Design Committee

Committee Information

Reports to:

Senate/Executive Committee


The Design Committee harnesses the abilities of faculty members to best utilize and improve our university’s campus, and broader impact on the built and natural environment. The committee approaches the university’s physical resources with intent to make the most of and improve upon facilities. Aesthetics, environmental concerns, and efficiencies are all under consideration. Making the most of extent facilities, seeing the campus as a tool for learning, and improving upon the university community’s environment are all within the committee’s purview. The committee works with the Facilities Office, and the Grounds Department to ensure best possible practices to make our campus an effective, useful, cutting edge and distinctive place that fosters a unique and forward-thinking university identity.

The committee would be charged with considering how design could better meet the university’s needs, but also with turning the campus into a laboratory for student learning about design and the environment. The committee would be responsible for enabling appreciation for the design qualities already present in the campus environment, but also facilitating campus improvements that could simultaneously be used as learning opportunities for our students. For example, can the energy efficiency of our buildings be improved? Can we go beyond just being a "tree campus" to weening the grounds of fossil fuels and becoming a "habitat campus" with greater species diversity? Can our buildings acquire green roofs? Can we use students to brainstorm about how to make our campus a unique experience that stands out to visitors (i.e. give us a distinctive public identity)?


The committee shall consist of one representative from each college. Ex officio members of relevant expertise to particular projects may be additionally sought.

Qualifications of faculty members:

Do not need to be Senate Members to represent college. It is desirable that the membership have some familiarity with issues of design, sustainability, ecology and/or efficiency.



Means of Appointment:

With the creation of Governance committee, have membership appointed via that body rather than the senate chair as is current practice.


None specified

Committee Members

Design Committee

Name/College or Area Represented

Email Address

Johnathan Farris (Chair)


Carmen Panaitoff, CSTEM


Mike Pontikos, WCBA


Frank Daloise, BCHHS


Dawna Cerney, BCLASSE


John Hyden, Admin.


Bill Spencer, Admin.


Marissa Schmidt, Student


Committee Worksheet Information

Academic Year 2022-2023 (docx)