Deep Learning in Other Disciplines

Helpful Ideas

Applying bloom's across different disciplines


Where to begin

  1. Create a table and align course learning outcomes with assessments and/or learning experiences that utilize AI at higher levels of thinking in accordance with Bloom’s Taxonomy.

  2. Think outside the box of traditional teaching methods: allow students to create, analyze, and evaluation.

  3. Apply the use of an AI in your discipline and course related to career pathways.

  4. Get feedback from students to improve on the use of AI in your course.

  1. Business Administration
    1. Analyze: Students could use ChatGPT to analyze case studies, breaking down complex business scenarios to understand underlying principles and strategies.

    2. Evaluate: Engage students in evaluating different business models or strategies using ChatGPT, fostering critical thinking and decision-making skills.

    3. Create: Task students with creating innovative business plans or marketing strategies, using ChatGPT for brainstorming and refining ideas.

  2. Computer Science
    1. Analyze: Use ChatGPT to help students dissect and analyze complex algorithms or coding structures, understanding their functionality and efficiency.

    2. Evaluate: Students could use ChatGPT to compare and evaluate different programming languages or technologies for specific applications.

    3. Create: Design a project where students create a new software application or system, using ChatGPT as a resource for coding tips and problem-solving.

  3. Education
    1. Analyze: Utilize ChatGPT to analyze different teaching methodologies or educational theories, especially in the context of urban and rural education.

    2. Evaluate: Have students evaluate the effectiveness of different teaching strategies or curriculums using ChatGPT, considering diverse educational environments.

    3. Create: Students can create lesson plans or educational materials, using ChatGPT to gather resources and feedback on their approaches.

  4. Engineering
    1. Analyze: Engage students in analyzing complex engineering problems or case studies using ChatGPT, identifying key components and challenges.

    2. Evaluate: Use ChatGPT to help students evaluate the feasibility and sustainability of different engineering solutions.

    3. Create: Assign projects where students design innovative engineering solutions, using ChatGPT for research and design advice.

  5. Health Sciences
    1. Analyze: Students can use ChatGPT to analyze medical case studies or research papers, identifying key findings and implications.

    2. Evaluate: Have students evaluate different health policies or treatments using ChatGPT, considering effectiveness and ethical aspects.

    3. Create: Task students with creating public health campaigns or wellness programs, using ChatGPT for information gathering and strategy development.

  6. Psychology
    1. Analyze: Use ChatGPT to help students analyze psychological theories or case studies, understanding different behaviors and mental processes.

    2. Evaluate: Engage students in evaluating the effectiveness of different therapeutic approaches or psychological tests using ChatGPT.

    3. Create: Students could create a research proposal or experiment design in psychology, using ChatGPT for literature review and methodology planning.

By integrating ChatGPT in this manner, you can enhance the learning experiences in college courses, aligning with Bloom's higher levels of learning and promoting a deeper understanding and application of course material.

Cummins, L., & Beese, J. (2024, January 9). EduTech Evolution: Harnessing AI for Learning [Breakout Session]. Cuyahoga Community College Colloquium.