The CDC continues to recommend vaccination for everyone 6 months of age and older. The flu vaccine protects against influenza viruses. Every year a vaccine is developed that contains virus strains that are believed will cause flu in the upcoming influenza season. For this reason, and also because immunity decreases after a year, the influenza vaccine is given yearly.
There is no charge for YSU students to receive the vaccine. This service is included in the student fee. Flu vaccines are available any time during Wick Primary Care hours for students, faculty, and staff. Insurance will be billed for faculty and staff vaccines.
The CDC also recommends flu treatment with antiviral drugs for those at risk of serious complications. Those at risk include young children, pregnant women, anyone with chronic health conditions, and individuals older than age 65. Complications of the flu include bacterial pneumonia, ear infections, sinus infections, dehydration, and worsening of chronic conditions.
Be proactive get vaccinated!