FacultyCommunication -
Kriss, Ms. Mackenzie
Part-time FacultyNursing -
Krivosh, Ms. Patti
Part-time FacultyTeacher Education -
Kroliski, Joel
Senior Business Systems AdministratorIT Application Services -
Krontiris-Litowitz, Dr. Johanna (Jodie)
Faculty EmeritusBiological Sciences -
Kroynovich, Mr. Kyle
Business Manager AthleticsAthletic Facilities & Programs -
Krygowski, Mr. Francis
Faculty EmeritusEngineering Technology -
Kuberski, Mr. Douglas
Head CoachWomen's Bowling -
Kuboff, Mr. Paul
Part-time FacultyEngineering Technology -
Kucharski, Ms. Debora
Director Undergraduate Advising, Part-time FacultyCollege of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics -
Kuneli, Ms. Karissa
Part-time FacultyHealth Professions -
Kupec, Mr. Tom
Part-time FacultyPsychological Sciences and Counseling -
Kurcon, Ms. Jennifer
Business Operations Specialist 1Financial Aid and Scholarships -
Kuzma, Mr. Dan
Manager Building Services, Part-time FacultyJanitorial Services -
Kwolek, Dr. Kathy
Part-time FacultyTeacher Education -
Kyle, Dr. Latricia
Part-time FacultyCriminal Justice and Consumer Sciences -
Kyte, Ms. Amy
Academic Operations Specialist 1Nursing
La Riccia, Dr. James
Part-time FacultyTeacher Education -
Ladd, Dr. June
Part-time FacultyHistory -
Laird, Ms. Susan
Part-time FacultySociology and Anthropology -
Lally, Ms. Anne
Part-time FacultyStudent Counseling Services -
Lamonge, Ms. Adrianna
Part-time FacultyEnglish -
Land, Mr. Karl
Part-time FacultyPhysics and Astronomy -
Landgraff, Dr. Nancy
Chair and ProfessorGraduate Studies in Health and Rehabilitation Sciences -
Lantz, Ms. Dana
Executive Director Equal Opportunity and Human ResourcesEqual Opportunity and Policy Development -
Lapikas, Ms. Mary Lynn
Part-time FacultyNursing -
Lapolla, Mrs. Marsha
Part-time FacultyNursing -
Larwin, Dr. Karen
ProfessorTeacher Education -
Latarski, Mrs. Susan
Part-time FacultySociology and Anthropology -
Lateef, Dr. A. Bari
Faculty Emeritus -
Latessa, Mr. Michael
Executive Director, Part-time Faculty- Fedor Hall
The Rich Center for Autism -
Lathem, Ann
Part-time FacultyNursing -
Latimer, Mr. Chris
Maintenance Repair Worker 2- Kilcawley Center
Facilities Office -
Latronica, Mr. Brandon
Systems EngineerIT Infrastructure Services -
Lavender, Rachael
Business Operations Specialist 2Registrar's Office -
Lavender, Mr. Thomas
Building Maintenance SupervisorFacilities Office -
Health Professions
LaVine, Dr. Mary
Part-time FacultyTeacher Education -
Law, Dr. Dave
ProfessorLariccia School of Accounting and Finance -
Law, Nicole
Athletic Academic CoordinatorAthletics