- Are Academic Coaching Appointments in Person?
If a student is taking in person classes on campus, we do our best to have in-person meetings. However, many students at YSU take online classes and do not come to campus. In this case virtual meetings are offered!
- Where is the Academic Success Center Located?
The Academic success center is located in Kilcawley Center. Our door is at the bottom of the cement steps that lead up to the second floor of Kilcawley outside of the seating area for Dunkin Donuts.
- Do All Self-Referrals Need to Meet Weekly?
No. As a self- referral, you can meet weekly, bi-weekly or as you see fit in order to achieve your academic goals!
- How do I sign up for Academic Coaching?
- How long are Meetings?
Meetings tend to last between 20 and 30 minutes. However, this can look different for each student and depending on the week. Some students meet for 30 minutes one week, then 15 the next based on the difficulties they are facing at that point in time.
- What Does an Academic Coaching Session Look Like?
An average academic coaching session starts with a follow up from the previous week's meeting. Depending on the student’s situation, reviewing any new grades and discussing that week's assignments play a large role in the meeting.
- Where Are the Accessibility Academic Coaches Located vs. Other Academic Coaches?
At the ASC we have academic coaching in both the main office and the accessibility services office. The accessibility services office is located in Kilcawley as well. This office can be found by walking up the stairs closest to Jamba Juice and going through the door on the left at the top of the stairs.