Rent Event Materials

No event is complete without some signature event details and accessories and some much needed props.  View our event inventory, make your selections and fill out the rental form.  One of our event coordinators will follow up t work out pick up and return details.  Don’t see what you need?  Let us know.  We would be happy to try to secure items outside of our inventory.  


Bitonte College of Health and Human Services Youngstown State University

Beeghly College of Liberal Arts, Social Sciences and Education YSU

Cliffe College of Creative Arts Youngstown State University

College of Graduate Studies Youngstown State University


Pete the Penguin

Sokolov Honors College


College of Science technology engineering and mathematics YSU

Williamson College of Business Administration youngstown state university


Y and Proud

Youngstown State University 1908 Animus Liberatus


Table Cloths and Runners

Y alumni

Bitonte College of Health and Human Services Youngstown State University


Beeghly College of Liberal arts social sciences and education YSU

Cliffe College of Creative Arts YSU


College of Graduate Studies YSU

College of Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics YSU


Describe process for borrowing/renting