Though we frequently see deep learning related to AI and how algorithms are processed to create a human like thinking process for an AI, deep learning that is spoken about on this website is not about Machine Learning. Deep learning here is all about creating learning experiences and opportunities that stay with a student long after they are done with the course and content. Deep learning is all about retention of understandings from content and courses that can be applied in any situation and not just knowledge to pass a quiz or test. It involves authentic assessment to measure students’ learning at these deeper levels and therefore, must bring AI in at these deeper levels of learning.
Pedagogically, Deep Learning Is...
- Going beyond knowing academic content knowledge from course.
- Skills that promote a student in becoming a lifelong-learner.
- Promoting a student to become a creative and critical thinker.
- Solving complex problems using what was learned in course across experiences and disciplines.
- Measured through assessments that create, apply, synthesize, and evaluate information.
Want to understand more?
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. (2023, May 10). What is deeper learning? - Kaleidoscope collective for learning.
Max, & Dev. (2024, February 8). Homepage. New pedagogies for deep learning.
Osika, A., MacMahon, S. Lodge, J., & Carroll, A. (2022, April). Deep and meaningful learning: Taking learning to the next level. The Times Higher Education.
Perrotta, C., & Selwyn, N. (2020). Deep learning goes to school: toward a relational understanding of AI in education. Learning, Media and Technology, 45(3), 251–269.
Saiz-Manzanares, M. C. Osoria, C. I. G. Diez-Pastor, J. F., & Anton, L. J. M. (2019, January 16). Will personalized e-learning increase deep learning in higher education? Information Discovery and Delivery. ISSN: 2398-6247
Seif, E. (2018, October 15). What is deep learning: Who are the deep learning teachers.
Structural Learning. (n.d.). Deeper learning.
Warburton, K. (2003), "Deep learning and education for sustainability", International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 4(1), 44-56.
Working with AI & Bloom's In Education
Bloom’s Taxonomy is a useful tool for educators to consider when the outcome for your students is to provide deeper learning when using the technology of an AI (artificial intelligence) such as ChatGPT. The table below provides examples, providing more ideas in the top 4 levels that focus on higher order thinking. You will find undergraduate ideas for teacher education and graduate ideas. Some are separated, others can be applied to either degree.
Cummins, Beese (2023) Working with ChatGPT in Education