We're looking for a group of students to join our Guinfluencer team! What all would this include, you ask?
- Highlight your life as a student through our YSU branded Instagram accounts.
- Be part of our Instagram stories by talking about your life as a student on campus and in your programs.
- Help us promote important information or interesting stories on social media.
- Attend at least two events per semester to help cover content on our social media channels.
- Tell your story through blogs and vlogs on the University YouTube and website.
- Meet with our team twice per semester to bring our heads together, catch up, and give you some awesome swag to give away for contests!
- While this is a volunteer position, volunteer, internship and/or class credit may be an option. Plus, who doesn't like some YSU swag?!
So who are we looking for?! A perfect Guinfluencer is always connected, spontaneous, and can do it all on the run. You'll be our feet on the ground — we're always looking for awesome stories to tell on our channels. If you see something cool happening in your classes or organizations, we'll rely on you to let us know so we can give it some love on social media!
This is a volunteer position with a great resume building opportunity. Applications are now open! If you'd like to be considered, fill out the questionnaire below and we'll be in touch!